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tweety51 ago

I have appreciated all your hard work and all the others who have kept the information flowing. This feels a lot like family and I hope to find a site half as good as this. I've learned a lot. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Lurker17 ago

Thanks tweety51. I appreciate you too. Where ever I land after this, I hope to retain my Lurker17 handle and hope others who recognize me say "hi"!

I hope Crensch finds a cozy new home for us, time is running short. Merry Christmas and may we all have a Happy New Year with Trump as POTUS for 4 more years!!!

tweety51 ago

I have always appreciated your kindness and even is so easy to be unnecessarily cruel hiding behind anonymity. God bless you and yours! I am hoping the same. God bless us every one.

Lurker17 ago

Just me being me. I tried to treat everyone with respect because for the most part (excluding the shills) all of the goats on VOAT deserve respect just for being here every day striving for truth. We've been through ups and downs too numerous to count together, some may have faltered at stressful times but we helped our fellow goats get back onto their feet and to carry onward. May God bless all voat goats everywhere! WWG1WGA!