AUSAFVet ago

Prime Minister of France resigned ut oh..

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rickki6 ago


Wheatstone ago

The counter terrorism/Counterinsurgency programs run by the FBI looks identical to satanic ritual abuse.

They don't track and stop terrorists with this. They attack veterans, whistleblowers and abuse survivors with it. They destroy their lives and push them to suicide.

This has been used to kill, discredit and destroy anyone that these pedos abused and got away. It's a way of cleaning up the evidence and killing the witnesses.

That's why the same people running the pedo honeypot wanted in on this system that would kill off any threat from victims.

The FBI is so far gone it's disgusting. They don't investigate crime. They cover it all up.

That's why they where happy to invent shit to attack POTUS.

They have zero credibility. They are the worst criminals.

Matthew1103 ago

You are right. Nice of you to stick a knife in the optimistic trolls that populate here.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived this

hope4gaia ago

Wow! The plot thickens. Whenever I hear anyone complaining about our progress in this revolution, I remind myself of how little of it we really know. We are like the guys in Plato's cave, watching a few reflections on the wall and thinking we know something.

Epstein was a perfect tool. He had a deformed dick that he was totally obsessed with and that led to this whole quagmire.