SkyeVeritas ago

Well done!

noeffort ago

RNC SUCKS, give $$ directly to candidates you support..

noeffort ago

RNC does it every time, picking or agreeing to swamp rats.... they approved it, deserve what they get....

slick2020 ago

What? Trump would not even stay quiet long enough to HAVE a debate, small wonder Wallace had no choice but to cut him off. The guy doesn't even follow the rules he agreed to.

Blue333 ago

You disrespect the President you disrespect everyone who voted him in - he serves US - by telling him to shut up he’s telling Americans to shut up. Think about that.

TheWitnessOfCacti ago

For Wallace it was like riding a wild bull.

DanijelStark ago

Well, if Chris Wallace didnt make the list ... he made the list now.

lanre ago

Apparently the count was 76 Trump interruptions vs 50ish something for Biden. I think this is more Wallace's fault for not controlling the debate and letting Trump walk all over them both.

ShamWOW2020 ago

Biden is a typical leftist dirty democrat douche bag who is corrupt as hell and who can't stop lying spinning and exaggerating about everything.

ShamWOW2020 ago

Trump and the Trump campaign were off the charts stupid to agree to let that vile ignorant libtard twerp Chris Wallace moderate that debate. Wallace setup Trump with gotcha questions and was generally a complete asshole and an embarrassment who should be fired from Fox. Who has the Trump campaign agreed to moderate the next 2 debates? Biased libtards no doubt.

Q20191776 ago

And yet, it allowed Chris Wallace to expose his bias so blatantly that it is unavoidably noticeable.

Zadim ago

Must be some kind of mis-translation somewhere, bunch of Canadians said wired-to-go Joe did very well and Trump was a clown (that was the English version - not the French, Hindi or Chinese translated versions).

Lurker17 ago

You mean Trudeau's personal $600M news Corp CDN said that?

Q20191776 ago

Biden cleared the VERY LOW "did very well" bar against the VERY LOW expectations of Biden.

With President Trump, the expectations are VERY HIGH.

Cannot do a complete job of compare and contrast without including that important fact.

Zadim ago

Your clarification is graciously noted. Does the biden bar contain 'a pulse" in the criteria?

Gorillion ago

Said it on another thread: this wasn't a debate it was an attempt at a televised marxist/communist Struggle Session.

What is a Struggle Session?

Wiki and other quick-search sources place it entirely in the Chink/Maoist camp. But it's not. It's pure Jew/European Bolshevik in origin. I think it even originates from inside the Tribe itself as an internal punishment for any signs of non-solidarity in individual members (echoed in modern "Intervention" techniques, except controlled physical violence is allowed).

The best illustration of it I've seen was by Razorfist in this video: Bear with it if you find his delivery style too oddball. You won't get a better Cliff Notes on Communism in America than this. Hit 17mins for the Struggle Session part, but recommend watching all of it, then RF's follow up video here: The Last Gasp of Red Hollywood

It shows how even holding the position that being reasonable (ie: non-psycho SJW in your manner of discourse) in your subversion is not only not acceptable, but punishable. That the spiteful aggression, gloating demoralization and sick degenerate aspects are an important part of the culture-cracking rituals. And that they will absolutely destroy their own to hammer that concept home among their foot-soldiers.

All must be inversion of the host nation's norms. And all must shut up, kneel down, and listen and believe what is dictated.

1scm ago

there is a reason why wallace looks like a rat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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TheGook ago

when will Trump see that joo not his friend :(

WolfgangBlack ago

When he is in hell and Lucifer Shekelstein is ramming large objects up his ass.

ReAwakened ago

When he disowns his grandchildren.

Nonymous608 ago

Wallace was a complete fucking joke. I want to hear TRUMP and BIDEN debate (bicker) about different topics, not fucking listen to Biden recite talking points and Chris Wallace cover for him.

Chris Wallace is a disgrace.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Fox News is most definitely not fair or balanced.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

POTUS had to debate 3 people last night.... Biden, Wallace, and whoever was at the other end of the wire he was wearing.

SkyeVeritas ago

There also were things in his left cuff area in addition to his wristwatch. effing cheater....

MuhMueller ago

When the bat is laying on the ground it is pretty easy to get over it.

Qanonplus1 ago

Yeah but Trump did himself no favors by constantly interrupting Biden. It looked bad.

I'll vote and love Trump no matter what but he's got to be quiet when Biden talks. Let Biden hang himself. Trump just needs to let Biden hang himself. Trump doesn't need to interfere.

Lurker17 ago

To some extent, I agree. However, it must be excruciating, after all the good things Trump has accomplished in 3½ years to stand there and listen to Biden lie, lie, lie about Trump's record without rebuke. I would (and did) find it infuriating, then add that Chris doesn't call Biden out on his debunked lies but does jump in to step on Trump's truthful answers that the media does not want to acknowledge. Exasperating.

Trump will get the last laugh, but this 2 on 1 cage match bullshit is infuriating. I can understand Trump's desire to get the facts out there, no matter how much Chris and Biden tried to dispute them.

nevergiveup2them ago

I agree. It was too much. I cant figure if PDJT knew he wouldn't get a chance to rebuttal or if he just couldn't help himself to not talk. He could have saved the replies to Joe and knocked them out of the park, but he just squabbled with Joe and Chris. It was 2 on 1 all night.

langoma ago

He is the worst!! Hope he is never picked again!! Roundly disliked on both sides.

