Federal Agent Who Intimidated and Coerced Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower is a Trump-Hating Biden Supporter (thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted 4.3 years ago by ThunderBacon
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PacaGoat 4.3 years ago
Soon to be unemployed gitmo orange suit wearing biden suporter.
Qdini 4.3 years ago
Consider this to be a psyop to bait the MSM. Listen to the tape. Dragnet had better dialog.
The investigator says "This storm's about to get real". LOL, it is.
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PacaGoat ago
Soon to be unemployed gitmo orange suit wearing biden suporter.
Qdini ago
Consider this to be a psyop to bait the MSM. Listen to the tape. Dragnet had better dialog.
The investigator says "This storm's about to get real". LOL, it is.