Kzintrooper2016 ago

One of the mob shouted "He's getting away from street justice!" when he was moving towards the police and signaling that he was not threatening them....

scoripowarrior ago

Great break down of what seemingly happened.

corrbrick ago

Has it been established that Kyle actually shot the first attacker? In the videos I have seen, the two are behind a car, there is a single shot, followed by four more in quick succession (which sounded different to me). Then Kyle runs around from behind the care to check on the downed man.

SuckaFree ago

That kid can share a fox hole with me any day. I'd be happy to go to war with him.

11hrr ago


SleepySleepy ago

The children of Gen X kids should still be normal. God willing!

scoripowarrior ago

My 2 kids are Gen X

late2thegame ago

Impressive young man.

I_Am_Nobody ago

The parents of this child should take great pride in their son despite all the legal challenges that lie ahead for them.

passthepopcorn ago

Amazing young man!

Tyrodragon ago

I too marveled at this kid's quick-reaction to distinguish between an imminent threat and non-threat. It was absolutely uncanny. Most people would have over-reacted and made a mistake shooting someone who wasn't a threat.

My son watched the filmed event frame-by-frame and said it better than I could describe it. He said it was like watching a John Wick scene from a movie. Rittenhouse's reaction for distinguishing an imminent threat was unreal like it was indeed a movie.

One caution I have, and this is certainly not meant to be interpreted as a criticism, concerns the use of "GenX" (or any other tagged generation). One has to name something in order to categorize it and separate it from the others. Labeling something is also often used to typecast. When it is used as such its sole purpose is to divide. If you think about it, the generation gap rhetoric is completely nonsensical. Prior to WWII, there was no such thing as a generation gap or labeling generations. No generation is greater than the other. We all fall far short of what we should be. IMHO, we need to humble ourselves in this regard and be the best character we can be. Each generation also produces its own outstanding and great individuals. Kyle Rittenhouse is an example of this. I am old enough to be his grandfather, and albeit I wouldn't want to experience his Vi et armis, I would pray my reaction would be as immaculate as Kyle's was. I hope that the charges against him are dropped. The public should be putting all the pressure necessary to get these DAs to drop the case against him. It was the clearest textbook example of self-defense one can see.

CrispyJack ago

I predict a bright future for this kid.

MetalThatMatters ago

The kid is a hero, plain and simple.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

We’re not breeding it.....we’re training it online via Fortnight, Rainbow 6, Call of Duty etc. Most of these kids have spent thousands, no tens of thousands of hours in virtual combat where they are shooting and being shot at without consequence. Yes, I’m sure he also did some real target practice as well but from a mental standpoint I have to believe the war simulation games have some effect though on the calmness and presence of mind when actual things go down - they’ve been there before.

g00dyear72 ago

For how fucked up the country is, I still believe in American exceptionalism.

You would be hard pressed to find a kid like Kyle anywhere else in the world.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Agreed - even under all of that attack, adrenaline and chaos you can see time and time again where he only shot immediate threats and wasn’t simply white nationalist narrative wet dream mowing down the other ‘peaceful protesters’

Agapechik57 ago

Sure hope all this info makes it into the court case.

Agapechik57 ago

I sure hope All this info makes it into the court case! Good kid!

satisfyinghump ago

Yes, that kid surely had more presence of mind then even adults today.

Lovely and detailed write up, only one negative. And it's the same one that got us into this mess to begin with.

The majority of people who would have/will have watched the video of this 17 year old, won't even have enough presence of mind to analyze the behavior and the reasons behind his actions not even the difficulty and rarity of his behavior that night.

They will either see someone normal or doing nothing special or see what they think is something they would also do, "easily!!!" Had that been them, or even worst, their own child would have done the same... Hah, some would even make the claim their child would have done better somehow!

At least we see it and at least he did it.

A true American hero.

When I see examples of behavior like this, I truly feel a charity and a an NGO needs to be setup to not only assist the hero and their family, financially, but to defend them. he needs more time to grow and experience life, to truly grow into his future self. That can't be interrupted.

Sympozium ago

He handled it better than most cops would have

greatheart ago

Awesome breakdown

angelCole ago

What's that saying? they will know them by their fruits or some such. We also have Nick Sandman.

