scoripowarrior ago

I agree that Barr is a white hat. He has completed his part of the "plan" and is most likely still working behind the scenes just like I think Sessions is doing.

Fateswebb ago

"e" on parler, who is widely believed to be ezra when engaged in a AMA and asked if barr will be back in the same or some other form says "no"

This was done here:

scoripowarrior ago

Wow, just read through the link you posted. It sure sounds like a "Q" team member doesn't it.

Fateswebb ago

wish I could find, because someone made all screenshots of all the Q and As.. which made it much easier to find the ones because parler sucks for QnA

Fateswebb ago

Well... a lot of people actually think he IS (the main) Q...

IDK his writing style isn't the same I don't think.. but could be..

Either way he is certainly right up there in the mix with Q and the president and the great awakening.. this was the huge move Trump made for JFK finishing JFK legacy. this man right here Ezra.

numina18 ago

I like this, and hope Barr will re-emerge as a prosecutor of traitors.

itsmytime ago

I figured since the first I heard that Trump wasn't happy with Barr that it was all a ruse. Anything that Trump does these days, I see it as "slight of hand". And I mean that all in a good way.

Psalm67 ago

As my grandmother used to say, “Who knows anything anymore!”

1scm ago

Nice dig, but not the reality. Barr is behind barrs. Two reasons, he violated a deal he had with Trump and took Bribes for a long time. He was closely monitored. Appointing Durham 'special prosecutor' was the last thing he had to do for Trump. Reluctantly.

BBAnon ago

Good analysis anon. However, you lost me at "despite his CIA background".

joeballer ago

Bannon has been very clear though - he says Barr was fired, and fired because of the pressure Bannon (and his audience) put on it. Bannon, unless it's a misdirect but I don't think so, is clear that he thinks Barr abandoned his duty, and helped the deep state by 1) not disclosing that Hunter Biden was under investigation and 2) not doing anything on election fraud.

Publius1778 ago

Good for Bannon. I've been watching most everyday, but even Bannon puts out misinformation at times as he is an organ for the Trump admin.

heroinwinsagain ago

You fucking Jew. Anyone posting shit like this is a dumb fag jew.

Barr knows the Epstein's dip shit.

Qtard bullshit.

Do you never get tired of being wrong and dumb about everything

Publius1778 ago


Go suck your own white supremacist cock.

You are so buried under your hate and cynicism you attitude is sure to contribute to the problem.

aiiin1 ago

Barr was cover for the clintons Bidens et al

Barr is worth over $50 million,profited from hunters ties with china and ukraine,so did Chris wray

White hat my azz

corrbrick ago

Almost sounds like winter vacation: "See you next term!"

Biker ago

I'd like to think this is true & he can take a break for a time. Let the Military try the traitors. But then, there will be a boat load of Rico, voter fraud, trafficking, etc. prosecutions to do and a clean, re-branded DOJ to coordinate.

antiworldorder2 ago

I agree on most of what you said. At the time it just didn't read like a formal resignation letter, it just didn't hit me until reading your synopsis. I only once in my lifetime wrote a resignation letter and it had the word Resignation somewhere at the top that I regret and etc etc etc of course that's been like 20yrs ago. I also have near gave up on the fact that Barr is a White, until I'm proven wrong.

angelCole ago

Add the arrest of sexual deviant pedophile predator Peter Nygard which was done on the request of the DOJ. I wonder if that plane trip to Canada not long after the election by a DOJ plane had anything to do with the arrest. We thought maybe it was about the election and dominion's office being headquartered there. I guess both are possible simultaneously.

sheepdoggie ago

Cool, your in the game. Its called 'conditioning the turf ' . We know the boss never misses a beat. His record is impressive. His enemies are exhausted. They took early victory laps and now its wearing thin. They want him to concede and they now know he won't.

I saw this too with the letter. Didn't feel like opining, why? Because I know those 'tiring' asshats are reading eveything we write. Thats actually fun. So when I posted about the Lin Wood tweet bringing up Epstein being able to take down alot of people literally minutes after Barr 'situation' became public, I knew we were going to have some fun.

Trump will want to maximize the discomfort, suffering, anxiety, that sickening feeling when you can't sleep well before arrests and executions. He & the Fam have been through HELL and Back, now unlike US.

