thegoodprevail ago

Thank you, Lin!! God being expressed through wonderful people like you!

AlternateSelection ago

Excellent! I'm looking forward to the first interview our patriot man of the hour Kyle. I wanna know what brand of scary black rifle he chose to use.

scoripowarrior ago

Any update if Lin Wood has been able to contact Rittenhouse family? I saw this initially on twitter looking for info.

AndyMan_45 ago

God Bless this man and all that are with him.

Time4puff ago

This is awesome. Like the Calvary has arrived. Patriots aren’t left to fend for themselves in the corrupt legal system.

Lynnwiod ago

I’m probably too late, but I sent Kyle Rittenhouse’s contact info to Mr L. Lin Wood via Twitteras requested. I also left a message at his office in Atlanta.

moderator99 ago

Good people stepping up (I hope).

WhisperingPine ago

We Watched this whole thing unfold on twitchtv under DKrecords stream, and they threw something at him and then charged at him and started hitting Kyle with a skateboard and kicking him in head and pulled a gun on him and he defended himself just like he should have makes me sick what they are doing to this kid

SuckaFree ago

Ambulance chasing assholes. However, he and his cohorts are the first to speak out in defense of Rittenhouse and 100% support our movement, so I guess, the Rittenhouse family should go with Wood, et al. There really is no other alternative present right now. Which is sad, becasue although Lin Wood is effective, he DEFINITELY has his own private, hidden agenda here. Lawyers ALWAYS have an agenda and it almost always has something to do with schekels.

TerraKell ago

It will be interesting to see, as this plays out, if the police or members thereof didn't accidentally on purpose sabotage the case against Kyle. I have heard of police doing this when they are forced into making an arrest that they believe is unfair and illegal.

uniqkusername ago

Yes I agree 100%.

Duke_Nucleon ago

Who was "murdered", when and where?

**If before Kyle was being attacked, he was in the presence of others, being interviewed on tape and calling for a medic for an injured person. During this period, yes, people were injuring other people and no shots heard, so the murder victim was not killed by gunshot. So how is Kyle to be placed at the scene of the alleged murder?

**If during the period Kyle was being attacked, he has the perfect alibi -- his whereabouts was recorded on multiple videos as he defended himself. Nobody has identified an unaccounted for body in these scenes which might be the murder victim the authorities claim to have found. So who found this murder victim and where?

**If after the self-defense sequence, Kyle was with the police!

Conclusion: Murder charge appears to be a hoax. No corpse, no witnesses, no cause of death, no nothing.

Sheneyney ago

What a beautiful thing!!

dampkitty ago

I notice the NRA have said fuck all, and Fox news is posting shit like this "KENOSHA SHOOTING VICTIM, 26 REMEMBERED BY FELLOW SKATEBOARDERS AS 'PEACEFUL PERSON'"

Fuck the ((media)))

hagelangs ago

What else could you expect from (((Breitbart)))? Controlled opposition if I ever saw it.

Read the Daily Stormer instead.

dampkitty ago

Stormer doesn't seem to cover much, it always felt like some Harley Davidson fraternity that knew it was being watched 24/7.

I'd rather the 5 eyes follow my shitposting on here because they might start realising that we are not the problem

hagelangs ago

Lol, yeah, good point. Anglin does seem paranoid. Also bitter. Who can blame him? He's been kicked off from everywhere.

Still think you get better analysis from his site than Breitbart when it comes to big-picture issues.

dampkitty ago

Yeh I'll check it out again sometime, but just keeping up with the flood of media BS coming out of the USA is exhausting, I 'm just bookmarking anything too in depth for later

RoBatten ago

...peacefully hitting Kyle in the head with his skateboard.

Meatstand ago

Against those who are not patriots. He defended a business with this 2nd amendment right. They forget that you can shoot Commies or invaders if they advance. Sorry child molester and skate board felon, and domestic violence fallin who now needs a hook arm.

VotingGodWins ago

God bless this man and his team!

SexMachine ago

If you haven't seen the Richard Jewell movie, it's about Lin Wood. Pretty good movie.

corrbrick ago

Clint did a great job telling that story.

numina18 ago

God Bless this attorney!! And God be with the young man who was drawn into this horrendous situation.

e-traiu ago

God bless

Joys1Daughter ago

Lin Wood IS THE MAN! He always steps up with integrity to right wrongs! Glad to hear his colleague John Pierce is a righteous person also.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Step 1: Clear his name

Step 2: Prosecute lefty

Step 3: Name the jew

Step 4: Profit

11hrr ago

So THAT's what "???" stood for this whole time!?

passthepopcorn ago

May God bless you and the others willing to help this young man!

Wapsi109283 ago

This Lin Wood is made of strong stuff.

EricKaliberhall ago

When dismissed, accusers should be held accountable & they should pay.

Hear, hear!

amarQ144 ago

There there!

Naughtius_Maximus ago

This is their motive. They wont charge him a dime to get the charges dropped but will take half of whatever he gets when they sue. I'd go with Lin Wood if I were him. He has proven he can win against these companies. Wood will still get about half too but hey, the numbers say Wood will win and something is better than nothing.

Allthatpenetration ago

Fairly confident half would be an ethics violation. Highest I have ever seen is 30%. 20% to 30% seems to be the normal range.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Probably 30% plus expenses.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

3 or 4 years ago I watched a firm take about 40% of 4 million dollars and then tack on other fees. No ethics violation because they and the client agreed to it.

AttackHelicopter ago

I'm fine with him taking his cut since he's so aggressively on the right side of history. He needs to be paid for his services (so he can continue, if nothing else) and it's great that he takes it out of everyone's pocket except his clients'.

NakatomiBaby ago

He seems like a real stand up guy... I bet some of his fees end up being donated to legit charities.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you 100%

Just pointing out what is obvious to me.

tossitrightinthere ago


Dragonfart ago

This is good to see.

bingbang ago

Yes this!!