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Lurker17 ago

I've been very curious about Antarctica but have not had enough time to research it.

PatEldo5 ago

Me too! For years, I've wondered-"What is the truth? What are they hiding in Antarctica?". I'd certainly like to know, I think. What could have made Buzz Aldrin react like he did? Given that the world's Satanists go there- we might not want to know. Great post, BS!

Wynterwhisper ago

May I ask please how Buzz Aldrin reacted? Was unaware he went.

Blacksmith21 ago

Aldrin had to be medically evacuated, ostensibly for a heart attack incurred while he was at the South Pole. Shortly after, he allegedly posted a no-deleted tweet which has never denied: "We Are All In Danger. It Is Evil Itself"

Wynterwhisper ago

That is insanely creepy and I'm sure if civilians knew it would change the world. I'm just guessing. But I sure as heck am curious.