CrackerSlant ago

Watch the Biden Ryan debate from 2012, Joe was a piece of shit with interruptions.

Mmmmkaybitch ago

It was pathetic. Wallace is a disgusting human.

bruno196101 ago

A piece of disrespectful trash. If he let Trump go he would of wiped the floor with Biden.

Pollycracker ago

Come on man!

Rhondaher ago

Can you imagine Joe telling Putin to Come on man.

Pollycracker ago

I not only imagine it, but think of Putin licking his chops over the prospect of a Biden Presidency. It will make the Uranium Debacle seem like a walk in the park.

Rhondaher ago

And China will be popping Champagne.

Pollycracker ago

... and the Queen will be dancing a jig.

FannyCraddock ago

Now do the number of times Trump talked over Biden vs the tines Biden talked over Trump

Pepper-theDoctor ago

He wasn't being given a chance to respond while Chris was passing the mic to Biden

Qanonplus1 ago

Trump needs to sit back and let Biden hang himself.

Biden doesn't need Trump to hang. Biden can do it alone.

TheCompanionCube ago

Itll be an unpopular opinion here but that was my take too

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The format was purposely designed be a shitshow. Chris Wallace discuss none of Biden's record and cut Trump off when he brought up the H1N1 response.

I thought the worst part was when Joe Biden told the president of the United States to 'JUST SHUT UP' when it was Trump's turn to speak!

They just want to treat Trump like he's not the president and won't give him the respect for the office and for that they deserve nothing.


ReAwakened ago

Chris Wallace is a jew excreted from the loins of two jews. What do you expect? Quit expecting him to act like a human.

swimkin ago

He also cut off Trump when Trump mentioned Antifa. Guess you can't talk about Antifa or George Soros who funds them.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Scrapedneepuks ago

Wallace is a fuk stick of the 1st degree- Why POTUS agreed to use that POS is beyond me.

SkyeVeritas ago

Wasn't it the GOP who made the choices for moderator(s)? Our President would never be allowed such a choice.

Gorillion ago

Forced the Deep State to burn up yet another of their operative's credibility.

Prior to this event, most people would have agreed with the notion that Wallace was a largely unbiased media voice. A news icon, really. Now it's everywhere that he's just another dirty jew who changed his name playing dirty jew games on the goy.

UndercoverGoyim ago

Yep. At around the 30 minute mark Wallace heard in his earpiece "oy vey shut it down!" after seeing Trump was dominating their shabbos goy.

Shadowlight ago

Wallace to Biden: Mr Vice President....

Wallace to Trump: Sir....

Shadowlight ago

He couldn't allow Trump to spill the beans on Moscow paying Hunter.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Trump got that in but they would not discuss Joe Biden's actual policy for H1 N1 flu or the crime bill and no talk about social security and the simpson-bowles trash Biden try to promote

Shadowlight ago

He did but Wallace kept cringing and interrupting after.

And why did Biden not get the "disavow antifa" question?

goofy300 ago

Trump never let him ask it. The debate was a shit show because Trump came off as a bully. Wallace spent the majority of time trying to get a handle on the debate. More questions could have been asked if Trump would have stop interrupting Biden and just let him speak and then in his 2 minute rebuttal time he could have hit back and made more headway against Biden than he did with the interruptions. Most people did't really hear what he said last night anyway as sometimes all three people were talking at the same time. Trump needs to get more patient and POLISHED the next round of debates or he will lose this election. I am voting for Trump and this is how I read the mess Trump created last night. He made it the shit show not Wallace. And I am not a Wallace fan. Never was a fan of his dad either. Hated 60 minutes when he was on it and still don't watch the show. Trump found out last night he can't get Biden totally lost in thought. Does not matter that Biden was using advanced electronics to make this whole thing work. I think there was a listening device on his right shoulder area, and possibly using AR contacts maybe as he kept closing his eyes. Whether that was to clear his irritated eyes or to better comprehend the voice coming over the wire I don't know. To the average american citizen they didn't see the little things that sent up red flags. The wire coming out of Bidens jacket or the device sticking out of his sleeve. Trump needs these debates to redpill the country. Last night I would say he sent out a black pill. I know Trump turned me off last night to the point I wanted to turn off the debate. That is not a good sign.

Cucky_Sanders ago

my takeaway

  • Biden had an earpiece (cheating)
  • Wallace was not even close to fair and neutral in questioning and moderation (more cheating) (more deep state exposed)
  • Trumps strategy of interrupting and bulling to rattle Biden could have been situationally useful but was overplayed

In summary: Biden did better than most expected. The drugs, earpiece, rehearsing and biased Wallace clearly helped prevent a blow out. I could still see and hear signs that Biden is scatter-brained.

The President won this debate but could have been better at times. 57-43 or 55-45. Without Wallace bailouts it would have been crazy bad for biden like 85-15.

Shadowlight ago

Wallace was never going to ask it.

You're lying to yourself if you believe that.

nevergiveup2them ago

because its an idea only.....

Shadowlight ago

Just like Q. But one gets banned.