Jessecuster ago

One of the ppl Kyle killed in self-defense was a convicted pedo / registered sex offender who apparently lived the same way he died: chasing minors

LarryWhiteContrary ago


satisfyinghump ago

Isn't this more proof that draconian gun laws don't work and are simply used to try and make the general citizen an easier target???

Lurker17 ago

Yes, obvious everyone should have a gun, but the media will spin it 180°, as they have, and demand more draconian gun laws. The difficulty is the group of normies that believe what they see, are asleep and don't think for themselves.

satisfyinghump ago

Finding out who provided them with guns seems important now that we know legally they shouldn't of had had them.

Lurker17 ago

There were reports a couple months ago of reports of crates of guns/weapons being anonimously dropped off throughout these cities, about the same time brick and rock were being dropped off prior to riots.

DuckPew ago

How did Kyle take down the first dude Joseph while running away from him? I've watched the video and it looks like they missed Kyle and hit Joseph. Am I missing something?

Lurker17 ago

Bingo. There was a video analysis post on this I posted a few hours ago eluding to this. The guy off to the left about 30ft or so away shot his pistol first, before Kyle fired. That may have been the shot that killed head wound guy. There was no exit wound that I could see, indicating a bullet of less impact than Kyle's rifle which would have blown the side of his head off. This is good, the bullet should still be in the skull, could be proven not to have come from Kyle's rifle.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

and jews, odd

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Look at it this way..a "somewhat" trained 17 year old kid, flailing around on his back, being punched, jumped, kicked and smashed with a skateboard, managed to regain composure enough to KILL 2 and horribly wound a 3rd. And walk away like a fucking boss.

Now imagine Patriots loose on these goofs. A slaughter of epic proportions.

This is what Q team is trying to avoid. US killing them all in a week. Saving our souls so that they handle the dirty work.

Karbuster ago

And nothing of value was lost except for the bullets that missed

GoodGodKirk ago

Were they all released from prison early?

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

We’re any of them recently released from prison so they wouldn’t get the plandemic?

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

I’m shocked!!!

VirtuousPatience ago

so...after watching msm I'm suppose to believe that "viggilante" Ryan was wrong for being there, and the felons toting handguns had every right to be there and were victims??? How can anyone buy this bs?

ScreaminMime ago

Won't be convicted of anything else.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

His trial will be the litmus test for the last shred of the judicial systems legitimacy.

KillerKap ago

I would be ready to revolt if they railroad him. At what point do we have nothing left to lose

KillerKap ago

Doing the Lord's work. Kyle the Hero of Kenosha!

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Imagine that! Violent people showing up for a riot. The very reason I keep suggesting they need to be shot on sight. They are criminals and the police are handcuffed politically by liberal judges and Soros funded liberal elected District attorneys. Pray for our cops folks, but do indeed offer them a paid week off so we can clean up the streets for them.

SpreeFeech ago

Like them all being jewish wasn't bad enough.

titletown ago

What are the odds of that, three felons at a "peaceful protest"?

satisfyinghump ago

I want this to be a thread that's investigated by some law enforcement task force. We are seeing way to frequently violent criminals taking part in these riots.

SexMachine ago

What did the fake medic do?

satisfyinghump ago

Gave him a 2nd circumsision.

KillerKap ago

The kike who got his arm blown off and grimaced as he was attacking kyle. Later said he regretted not emptying his entire magazine into kyle. I hate leftists. They all deserve to go like this.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Follow this one. He'll end up dead by someone else soon.

KillerKap ago

He definitely is going to get his ticket punched

SexMachine ago

I mean criminally prior to finding out.

WolfgangBlack ago

I was more surprised all three were Jews.

What is the % of kikes that are part of these riots?

All the light skinned people there?

satisfyinghump ago

I'm starting to think it's alot higher then the MSM let's on... It may even be possible that if enough people notice the trend we speak of, the magical will happen and NPC's will begin to realize the difference between whites and kikes.

GoodGodKirk ago

They were? Didn’t know about the skater...

RoundWheel ago

Adjust for age and sex. Roughly like 0.0000125% chance from the general population.

125227 ago

Oy vey no, why would you think that conspiracy theorist? How anti semetic, now stay home in your mask and think about how much you love niggers.

