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steven_feelsperg ago

Yes, take your lame jewish ass, your JIDFkin, your golems, and your bots with you to the gab containment zone. Stay in your safe space, free from criticism of jews and all their crimes throughout history.

inb4 how dare you divide by faith


As a genetic group, they are predisposed to certain behaviors, as all genetic groups are. Salmon swim upstream to spawn. Birds migrate. Cattle can walk almost immediately after being born. Giraffes eat tall branches; antelope eat grass. Lions live in packs and have their women hunt. Tigers work alone and hunt for themselves.

Jews are genetically schizophrenic.

Many other genetic illnesses predisposes jewish behavior toward things that sane people find utterly unconscionable and dangerous to their existence. The jewish Talmud explicitly says that non-jews are animals in human form, to be stolen from, murdered, defrauded, how young and how to dispose of their non-jewish fuck targets. As it frowns upon miscegenation, jews have reinforced their own genetic illnesses through the centuries. Jews do not consider non-jews converting to judaism (the religion) authentic because they’re not genetic jews (the race).

To summarize:

  1. DNA determines behavior
  2. Jewish behavior created jewish culture
  3. Jewish culture created the jewish religion
  4. The jewish religion reinforced the jewish DNA