nautonier ago

I stopped watching FOX News when I saw how they lied about, and misrepresented, Ron Paul in 2007. But yeah, I don’t watch any MSM except to analyze the propaganda.

thebestisyettocome ago

Tucker needs to get off Fox and go to maybe OAN.

Hannity says the same thing over and over and Over. Seems to be Trump supporter though. Oh, but the repeating nightly.

Fire Tucker

Biker ago

Your notion NOT to watch Fox because you feel it's comped is not a great suggestion. You would miss many shows that are not by your definition "comped" on Fox. No one watches only one network any longer anyway. Have to watch a few and use some discernment as to what you "take away" re: facts, bias, lay of the land, etc.

0perationchromite ago

The Pundits brought in by Roger Ayle are out there telling the truth. They can not shut them down without destroying the company. The news division partially those in Washington have been corrupted.

Tyrodragon ago

I wonder what Paul Ryan is doing about it at Fox? He's been awful quiet lately. Hmmmmmmmmm.....

numina18 ago

I just watch Tucker.

Cgeo9 ago

Any network afriad to call out the jews is a complete waste of time

Silverarrow19 ago

How about you stop watching what you want and not tell others what they should do. I choose to watch Tucker, Levine, and sometimes Laura Ingrahm. I do my own research and compare.

Everything In media is comped in some way. Do you have a problem with controlling others much?

lifeduringwartime ago

Years ago

TippyHome ago

Yes comped. Watching OAN and Newsmax now. Done with fox. They are so comped. Completely.

Murphman64 ago

Did you one better. Got rid of my cabal box over 5 years ago. No movies, news, fake, ghey and rigged "pro" sports, Music etc...Took me a while to realize there is nobody on our side and no one is coming to the rescue. All government is evil. Not even a couple good people there.

MockingDead ago

They let NPR imply Tucker lies by defending their ability to lie.

smi889 ago

Newsmax is a good alternative. It streams free.

smokratez ago

Stop watching any jew tv. It's all brainwashing. It's like a manual on how they want you to act. How you are suppposed to react to situations or stimulas. You get anxiety from watching tv. It's literally psychological warfare, that you subject yoursefl to. Please stop.

ditzee ago

Stopped watching in 2016. OAN and Newsmax are good.

thebottomline ago


AlternateSelection ago

Stopped watching any MSM TV a long time ago. Occasionally I learn about some hit show that I have no idea about. Don't recognize supposedly famous TV personalities. Whenever I'm caught in a waiting room with a TV on, I'm reminded again why the hell I cut that cable. Especially with these idiotic daytime talk shows and morning "news" talking heads.

Charmark ago

The intelligent American will watch the Lies of the press, and then Email the Advertisers of their lies and demand they stop promoting the lies or you will never BUY their product. WE vote with our Dollars.

SenoritaPants ago

I stopped over a year ago, when they were purchased by Yesnid

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I het all my news for Voat!!

reason247 ago


anekdotin ago

i watch my news at

CryptoBard ago

can I get a: " Except Tucker Carlson excerpts from youtube* "

redstarkachina ago

They should have sent Brett Baier to moderate, he is actually ones of the fairest to both sides, most level headed news hosts

bourbon90 ago


1Paydaddy ago


lord_nougat ago


I still like Tucker.

Chantebo52 ago

I'm beyond done!! I stopped listening to Hannity rant on and on and on with no results. I like Tucker but the same thing-nothing ever happens. Laura, etc-blah blah blah-nothing happens and then they hire Brazille and keep the leftist idiot cuck Juan and now the POS leftist shit for brains wallace "moderates" SHILLS for the left, the "debates"!! Fuck them!!! MAGA!!

co2_emitter ago

All day today the people who are typically Trump friendly, have done a 180.

jiggawatt ago

I agree with this post.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I can't stop.

I never watched it to begin with.

AndyMan_45 ago

It ain't like we'd miss anything, like arrests or justice being served.

Rnlynn ago

Already have cut them off. Traitors.

un1ty ago

Its ridiculous anyone still watches them with no salt (or MSG):

  1. they were bought by Disney.
  2. Rupert gave it to his ULTRA LIBERAL son, who quit because it not liberal enough
  3. Donna Brazile.
  4. ???
  5. Quit watching any mainstream BS for news. Watch it for a counter sink - altnews is best. MSM is to counter what the narrative is. The truth lies between the lines, i.e. WHAT IS NOT SAID.

