Revodude2 ago

He tried to maximize the damage, but now the dems are freaking out because Trump is undoing their efforts and much more. Another 4 years will allow President Trump to lock in our freedoms. We will still be fighting the culture war. That is a long term effort.

songs ago

Lock Renegade up ASAP

rickki6 ago


Don_Tomaso ago

Since the jaw is a dem joke I certainly hope someone will manage to bumrush the kenyan traitors mansion, pour gasoline on the cocksucker and lit the filth on fire!

Azamuku ago

You mean Barry Soetoro? That dudes a fag!

numina18 ago

Let's change that to "might" not "may". He lost, the Cabal lost, the DS lost. This is the clean up part of the struggle. Keep watching. Pop some popcorn. It's all good!!

TexasInfidel ago

Not even close

America has been legally killing babies since 73.

The list before obama is quite long.

Corperate Sin as a nation has us now in 2020

Moln0014 ago

Barack Obama is like any other nigger. Whatever niggers are in charge of or where ever niggers live, it goes to hell.

XSS1337 ago


tech-adm ago

That last line, about them running to somewhere farther like Switzerland or Berlin to escape is extraordinarily telling and interesting.

Octocopter ago

Blaming a symptom instead of the cause

GotimeisNOW ago

And what are you doing about it? Memes? Today is the day 3000 people were murdered by Bush/Rinos/DeepState. Obama had 8 years of destruction annnnnnd crickets. Q say's to stand down? Be patient - watching a movie? And you people call yourselves Patriots? Fiddle while Rome Burns?
No, I'm not new. I've been following Q since the first post. I see more clowns in the Q movement everyday. Q is not GOD. Q is pacification - Bolsheviks are here and they are about to take it all up a notch.

sheepdoggie ago

Tucker is finishing strong. I want the real data and the real debate of who is that person and corresponding list of the top 100 and explicit detail of the horrific actions.

Whatevahh ago

Best Tucker show ever.

RebornChrist ago




GotimeisNOW ago

100% At least one person in this clown show take responsibility. I am at fault too. Was too busy making money in the Hedge Fund world to care during OBAMA. Now, success is booked and means are not an issue- but I look back in shame as I didn't care. I have never been political. Both parties are scum. But now, as a capitalist, I've been drawn in to the fight. People better wake up. Most don't have a pot to piss in, let alone enough funds to carry them the rest of their life if the SHTF. Meme's are not gona save you.

RebornChrist ago

I'm with you, something isn't right, they guilty should be in jail by now, yet they are free as you and I.

Enough, damned arrests need to happen.

Thanandon ago

Obama's entire reason for existence was/is to bring about the demise of the US.

How has that not been clear ?

Oh_Well_ian ago


nahhh.. let's not forget the Neocons, 9/11, Iraq War and the Patriot Act

bush and obama are hand in glove and deserve equal blame

Whatevahh ago

My daughter was serving in Iraq when Bush looked under his desk for WMDs. That cemented my belief that NeoCons sux worse than Dems.

RobertJHarsh ago

I still think that Dubya the Inbred did way more damage. I cannot understand why people keep calling Barry the worst when Dubya did way more.

CowWithBeef ago

Wilson, FDR, and Johnson would be hard to top.

1960bell ago


MolochHunter ago

he's just an accelerant at the end of a long arced trajectory

if Obama didnt come along, someone else with similar intentions would have

Whatevahh ago

It's always amazed me that Hillary and just sit back and let him become president let that one sink in. But she needed the State Department to money launder ur tax dollars into her charity.

dirt_reynolds ago

And it was intentional.

Time4puff ago

Bushes and Clinton were destroying America long before Obozo got there. The difference is they laid the groundwork for total control in secret. Obozo was obvious, relied on spying, underhanded tactics of retaliation to keep his underlings in line. Americans eventually saw through him... and that’s why we have a President Trump. Time will tell if we can turn this ship around.

ScreaminMime ago

Word, Obumbler was just the next puppet for the same hand and McBush & Rombo were just pretend opposition to keep anyone like Ron Paul far away from the Executive Office.

Simonbelmont27 ago

The people behind him who you've never heard of are the ones

AlternateSelection ago

Yep, you are correct. Un-elected people who's names we do not know are pulling the strings. Barry is a puppet fully owned by the cabal. What's happening to us now is being orchestrated by external globalist pigs with evil arrogant plans for us all. The sooner people wake up to this reality, the better.

Whatevahh ago

He's the Manchurian candidate the CIA installed. Brennan is up to his bald head in it.

No doubt.

AUSAFVet ago

If hildabeast won, the wheels would have been in the final motion.

TRUMP 2020 or we WILL be Doomed!

GotimeisNOW ago

No, they will be doomed. We are ready.

mr_anthrope ago

You know, if Obama wouldn't have beaten Hillary in 2008 she probably would have been elected President. Bush had made the republican party universally hated and not even republicans liked McCain, so the democrat was going to win. We're kinda lucky that Obama was President, because the alternative would have been worse. Obama is a piece of shit nigger, but thanks to him Hillary never became President.

PGLiterati2 ago

Yeah, she would have won. But would she have been as successful at sabotaging the country as Obama? Not sure. She's hideous and evil but she is not well liked and she is white. I am not sure she would have had the complete free hand that Obama had. Either way--it doesn't almost matter--it was all orchestrated and has been since LBJ took over.

stature ago

Just one thing O accomplished, no HRC, that's looking on the bright side.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes there are two options in November:

  1. Trump wins and purges the deep state once and for all


  1. The deep state cheating is overwhelming and Trump loses. The Biblical End Times ensue.

There is no in between

AUSAFVet ago

Bottom line that are the only 2 ways this will go

Pray to God with your whole heart and soul that TRUMP wins and we can start the clean up

KyJane ago

Obama is probably thanking you for the compliment. I'm sure he feels very proud of himself for all that he accomplished.

He'll be very disappointed when it's all undone in the future and he's doing the jitterbug of death.

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KyJane ago

Then he's probably thanking whoever said it.

AndyMan_45 ago

That half black faggot hasn't the mental capacity to bring about our demise. Sure, he set the wheels in motion of his scrawny attempt, but only we, and our current government, can allow the success of it. We could end this degeneracy in a day, we just have to do it.

BonnieRic ago

I agree. Prove who started the virus on purpose. Clean up the media. Read the horrendous ideas in the Democrat Congressional bills aloud on the news, so the citizens can see what they want to do to us. Make the public aware of the declassified docs that show the coup against Trump and Flynn. That ought to help unify the public for our beautiful American cause.

Drunkenst ago

erase and rewind.