Goat7 ago


Rhondaher ago

Obama's private army of dumbed down degenerates who have been MK ULTRA'ed by rap music and Satanic rituals preformed in music videos and photos. Look no further than Superbowl half time show for a good example of Satanic ritual mind control. Casting spells out over the Airwaves. I have no doubt that while these Orks and trolls have been burning cities they are photographed, run through facial recognition and evidence collected. Right now they are useful idiots to show people the true nature of the people they elected. No doubt they will all be rounded up after the election and face the consequences.

moderator99 ago

Yep. I have a feeling that that's what will happen. From the way Kamala was having an orgasm on TV over the riots yesterday, I would say that Trump has been leading them to think they're getting away with all this and that he's incapacitated to do anything. But really he's just monitoring them and collecting the identities of all the group leaders and funders in order to tie them all together for the hearings. There will be no trials, just a reading of the facts.

Rhondaher ago

Also, I bet Trump has these groups infiltrated by FBI and on the ground sources collecting intel on the leaders.

moderator99 ago

You can be sure of it. He's letting them expose every last one of their leaders/funders.

Kamala's recent televised orgasm over the riots shows that they have no clue and think they're winning.

Rhondaher ago

Have you noticed this is a different Kamala. I don't think it's plastic surgery. She looks like the joker when she grins.

moderator99 ago

I've seen differences.

Cloudrdr ago

Does this hold for the medical frauds who have strangulated the entire world?

GracieTracie2 ago

Amazing that Q followers don’t realize that we are Qanons and Q stands alone!! Great post.

moderator99 ago

Thanks. Some people are relatively new to the movement. The MSM conditioning has led some to misunderstand who Qanon is.

joeneesima ago

This then, when enacted en masse, may be the END of such behavior - serving as precedence for any subversives considering such action in the future?

Hoping this is the case...no country can continue this way - it's anti law & order and soul draining.

spinnerky ago

There are some who have been swept into this movement misguidedly. Would you believe that there are TV spots encouraging people to participate in blm on local channels in KY? Tv ads are not cheap. Who ever is encouraging young people to get involved I. This mayhem is guilty. I hope that some of the crowd wake up and see that they are pawns in a rich mans game

moderator99 ago

You should record those ads and put them up so others can see.

99% of them are misguided. The other 1% are more deeply connected.

comprametu ago

This is well said but the headline is misleading and creates confusion. My first thought when I read it was that Q posted it.

moderator99 ago

You don't know who we are?

comprametu ago

Of course I do but it was confusing to me when I read it at first, and I wasn't the only one pointed out. Nothing wrong with my observation.

moderator99 ago

You weren't the only one who doesn't understand the difference between Q and Qanon.

Nothing wrong with that. Now you know.

TSE ago

learn how to read. The message is from Qanon not Q

comprametu ago

I know after that it was an anon. I said at first I was confused. What a sin! Is that something ppl have to be so sensitive about to reply and be nasty to another anon?

Time4puff ago

Foot soldiers for the evil empire. They always get sacrificed at the end.

Wingrider ago


Qureaucrat ago

Hmmmm... Think alot of yerself do ya...

akilyoung ago

No outside comms.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

You are throwing pearls to swine.

BLM/ANTIFA are moronic, emotive criminals. They don't consider distant consequences to their actions. The only thing they understand is naked force, which is why Rittenhouse's actions have struck them so profoundly. He laid out the ultimate consequences for them in blood.

mhyde1 ago

While your "pearls before swine" statementmis generally true, if his words are received by even one who turns around, they are not misspoken. They will have much to repay, but they might get to live. A seed was planted.

moderator99 ago

How do you know Rittenhouse has had any dramatic effect on them?

You're just guessing.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Kenosho calmed way down.

moderator99 ago

So my message worked. :-)

kidcip16 ago

They are all seething like fucking crazy everywhere. Even QRV here had a (((mod))) who stickied his own gay post condemning it. It really struck a nerve, maybe because all three were jews and the kid acted perfectly (possibly divine intervention there). And the fact that many normies are siding with Kyle makes it worse for them.