JaffaKree ago

Point of correction, Fox News is NOT owned by Disney.

bisQuit ago

Fox News is only watchable from Tucker to Ingraham, with Hannity being annoying as hell in the middle

tury ago

If you watch Talmudvision, the kikes are right about you, that you're stupid.

kishind ago

The Simpsons and Family Guy are both how jews think of white people, especially whites who drink and watch TV.

clubberlang ago

Echhhhoooooooooooo chamberrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........listening for response.

scoripowarrior ago

I have a question so bear with me. Last night after the debate I came here to see what others had to say. I wasn't able to log in (error message) for hours! When GA is down, where do we go? I went to (forgot my pw) but found nothing. Discord was/is not easy to manuever. Any ideas, guys?

bopper ago

Post a link next time please..

invisiblephrend ago

friendly reminder that chris wallace is a kike.

playingintheband ago

A Full-fledged one at that. Both parents (Mike "60 Minutes" Wallace and a jewess) were noses/tribe members/saturday people. They named their kid Christopher after Christopher Columbus (that must have gone over well at the synagogue lol). Chris Wallace is simply doing what jews do; working for the mega-jews whose goal is to fuck the goyim and rule the world. I'm glad to see him getting grief for the shit he pulled last night. What would be even better would be if some ultra-secret wetwork team got the go-ahead to take him out, if for no other reason than being such a DISK toward our POTUS.

Alemary ago

I watch different shows on different sources. VOAT, Freerepublic,Breitbart,

Twitter personalities(Trump, Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, Dilley)

Newsmax- Greg Kelly, America’s voice- Steve Bannon, Fox Buisness- Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartriloma.

I listen to Rush every day as I’m a sales rep on the road during the day.

So, I’m quite engaged but pick and choose what I want to watch or listen to. The above is just go to’s when I get opportunities.

scoripowarrior ago

I like to listen to Red Eye guys at night on my internet radio with Gary MacNammara and Eric ? (forget last name).

Alemary ago

Never heard of them. I’ll check them out. Thanks!

crazy_eyes ago

stop watching tv period

lord_nougat ago

Ew. Don't watch any periods!

dirtbeard ago


Qd4Action ago

I will watch OANN and get conservative analysis from Breitbart, Wilkow and Levin on Sirius. Tucker Carlson is good, as is Lou Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro. I'll catch them from time to time.

scoripowarrior ago

I can only take Lou Dobbs interrupting for so long. I like Elizabeth MacDonald. She's on just before Dobbs. She's pretty good. (on Fox Business News).

reason247 ago

What is TV?

lord_nougat ago


reason247 ago

Me: what the hell? ... Hits context button. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

lord_nougat ago


reason247 ago

Gas them all...

lord_nougat ago


Okay, goddam it, that's enough crapslock!

1Paydaddy ago

First We Fuck Fox, Then We Fuck Fox Again!

Hoppinmad ago

I only look at mainstream news to find out what they are planning next.

Maersk ago

Some employees called out Wallace, but yes. Laura is compromised as well it seems. Fuck Hannity. I cant lie I love Tucker

Alpha-As-Fuck ago

OAN is all you need

Naughtius_Maximus ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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jcuriousity18 ago

ONLY support Tucker!

super_snake ago

"Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks" --George Carlin

patriot2008 ago

I stopped watching Fox News 7 years ago when it changed. When did Murdoch get in trouble for listening to phone calls in England? 8 or 9 years ago? That's when the Globalists got him to allow them into his News co.

fnbs010 ago

I cant even remember the last time i sat and watched the news, on any station, theres enough sources online to get to the bottom of any "news"

BeerYoda ago

Stop watching TV. It's fucking garbage. Read books. Listen to podcasts. Pick up a guitar. Call someone. Meditate. Pray. Lift weights. Sit on your porch. Take pictures. Fly a kite. Go fishing. Hunt. Get a fucking life.

Retired_Warrior ago

It makes no sense to sit and watch fake family's lives while not living your own, does it?

mhyde1 ago

Get a fucking life.


beethy ago

Listen to this man.

RedBullTrooper ago

Radio scanner.

noogaboy ago

Stopped 7 years ago!

Silverarrow19 ago

Don’t be telling people what to do or not do. That is their business not yours. I watch what I decide has something worthwhile to listen to and I turn off or don’t watch the rest. It makes me wonder about people here always telling people what to do and yet this whole sub is to be giving information against the powers that want to control us. Dumb.

Babadookk ago

its like telling someone 'dont jump off that cliff.' its not like big brother, its a blatant 'dont do this thing because its obviously harmful.'

