Trope_ ago

We don’t have a racism problem. We have a nigger problem.

Tyrodragon ago

If you ever read Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe", you would see how utterly similar this is to how the Khazars once ruled. Anyone who was gifted in objectivity and perfectionism, were killed. It was said God gave them this gift, so they should be sent back to God. What a convenient way to keep the people in a lowly state of existence, No? It's evil, nothing more than cruel wickedness.

badbot ago

you say that like it's a bad thing

cantaloupe6 ago

Fear of open conflict, so burn loot and murder?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thanks ((( Common Core ))) !!!

Common Core was designed to push the false narrative of "White Privilege".

They also created and push the annual "White Privilege Conference" to educate individual teachers of every public school to officially enforce their false narrative.

Check out the "White Privilege Conferences" from 2014-2017

Common Core also has a national student database that is an actualy permanent record of each student in every school.

Then ((( MTV ))) pushed the documentary "White People" in 2015.

((( Tim Wise )))

((( George Soros's )) paid BLM Chimp on "White Privilege"

((( George Soros's ))) paid Fatass Arab on "White Privilege"

((( MTV's ))) - Laci Green pushes "White Privilege" - 2015

((( MTV's ))) Franchesca Ramsey 30 year old Nigger preaches "White Privilege" to Pre-Teens.