Tetrahex12 ago

I’m not seeing much sign that people will be held accountable. 32 dead, how many murder charges laid against mainly peaceful protesters? How many against people defending themselves? 1500 Op Legend arrests, most for low level felonies and misdemeanours. How many organisers arrested? How many domestic terror charges laid?

moderator99 ago

The plan is an a timetable.

The elections will come first.

It can't work any other way, given the situation.

Pcpoet09 ago

please don't frame this as a message from Qanon … when its your own view on things....there is enough confusion a bout real Q posts.

christophoros ago

I agree

It makes it look like Q said this.

moderator99 ago

Q and Qanon are not the same thing. Q is Q. We are Qanon.

Rhondaher ago

Thanks for clearing that up. I was a little confused but you are right we are all Qanon.

cabalstone ago

A distinction with a difference. Some observations for clarity...

Q is generally used in singular, but we know that it's really more than one person.

The enemedia likes to use 'QAnon' (capital 'A') but is confused about their own usage. Sometimes it refers to the anonymous poster and at other times refers to what they like to call a 'conspiracy theory'.

Our own usage, so well defined above is 'Qanon' (small 'a'). Mostly it's a reference to the movement...our collective coms; Reference to an individual or indivisuals is usually 'anon(s)'.

moderator99 ago

Some people, even those among us, mistakenly refer to Q as Qanon.

cabalstone ago

LOL! I did it myself on this thread before reading your post reminding me about the distinction. I'm fascinated by language and media, and the evolving use of 'QAnon' by the press vs. 'Qanon' by those who have followed Q is quite interesting. This is unwritten convention, but with all the newcomers it really should be explained somewhere formally.

moderator99 ago

Linguistics. You'll find that a lot of the people involved in developing propaganda and other influence media are trained linguists. They know how to use words to change their meanings in order to confuse and misinform. The more confusion created over Q and Qanon, the harder it is to understand the movement.

cabalstone ago

Yes. That's why it's important to define the terms prominently here.

PygmyGoat ago


thislionsheart ago

Lesser demon armies

You did type freedom* wrong though..

They are brainwashed kids and that's the saddest part

How disenchanted and lost the youth is, and how this society is so incredibly fucked up that they feel they have no choice but to just lash out and attack

That's what happens when you are fed a false doctrine about reality

Hordes of brainwashed sheep with no sense of what is even real

The internet opened the eyes of many, then severe draconian misinformation reigned

So because of that the human psyche was very blunted..

People with half open minds.. that got shuttered, because they learnt too much about one thing or another

In a world that doesn't even know it's own true history, origin, lineage, or what it is even capable of

Joys1Daughter ago

Perfectly said moderator99! 👏

PacaGoat ago

Eggcelent post 99. They have been brainwashed into taking away their own freedoms for people who only use them for fodder.

moderator99 ago

Thank you. You're right.

Hamnegg ago

A highly trained, well organized group could put fear in a niggers head. Everyone has an Achilles heel, and to a nigger, nothing scares them more than the dead.

Snatch one of the biggest meanest naggers off the street at dusk. Load him into the van. Don’t let him see your faces, and don’t talk to him. Vice home water laced with LSD, or inject it if he won’t drink. Don’t tell him anything.

Bind, gag, and put a hood over his head. Drop him off in the middle of the local cemetery, then remove the hood. Leave him there.

If this happened every night in every city the riots are occurring, niggers will have something to worry about. It may not seems effective, but believe me: it is.

moderator99 ago

Racist fucking troll.

Hamnegg ago

Sometimes you have to fight fire with napalm. Call me what you want, but if the riots get any worse and they come marching down your street looking to burn your neighborhood down, thinking nothing can stop them, You’ll wish there was fear in their hearts, instead of yours.