He will wait to the ABSOLUTE LAST MINUTE Exhasting ALL Options to TORTURE THE FUCK out of these scumbags. Just as they think they have Victory, they will be removed. MAXIMUM PAIN AND SUFFERING. NO MORE MR. Nice Guy.

He will Play with them EVERY LAST STEP OF THE WAY.

DNI Delay ? of course. To give them hope. THe Gov is going to shut down after no budget deal. 24th Day off, Gov Closed.



Sorry, Thanks For Playing !!!! GET IN THE VAN. CLINK

verboten ago

Barr has a very long swamp history. He "fixed" the Iran-Contra scandal by threatening to throw Reagan under the bus as an accomplice.

  • Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971 after Barr attended Columbia University, where he majored in government and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.
  • When Bush 41 became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others.
  • Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee that investigated abuses by the CIA, National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.
  • Barr joined George H. W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan). He rose from assistant attorney general to chief legal counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.
  • Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest. AG Barr preserved, protected, covered up, and nurtured the apparatus of drug smugglers and money launderers that he helped to create, and used Justice Department power to escape punishment and to crush the competition.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI banks scandal and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush. More on this in the next article.
  • Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically-connected international Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. Kirkland and Ellis’s clients including Jeffrey Epstein and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.
  • Barr successfully advocated the pardon of six former White House aides, including those convicted of lying to Congress or withholding information during the Iran-Contra investigation.

Publius1778 ago

No one denied that.

But we're talking about now.

He cut a deal I assume. He's forced to do the dirty work at DOJ and take the heat for doing the right thing.

Say want you want. His actions in the past speak for themselves, deep state. His actions now also speak for themselves, paying his debts.

There are some many comped people, grey hats, that if we just condemned them all morally we wouldn't have enough allies to achieve victory.

It's call the real world. Its not perfect. But as is say, you can't always get what you WANT, but you might get what you NEED.

verboten ago

You mean, like William E. Colby, the director of the CIA who spilled the beans about some of crimes the agency committed?:

He hasn't survived this, and the CIA has learned from this. If you try to leave, they will not kill you directly. Instead, they will start to kill random people around you, then colleagues, friends and then your family. The only way to stop it is suicide. As long as Barr has not committed suicide, I don't believe that he has changed the sides.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Yeah just look at the Kennedy brothers. They came from a corrupt family. They were natural shoe-ins because of it. But for some reason they had a change of heart. We all know how that went.

TheBRAINz ago

Good points.

aiiin1 ago


How Attorney General Bill Barr Built A $40 Million Fortune Chris Wray 0ver $50 mil.These are theives not white hat

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Blackmail works both ways. Some apples are working to redeem themselves from a rotten barrel.

RoBatten ago

The real Bill Barr . . .

stormymonday ago

My take was Bannon said he was fired, Bannon no fan of Barr.

Publius1778 ago

Look at the whole back and forth and Bannon's rather theatrical play-acting attitude.

Why does Epshtyn even mention Barr? Totally out of place. Notice Bannon talks about something like a X mas vaca for Barr.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

We need movement on the election very soon or it's all over. Trump is running out of time.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

The level of tardery required to believe this bullshit is astronomical.

Publius1778 ago

Believe what shit? I've stated facts? I did not draw ANY conclusions from them....

You did.

lord_nougat ago

It started out kind of good, I thought.

DarfyMcTavish ago

The question is: Did Barr resign, or do we presently have 2 AG's and a new DAG?

Publius1778 ago

Well if Barr is not officially resigned, it could just mean that he is on a leave of absence and therefore there must be an acting AG. That's not 2, that one replacing the senate confirmed AG while he is on leave.

Mind_Games ago

"Here's what we know"

No. What you've presented is speculation based on assumption.

Those aren't known facts, that's an opinion.

Publius1778 ago

You're a mind game dumb fuck shill.

Look at what is said. Everything in 1-8 are facts in the public record.

Your rhetorical strategy is like people saying there is no evidence of fraud.

You can neither think nor judge, nor understand thresholds of evidence if you are claiming what you are claiming.

Example. Are you saying Epstein and Maxwell in jail are a matter of assumption.

Are you saying that Bill Barr didn't appoint Durham special counsel?