SixBajillion ago

Better yet just get rid of your TV

rickki6 ago

Haven’t turned on a news channel in over 4 years

veteran88 ago

Fox news is for faggots. Except Tucker and even then sometimes they make him tell rediculous lies like the civil war had anything to do with slavery.

kishind ago

Slavery is listed as the reason in Georgia's secession documents...

Lincoln didn't care about slavery, he wanted the union to stay whole no matter the cost.

veteran88 ago

That's one state how many were there in the CSA

PixieJean ago

I never watch main steam or cable news. I research and read all alternative news sources. I have learned over the years that you get zero credible information from any of the main stream/cable players. You even get more credibility from foreign new sources.

Herpderpicus ago

Stopped a long time ago.

Keneo77 ago

I have no cable TV, I listen to Tucker sometimes on SiriusXM. No one needs cable TV anymore, get an Android box with internet and wifi if you want visual entertainment.

super_snake ago

How anyone can stand listening to that bitch is beyond me. His name is "Tucker" for fuck's sake...that's bad enough.

donotreply2 ago

Android? I try my best to have nothing in my house with that crap. May as well add one of those big brother devices in your home.

aer9ERub ago

GrapheneOS. There are others that don't have Google Play nor uninstallable shit from Facebook, Twitter, etc as well.

clubberlang ago

Its free and for. 99 a month for the 1st 4 mos you also get streaming pedomovies!!! Shhhhhhhhhhh sleeeeeep

Keneo77 ago

Also get a VPN and No worries

Keneo77 ago

They're not big brother device's without Alexa.

Basballdude ago

True that.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Stop watching any network news and if you see a story that sounds interesting to you independently research it every single time. Take nothing at face value. There are independent reporters on YouTube with more credibility than any of the major news networks.

Retired_Warrior ago

I have not bought a television since 1986. I'm much happier without one and better yet, no stupid conversations about what people watched last night. I quite honestly do not care what you watched.

SkyeVeritas ago

My new 4K television is my large screen for the new Linux sys. Has Roku and all that crap; major commercials. I am not interested in that crap.

CrackinZ ago

My 82 YO dad moved in with me. The fucking TV is god to him. He believes everything and gets totally stressed out at everything he hears. I beg and beg him to stop listening and listen to music or anything else instead. He's addicted and I would feel too guilty taking it away. $200+ bucks/mo I have to spend on this garbage. HELP!

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to change him at that age. It would probably be better for both of you if you just let him be as he is. That is the unfortunate truth.

SleepySleepy ago

Introduce him to YouTube.

500five ago

Maybe get OANN and remove a lot of the extra stuff.

mhyde1 ago

YOU do not have to spend the money! You know it is bad for him too. Be the grownup in the room and make some good decisions. Tell him you can see it is upsetting him, then wean him off of it. Tough love is not just for kids.

skrib ago

No, these are our oligarchs' channels. Watch them. Oligarchs know what's best.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

I watch OAN. And aggregate

All else is static.

freshoffyourmom ago

OAN shills for Israel.

RoBatten ago

I might catch Tucker or Lou on the jootube, but I don't watch any TV. I don't have cable. I don't have an antenna on the TV. It just sits in the living room like furniture . . .

super_snake ago

Tucker is such a stupid cunt. My dad watches him and it makes me want to shoot myself in the face--haven't decided whether to press the barrel to my ears or eyes.

awake-now ago

I have three that haven't been turned on in 3 1/2 years. Surprisingly I haven't missed them at all.

Lyonessrising ago

Same here.

It's just not worth it.

Lurker17 ago

The Air Antenna is a great investment if you enjoy the older programming from late 1950s through the 1980s. Lots of Westerns, Lucy, Cannon, Mannix, The Fugitive, Star Trek (all series), Dragnet, Highway Patrol, Adam-12, CHiPs, Gomer Pyle, Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres ... much much more. The old stuff is so much better than most everything created in the last 20-30 years. Cheap and easy way to escape the politics when you feel like it.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Where do you find all those shows?

Lurker17 ago

Yes, they have a few commercials, but not intolerable. The small price to pay for not sending $80 or more a month to your evil cable provider who will bury you with intolerable commercials and use that money for evil purposes against your interests.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Some of my favorite shows when I was a kid, Gunsmoke, Laramie, The Lone Ranger! Thank you!

Lurker17 ago

There are other guides too, just search "OTA tv" and check them out.

For less than the price of one month's cable you can get an amplified antenna, some coax cable and watch the old classics.

kishind ago

That hypnotic glow and endless ads kill it for me.

