That house of Cards is the home to the little putrid troll behind the curtain that runs all the skanks and scum. By no means are we ready to interupt their Joe & Kamallah show as the world watches the roaches surface. They are trying to take victory laps for the less than ten million legitimate (D)emons that voted for them. The same ten million (D)emons that were involved in all that hard work and effort to rig voting machines, submit fake ballots and throw real American Votes Cast for Candidates that were actually eligible in the trash. The other and last ten million, criminally harvested and filled out mail in ballots with falsified information.
WE as a group know exactly who these people are. I saw a good portion of them with my own eyes, I see them in my town and on my streets and NOW I know who they are in Office and Public Servitude. Worst of all, in my schools and positions of influence.
Continue to scrutinize where you spend your money. Don't give one penny to these organizations, businesses and You Vote with Your Pocketbook and Your Purse strings, Your Checkbook and Your Hard Earned Money. Don't stop there and vote with your time and your patronage. That cable box should be gone, the TV should be done with and replaced with on demand usage that you filter for yourself and your children. Don't even let the Poison Airwaves into your mind. The TV Programming is over the top. If you have kids or family I would highly suggest you start there and lets continue to take this system down Its our time to crush the WalMarts,Targets, Amazon, Netflix, Concast, Disney. Block as many ads as you can on your net usage and deny them payment, move to a mom and pop bank, grocery store and farmers market. EVERY PENNY & EVERY DECISION , EVERYTIME ! NO QUARTER & NO CONSENT !
Here is overhead footage, street and crowd view that the media blacked out, choosing to only show conflicts and tight pan shots of small gatherings before 10am.
AndyMan_45 ago
Tell it to durham.
If you want action, shoot them on sight. No one else will.
QJFKjr2024 ago
The way I see it is it will not be much longer till the overt arrests start and over the next four years we are going to see an amazing change it the US and the world.