Are you saying the lectures Bill Barr has given on the Constitution are deep fakes?

Mind_Games ago

Son, you have a leak somewhere in your head...and your brain has leaked out.

The residue you're now using isn't forming any coherent thought.

It appears that the only thing left is the stem.

Publius1778 ago

Furthermore I did not draw any conclusion about what all these fact actually mean, I didn't speculate, you and others are assuming that I am drawing a hopium conclusion from what I've said, I did no such thing.

PacaGoat ago

"Temps can be very DANGEROUS TO those who are targeted."

😎 scarmochi model

Publius1778 ago

That's right! Rosen is a Bushite it turns out with a sketchy past...

Donaghue seems to be the good guy. Perhaps Rosen will be pushed aside.

MolochHunter ago

i did take note that his resignation letter omitted a resignation. Trump's tweets announcing it were similarly inconclusive

Publius1778 ago

People are assuming I'm drawing hope filled conclusions from the facts, including this.

I don't know what it means, but I know that that's not a normal resignation letter.

It remains to be seen what it amounts to.

Veridic ago

Even if he is a white hat, you should act in your own best interest. You should hope for the plan, but trust in action. Trust in your own self.

Publius1778 ago

I couldn't agree more. Everyone has apparently drawn conclusions from my post that I myself did not make.

derram ago

Publius1778 ago

Ya'll draw your own conclusions from the analysis.

You notice I didn't draw any myself.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

You literally said 'AG Bill Barr is a White Hat: Here's How We Know.' That's a conclusion, dipshit.

Publius1778 ago

So you don't think a guy who has done what he did isn't trying to do the right thing for the country? Not sure what you think a white hat is but that doesn't mean they did nothing sketchy in their past, rather he appears to be trying to do the right thing now, in a time of great need for the country.

Tell my why I'm wrong instead of getting your panties wedged in your mental ass crack.

MAIDENanon ago

25 submissions to politics

22 submissions to news

13 submissions to funny

5 submissions to HDLunited

5 submissions to Niggers

Christosgnosis ago

Given that a temp appointment is taking his place, it would seem to be more like a leave of absence than a vacation - at least in my work place, job titles don't change when covering for someone else when they go on vacation.

Publius1778 ago

the titles are no the same "acting" is "acting"

Publius1778 ago

Absolutely, but if the paperwork is not processed for an official departure, it seems he could step back in without any problem

cantaloupe6 ago

Interesting, yes it's puzzling with mixed signals

Joys1Daughter ago

Logical assessment and overall review of Barr exit. Very refreshing and what we need more of rather than reactive emotions.

Hat tip to you Publius1778!

Publius1778 ago

God bless you. Between the shills and the emotion fags its pretty dicey right now. I made a point of not drawing any magical conclusions from the facts either, because I don't know what it all means, lol.

Joys1Daughter ago

That's why your post was brilliant! As a wise man reminded us over the past 3 years...use logical thinking. Keep assessing and posting.

I'm not sure what it all mean either but I have faith in God and The Plan and one thing I do know is we are all here for a reason.

Blessings to you Patriot!

hailstone ago Lou Dobbs interview with Tom Fitton Barr Not Good.

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the resignation of Attorney General William Bar:

Attorney General William Barr, after getting off to an excellent start by shutting down the corrupt Mueller investigation, failed to restore public confidence in the fair administration of justice by aggressively pursuing the unprecedented and illegal Obama-era spying abuses targeting President Trump. AG Barr was unfairly maligned by the Left because they feared he might prosecute their political allies. Instead, the reality is too many politicians and corrupt government officials seemed to get special dispensation from the Barr DOJ – Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, and McCabe, to name a few. Right now, for example, the Barr Justice Department is protecting Hillary Clinton directly by trying to shut down all Judicial Watch Clinton email discovery and FOIA lawsuits, while withholding the release of the Obamagate-era emails and texts of the Page/Strzok/McCabe anti-Trump cabal.

The Justice Department was a black hole in terms of transparency under Attorney General Barr.

It is imperative that President Trump take immediate steps to expose the full truth about the Obama administration’s spying and abuse of President Trump and other innocents, such as General Flynn. Americans are right to expect action, justice, and accountability from Special Counsel Durham on the worst corruption scandals in American history. Also, President Trump should ensure that the exploding Biden and election integrity scandals are fully investigated by the DOJ and other federal law enforcement agencies.