TV makes my skin crawl its been so long.

Lurker17 ago

I enjoyed these shows as a kid, watching them again with older eyes unlocks new understanding and fond memories of my (now deceased) parents and I watching them together. It's great to watch clean programming bereft of political and ideological messaging. American entertainment the way it used to be.

kishind ago

When I go back to shows I enjoyed when I was young, I notice all the places where they're normalizing faggotry and degeneracy.

Lurker17 ago

The early days of social engineering (1960s-1980) or more recent shows (1980s and up)? The old stuff was very subtle if it was there at all.

kishind ago

Sorry, that's too personal. I will say I've heard The Brady Bunch was pretty fucked up behind the scenes.

Anything since 1965 should be viewed with suspicion.

Lurker17 ago

Yes, many shows had a dark side/stories that were never revealed until years later.

kishind ago

Hollywood became what it is today through the jewish branch of Capone's Chicago Syndicate after his death, it's been (((theirs))) since before it was big.

nigger_plz ago

Yes. Been watching Leave it to Beaver on OTA. It's great. Family show, they all eat together, the Dad is always talking to Beaver about life things even though he's 8 years old. You'd be amazed how tender and loving that show is. It'll never die. Munsters is the same type of show. Great movies too. Saw Gaslight on the Movies channel. The one with Ingrid Bergman. It's where gaslighting came from.

Have Gun Will Travel is cool. The cowboy hero, Paladin, recites Shakespeare and other historical figures. Love watching Highway Patrol. Those 50's cars are beautiful. It's like they're the star of the show.

Lurker17 ago

I love watching Have Gun-Will Travel! 2 episodes every morning. Lots of great cars on Adam-12 too, classics from the late 60s and early 70s. One caveat of these old shows and movies, I get to see some famous actors work before they became famous. So many of them started with the old westerns. Even young Leonard Nimoy, I saw him playing as an Indian in one western. Love seeing the old Bogart movies, top quality entertainment!

fullthrottle1949 ago

Got rid of satellite over 15 years ago, updated to a large digital antenna in attic and get over 45 plus channels, use only 2, rest is all Internet work.

Lurker17 ago

I get about 26 here, use 4 and I'm happy.

fullthrottle1949 ago

Mostly Grit, ME, and Get...all classics. The cats love it.

Lurker17 ago

I have H&I, MeTV, Comet (for old SciFi) & Charge! for my most viewed channels. The picture is so much clearer and bigger than when I saw some of these shows originally air. We only had a 17" b/w portable with 3 good weather channels when I was a child!

fullthrottle1949 ago

Same here, I'm watching the shows I missed while messing with cars, girls and guns. ..not in that

Lurker17 ago

Exactly! I've seen so many episodes of old favorites that I don't remember ever seeing, so often it is like new episodes for me. These OTA channels will play the series from front to back, then repeat once or twice before replacing the series with something new. I used to hate channel flipping on cable, paying hundreds of channels with nothing to see. Then to discover the nepharious activities of the cable/Hollywood/sports industry; I had no choice but to cut the cord. OTA fills that entertainment void (and my VHS collection of about 500 older movies that I seldom watch), saves me money, takes money away from team evil, I avoid the Marxist propaganda infesting their programming. It's a win-win-win-win!

Iheartcatfood ago

Is that a website? Isnt querying on jewgle

Lurker17 ago

Free over the air TV. Just buy a decent digital antenna, $35 and up. Amplified version preferred, and you can pull in broadcasts from up to 60mi away. The antenna is usually placed in the upstairs or attic, plug is standard coaxial cable type. No cable box, just use your TV channel tuner.

Here's a TV Guide, plug in your zipcode and see what is available in your area.

playingintheband ago

I cut cable 3 years ago and put up a digital high def antenna on the roof. For only around $40, the 26" high antenna even has a rotating motor that works via remote control. All I had to do is connect the antenna output to the old cable box outside my house and voila!, I get up to 65 digital channels - around half are 720p or 1080p - from every coaxial wall plate throughout my house. The motor gets its power from an AC Booster/splitter the antenna cable connects to in the garage. And as Lurker17 said, there are lots and lots of great old programs being shown 24/7. Plus, on the rare occasion when I need to check out the local news channels (for severe weather, etc.), I can get ALL of them in hi-def. One of my better moves (says Mrs. Playingintheband :)

Thanandon ago

I got rid of my cable tv about three years ago and it was the best decision I ever made.