KosherHiveKicker ago


KillerKap ago

Jews faggots getting lit up by hispanic white patriots in the streets. Hahaha I bet they are fucking SEETHING right now.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I can't wait for the worldwide "Oy Vey's" when this Hero walks away with no charges for defending himself.

KillerKap ago

I have never felt such elation than watching those murderous kikes get gunned down like rats in the street. On repeat for ever.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I've been listening to "Medic! Medic, Medic!" and "Shoot Me Nigga" all day.

KillerKap ago

The shoot me nigga cunt is the best instakarma ive seen in a long time

Iheartcatfood ago

Let people out of prison because covid... Most aggressive "protesters" all criminal records.... Hmmmmmmm how could the two be connected?

VotingGodWins ago

pretty cool that a 17 y/o patriot took them all down.

SearchVoatBot ago

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brettco12 ago

I agree.

Podingo7 ago

I saw nothing but a young man using self defense against criminals who tried to set him on fire, bash him with skateboard , and having a gun pointed at him.."(anarchist)shoot me nigger, shoot me"..wish granted, as attacker tried to corner Kyle..dems, and nobody else, sent that man to his grave, and they should be held accountable for inciting rioting and violence.."peaceful protests" don't have looting, arson, mob mentality, and violence..

Meatstand ago

They are all losers. Sweep them under the rug and fight for the USA.

Lurker17 ago

Another link -

UPDATE: Evidence Shows Young Kenosha Shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, ‘May’ Have Acted in Self Defense Against Three BLM Criminals – All with Prior Arrest Records (VIDEO)

Maker_Wolf ago

This is real journalism.

RecceRat ago

Almost like they were told to go riot there and cause mayhem after possibly getting released early, almost??

stature ago

Congress is more concerned with online research groups like QAnon followers because words typed hurt more

moderator99 ago


Who's throwing words around? You almost took my eye out!

stature ago

Don't make me use my caps lock...

Cheetah1964 ago

UP votes for providing a literal LOL.


Convicted felon just means they have been turned loose due to coronavirus. Rioting, looting, arson, and general mayhem are all cures to stop the spread. The only people worthy of prison now is anybody willing do defend property or others who can’t defend themselves.

Lurker17 ago

It's a Clown World after all! But not much longer.

XSS1337 ago

Almost like they were released from prison to cause chaos and death .... now who could approve such a thing ...

( Bolshevism intensifies )

Clubbooradley ago

Not like they have to sweat getting off of work to go riot.

In fact, looting and rioting are huge selling points to an unemployable, pedo, parolee:

“Hold up, hold up! You mean you goin’ to let my pedo-ass outta jail, arm me with weapons, then I get to assault, rape, murder, and rob anyone? And if I can’t find any underage kids to violate, I can at least take out my warped sexual frustrations by looting and burning down shit and killing raccoons? And if I get wounded Soros will pay me even more?! I’m in! Shoot me, ni$$a! Shoot ME, ni$$a!!”

Seems like plans like this would leave lots of evidence behind, paper trails, communications between lowlifes and retards,...etc.

And I’m sure these three are just the tip of the massive ds turd.

satisfyinghump ago

I imagine they were in jail when they received a cryptic phone call asking them if they wanted to be set free and given a gun and resources to assault/murder and rob some stores. The voice on the other end of the line? Either biden or epstein... Or soros's!

XSS1337 ago

Indeed the least harmful thing the DS has done ... the veil lifting will blind many

User890020 ago

Oh, like this riotfeloncraft was somehow organized?

XSS1337 ago

Protocols of Zion ?

The Balfour Declaration ?

The USS Liberty to bring us into war to fight for the Jew ?

User890020 ago


XSS1337 ago

Oh well in that case since you have compelled me ....

SearchVoatBot ago

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404LogicNotFound ago

Almost like criminals are going to do criminal behavior.

XSS1337 ago

Almost like politicians want more crime to take more rights... like taking guns to protect themselves against criminals including politicians...

Almost like fornprofit prisons require constant criminal activity to take place ...

404LogicNotFound ago

All I hear is target rich environment.

XSS1337 ago

Never forget it is the long-nose and their Mossad agents in combination with their goyim slaves that are the enemy.

404LogicNotFound ago

ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC includes useful idios like Qews.

XSS1337 ago