Christosgnosis ago

Lou Dobbs calls what he visibly sees - he's not one to engage in attempting to analyze and go deeper the way the OP did

hailstone ago

Tom Fitton?

Christosgnosis ago

Never seen Tom engage in the kind of seeking to sleuth out the 4D chess game being played either - he tends to stick with stuff that could be brought out in a court of law

Helena73 ago

But why does he wear so much blush?

MeanoReno ago

Who gives a shit if he wears blush or not. I care more about Tom Fitton’s hard work trying to preserve our republic.

Helena73 ago

So sensitive. Is he your dad or something?

MeanoReno ago

He’s my brother!

Helena73 ago

Tell him to cut back on the blush! ;)

MeanoReno ago

He’d say why don’t you take your own advice.

Helena73 ago

Good one!

MeanoReno ago

Upvote for you!

Pollycracker ago

I agree.

AlfredENewman ago

Barr was comped. He resigned.

Publius1778 ago

I certainly considered that. But as things stand now, I'm not so sure about that.

SpreeFeech ago

Ruby Ridge

WireResource ago

And Waco.

random128dsf321 ago

Never forget.

steven_feelsperg ago

(((barr))) does nothing

4D chess

Occum's razor. You think he is going to score all the points to win the game at the end, but he's simply running out the clock. This is unsurprising if you know he's jewish playing for Team Jew.

Publius1778 ago

Is that a Gilette razor? Where can I get one?

You speak of the simplest explanation and then you blame the Jews.

Simplest does not mean simplistic.

Lyonessrising ago

I had thought sane thing about the letter. More like "hey boss I'm going to do a thing"..but not "I resign."

I had monkey werx on YouTube the other day..Barrs plant went to Georgia..

Barr is a patriot.

SkelSoc ago

Well, I'll admit.

I don't know what the hell is going on.

Banky1974 ago

7 has always stood out the most for me. It's also why I believe that Barr being the "stealth bomber" couldn't possibly be correct. Barr was a lightning rod since he was confirmed. The corporate media has so thoroughly convinced Leftist Lemmings that Barr is nothing more than a corrupt Trump lackey, it would have been very difficult for mass indictments to be handed out by a Barr-led DoJ.

The President loves using temporary appointments to get serious work done. Now we'll see what happens in the next 35 days.

FractalizingIron ago

No, no, no. BARR is not the stealth bomber!! if the stealth metaphor / hint applies in this case, it is Rosen & Donoghue. They have now, right now, been uncloaked and brought to the fore.

I think that's the stealth bomber. Barr is the artillery performed in preparation of the major initiative. Decks now cleared, law and order, step aside.

Anyway, that's how I would interpret 'stealth bomber'.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

I believe also Huber.

FractalizingIron ago

I heard that Huber handed his work (Clinton Foundation stuff) over to Durham.

murface ago

Oh good, I was running out of the hopium, maybe this will get me through the night.

Publius1778 ago

you're either a shill or should be.


There's either liberty and the founding or there's global communism.

You pick your poison...

I've picked mine.

murface ago

To be clear, I picked mine, but it doesn't lie in the hopes and dreams of our government pulling through for us. I'm doing for myself and my kin, like we all should be. If we all did it we wouldn't be having these problems.

YOU have to standup for yourself and your family, not Barr, not Trump.

We formed this government to care for our rights and to manage external relationships, it has grown beyond that and it is up to the people to take action.

Helena73 ago

Fighting for liberty is not the same as clutching futily at the hope some dumb bureaucrat who has done NOTHING is going to save this country. Barr did nothing and now he’s quit.

Muntanolva ago

I think it's interesting the narratives that gets caught up in too. They pushed Jeff Sessions being a disappointment hard because they saw it as evidence against Q. Now they pushing the incredibly cringey Bill Barr and KFC Chicken Bucket meme very forcefully.

SuckaFree ago

Nice post. The letter was strange, indeed.

moderator99 ago

All good insights.

Especially this:

Is this a vacation? A leave of absence?

Six_Cents ago

Astute observations, time will tell, as with everything for the last 4+ years.

I certainly want to believe it. Beyond that statement, I'll keep me thoughts to meself.