Jigsy17 ago

It all started with him hitting the ground and immediately being kicked in the face, right after having shot someone. His adrenaline must have been sky high. Remarkable.

CowWithBeef ago

Not putting a second round in SNEAKY_FELON showed extreme mercy; it would have been justified because the gun could still switch hands.

ConanLibertatem ago

Watching Kyle fight so calmly for his life was inspiring to me. I don't know how else to say it. He is quite a man at only 17.

anotherukanon ago

This might sound a bit daft but those shoot'em up videos games are so realistic these days, they're almost like a training ground in your front room.. No idea if this kid ever played them but it's possible..

fartyshorts ago

Not daft at all, it's real. Remember when the military made their own video game to recruit people?

I would bet nearly 100% of kids these days have at least tried Fortnite or Call of Duty once...

muffalettadiver ago

Is there a higher resolution image please? Also in your title I think you mean Generation Z.

angelCole ago

Yes us old fogies have to hit control and scroll to get the bigger readable image.

Magpi ago

ah thanks for teaching this old dog that new trick! (new to me, anyway lol)

QCrumbCatcher ago

What does PoM mean?

omnimattymattymatt ago

Presence of Mind.

QCrumbCatcher ago


Neskuaxa ago

There's plenty of worthless genZ kids too. But millennials largely are outclassed here

prairie ago

Leaves out the important part where after he's downed skater and "medic", someone else near him holds his hands up and backs off. Kid doesn't shoot him.

satisfyinghump ago

Very true, good catch. I personally felt that individual WAS approaching closer to try and disarm/assault the kid.

literallyyourmom ago

He seriously looked like a pro after tripping over himself. Kek

aboveAFC ago

Come on. Watch the video.

slumbermachine ago

You mean after getting sucker punched in the head, right?

fatehacks ago

There were several points when he demonstrated that he only shot when he had to. This was one of them. His grace under fire was quite remarkable.

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Ps37-27 ago

I think author mean GenZ.

But otherwise excellent breakdown.

wipeyournose ago

No he doesn't. He means that GenXers are his parents. "This is how we breed XXX" refers to the offspring.

non_compete ago

No the idea is that gen x is breeding ie raising kids like this as in genx are the parent to this kid and his generation. The comma is their so its meant to be read like that

Ps37-27 ago

Yeah, I can see that. It still is written awkwardly. Nonetheless, I agree with the post entirely. As a gen xer. I got redpilled from republican over Janet Reno’s murder spree.

Dailytacs ago

This is precisely how I read this. It's addressing gen X, and the potential children being raised up/ trained up, by the hidden greatest generation. Then again I'm partial.

non_compete ago

Yeah me too and proud of my kids reactions every time we talk about the state of the world.

Jorcone ago

Yes... I think so. Most Gen Z can’t stand most of the Millennials. Gen Z gives this Gen X hope.

EZMojo ago

My sons are Gen Z. They are conservative and hate when people call them millennials. They are quick to clarify they are NOT that generation.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Who could stand the average millennial?

I mean there are a few that you can trust, but 65% of them are whinny commies

Oxnonstopox ago

I would be consider a millennial. I was Bron in 88. The difference between me at the other i did not go to college i also work 96 hr a week.

pizzaequalspedo ago

And you probably had parents that gave you a solid moral foundation which included hard work and personal responsibility.

I work with a lot of millennials that fall into that category.

Oxnonstopox ago

Im not going to lie in my early 20is i was lazy. Then one day i woke then i ask myself what the hell i was doing. I worked my way from fast food to a job in the department of health and human services for the state i live in.

Joesf23 ago

I was born in 83 so Im technically millenial. I hate that name and hate most of the younger ones in this gen. Therefore I identify as gen x now ;)

alphazebra ago

I find that if you had older brothers and sisters, you're grandfathered in. But if you're the oldest, most times they will then be part of the new generation stereotype. Not always, but a good majority of the time

Joesf23 ago

Sweet. I got 2 older sister in the X category 😁 younger sister unfortunately is in the typical millenial category lol

Dragonfart ago

That was a good rundown of what happened.

HelpAcct123 ago


Sinjin ago

GenX born 1965-1980.

wipeyournose ago
