RakerKey ago

This looks to be unrelated unfortunately

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Apparently this is not ilhan omar's father.

Murphman64 ago

what are the odds https://twitter.com/ObamaFoundat…/status/1262054709772324866



WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Ilhan "Incestual" Omar is one of the weirdest things to see in power. A braindead, anti American, born in Somalia and married her brother to smuggle more votes and people from her shithole in.

Thanks Hussein! You sure brought Somalia to the US like you planned. Now look at what you've done, you halfsy bum. Now go be a good boy and let Big Mike take your scrawny ass to pound town.

Bern666 ago



One of many....



Nazis~Muslim Brotherhood..


Anonymouse_cheese ago

Why are we not surprised?

concentric0s ago

What do yoy think will happen to Chauvin?

a) murdered by other inmates

b) murdered while walking to/from court appearances by a 'Jack Ruby' type

c) hangs himself a la Epstein

d) drugged up and can't speak out during his hearings

f) makes it all the way through trial alive

My money is not on f.

Gracefxdl ago

Well he is on “suicide watch”, I’ve read.

IAMthePie ago

Anons on 8kun did a deep dig on this


waldo1899 ago

you are making that up.....cuz you cant make this shit up.......

Cloudrdr ago

Details TBD

But, without doubt the heart of this matter revolves around the FACT that those two men had personal history prior to this incident.

And that the personal history revolves around a very sketchy Latin Nightclub, steps from Precinct 3, in a building owned by Muslim Investors. El Nuevo Rodeo.


I think the club (El Nuevo) that both Floyd and Derek the cop worked at was a front.

A front for money laundering that may involve 1 or more alphabet agencies.

If you search the club name and owners it comes back to a bunch of sketchy LLC's and the name Omar Investments Inc.

Does the name Omar ring a bell in Minney?

Ms. Beehive head herself.


This Omar Investments had prior dealings with the FBI.

This is not shocking because Minney has more national security operations ongoing than any other place in the country.

Various Somali groups are being watched for terrorist activities.

Omar Investments has owned Club Nuevo since 1996.

The principle proprietor of Omar Inc is Muna Sabri.

Sabri was caught up in a FBI sting op in 2001.


Now we see this chick (Maya Santamaria), being used as a front as the owner of El Nuervo.

I think El Nuevo is a front for a money laundering ops maybe being conducted by one of the alphabet agencies.

Ok, so this white cop worked there for 17 years as "security".

That puts him there right after Sabri was busted and sent to prison.

Now the Chinese flu hits.

And the club has to close.

So that means all money laundering would have to cease operations too.

Also means Floyd was outta work.

Now this is where it doesn't pass my smell test.

Why were the cops called on Floyd?

Cuz he was accused of trying to pass off fake $20 bills.

Ironically this Derek the cop shows up.

Was Floyd putting the money laundering scheme at risk by passing off fake 20 dollar bills he may have lifted from Sabir?

Why did Floyd lose his shit when Derek the cop tried to put him in the back of the cruiser?

Did he know doing that would seal his fate?

Was Derek the cop the enforcer?

Is this why all the cops and paramedics acted so casual?

Is this why Amy Klobachar exonerated Derek the cop back in 2005?

Why this dude was able to remain a menace to society while wearing a badge and carrying a gun?

Is this also why Boente (Wrays second in charge), was fired this weekend?

If, as seems plausible, this ANTIFA-Soros spark was struck by a long-standing “3-letter agency” provocateur/surveillance op, possibly by both the DOJ and FBI.

The great thing about all of this is, newly-appointed DNI head Ratcliffe will have extensive files on everything from backdoor counterfeiting to money-laundering to Ellison-Ilhan Omar’s Somali terrorist ties perusing Minnesota’s subreptive 5th Congressional District.

Or am I nuts for thinking this?


Gorillion ago

Yeah, not much was made of that fake cash was it. Beyond the basic handwave that Saint Floyd didn't know it was counterfeit bcuz he wuz a gud boi.

concentric0s ago

I've been saying same about the fake $20 also.