Asshat12 ago

Niggers are virtually all retarded, and their "leaders" (jews AKA antifa) have had this intention from the very beginning when they imported them. This is what the vast majority of them want. They get to act like monkeys and fuck white wimmens. Do you really think their leaders used them?

It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

When will you guys realize that niggers and jews (and I mean virtually all of them) are not on your side? The spics, streetshitters, sand niggers, and slants are the same story. Whatever your false idol (Q) says to you is bullshit. It's all a fucking psyop. The sooner you guys realize this, the better off you will be.

There is no one coming to save you. You have to be the change you want to see.

You are a fool for thinking that intelligence is the "honorable" way to win a fight. Might is right. Beating people and burning shit proves they are your fucking masters. All you can do is bitch on the internet and pretend to be "the bigger man".

Racism is the way of the world, and pretending these people are (or could ever be) our allies will get you and your progeny killed.

What is a nation. What is yours? Your skin is your uniform. It always was, and it always will be. Stop denying nature.

moderator99 ago

If you're going to write a long-winded comment that you expect others to actually read, don't start off with a derogatory remark.

Four words in and most of us quit reading. Only low-IQ idiots like you will struggle through all that bullshit.

Asshat12 ago

Scared of words now, are we? Get over yourself.

I know that you guys won't read it anyway. I believed in Q for like 2 weeks before it became obvious what was going on. Anyone who can believe in that crap at this point is probably lost.

It's difficult to remove the blinders of those who've been brainwashed by the system their entire lives. Using language to identify the other is an important step in helping you guys to understand who your in-group is. You all just don't respond very well to logic.

I guess anything that your leaders don't tell you is low-IQ bullshit, right?

cabalstone ago

I didn't get past his alias. ¡¡ʞəʞ

Fried-Laptop ago

Billers are cheaper, faster, & don't give pardons

MudPuddlePie ago

Well said.

imgettingmymen ago

Who died and made you Qanon?

reason247 ago

We are Q

cabalstone ago

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

mhyde1 ago

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

Lol! But I am NOT the walrus...

Seriously, these words are true. We are QANON. WWG1WGA

cabalstone ago

Did you know that Lennon's walrus reference was from Through the Looking Glass? The song's opening line is based on the song Marching To Pretoria, which contains the lyric, 'I'm with you and you're with me and we are all together**.'l Goo goo g'joob!

MudPuddlePie ago

Moderator99 is Qanon? Awesome!

ChiCom ago

This isn't the one who put up the pro Antifa sticky

Wally777 ago

Moderators can't speak for QAnon. Q says "no outside comms."

Anything not in an actual Q post is not QAnon speaking.

cabalstone ago

Note usage...

Q is a member of the team posting anonymously on 8kun under a unique tripcode. There are no outside communications.

QAnon (cap A) is what the enemedia call either Q or what they call a 'conspiracy theory'.

Qanon (small a) is our movement.

We don't refer to Q as QAnon or Qanon. We refer to ourselves collectively as Qanon, and this is the sense intended by OP. We refer to ourselves individually as 'anons'.

MudPuddlePie ago


cabalstone ago

Refers to controversy on QRV.

MudPuddlePie ago

Ah...that was my first thot...but didn't know. Thx.

cabalstone ago

We are all Q. WWG1WGA!

Joys1Daughter ago

My name is SPARTAGUS...

And Q!

cabalstone ago


Is part of Q us?

Joys1Daughter ago


MudPuddlePie ago


Charmark ago

Well said. But the fact is not one of them is intelligent enough to understand what you said, NOT even the NBA/MLB players. I have watched this for months and i have Never seen a single 'peaceful protest'. That is Not what THIS is about.

kpstrobes ago

Agree.... these BLM/Antifa robots don't seem to have a brain inside their heads. I'm not sure where they came from. They seem to be a species other than human. To say they are animals is an insult to animals.

Rhondaher ago

Created in DUMBS?

Tbirdo ago