Cops would never show up for that. All the suspect has to say is I have no idea where it came from I got it from where ever. But he sat outside the place of this alleged crime long enough for cops to show up.

I think that this is a fairly non threatening crime to write in the script for your hero/victim. So later you can parade him around as not such a bad guy, didn't do anything to deserve it, police overreaction.

Another though of was that Floyd when getting arrested would name drop any police he knew from Laredo security staff. Especially of he was high. And Chauvin got the call.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes, I'm in a retail business. We get passed counterfeit bills occasionally. We've called the police and they aren't interested in it. They basically tell you tough luck and direct us to turn the counterfeit bills over to the bank.

swimkin ago

Ok I looked it up on wikipedia...not her dad. The man in question Omar Abdi is a Canadian Somali. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Abdi

Her dad's name Nur Omar Muhamed. Not Omar Abdi.

dadudemon1 ago

Appreciate this research, brother. This is why voat is good: don't let the bullshit fake news make us as bad as the MSM. Fact check each other and keep each other only within truth.


Thanks for clarifying. It could be a relative though. I don't know how many Abdi's there are in the world.

mundania ago

Millions.... almost a million just in Somalia... not quite like “Smith” in America, but close.

This really is just a coincidence, and going about it just makes us look like fools and gives the other side more ammo.


ah, okay thanks.

marlflof ago

Wonder why Floyd's funeral was closed casket.

Agapechik57 ago


Anonymouse_cheese ago


Dustcutter ago

Why didn't the "EMTs" take vitals on George on scene before loading him into the "ambulance"

concentric0s ago

I read somewhere that emts always have to rescusitate because only doctors can call the death.

StormRanger ago

They weren't EMT's they were police officers.

Hopevoats ago

They did check his pulse.

Dustcutter ago

Nothing. They didn't even cradle his neck when they picked him up.

It's like he was being taken off a battlefield, not cared for at the scene at all.

Hopevoats ago

It's pretty clear that they knew he was "dead". Everything about the scene plays like an amateur production.

baccachew75 ago

With the knee still on his neck?

Hopevoats ago

Looks like it.

At 6:50 on this video.

TraitorsOnARope ago

Same reason Bin Laden was “buried at sea”

1Paydaddy ago

Muslim Brotherhood. Half the state of Mn is controlled by the Muslims.

SerialLarper ago

The Muslim Brotherhood is a political organisation, it doesn't represent Muslims in general.

1P2A3T4T5I_ ago

Antifa is Muslim Brotherhood. WW

SerialLarper ago

They both favour weak (unconstitutional) democracy, so they both make great pawns for tyrants.

AUSAFVet ago

Next group that should hit the terrorist group list

kestrel9 ago

So tell them to change their name. /s (Yes we know ALL Muslims don't follow MB, but to MB ALL Muslims WILL submit).

SerialLarper ago

So tell me about your history of successfully predicting the future. /s

The Quran is pretty clear that submission is to Allah (and to his prophet, in some contexts).

kestrel9 ago

So MB does represent all Muslims according to you (as well as to them). The old 'Sharia' chicken/egg discussion. In no way should you consider this an invitation to discuss religion with you. I was talking about 'political organizations'. How's the weather in London Mr. Khan? /s

SerialLarper ago

So MB does represent all Muslims according to you

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit.

Gorillion ago

Reminder that Muslims have the same thing as Jewish Pilpul:

It's okay to lie to anyone who's not one of your tribe.

They call it Taqiya.

MudPuddlePie ago

Wow...nice find.

Woelf3 ago

Does ‘ Q ‘ have it all ... :!

Arrvee ago

Omar Abdi appears to be a common name. It's still worth looking into.

borborygmus ago

The day they pull George Floyd out of some hidey hole still alive this thing will break wide open.

pizzaequalspedo ago

That would be wonderful.

The Dems most loyal voting block would wake up to being played instantaneously.

Ardithla ago

Hello George!

Intlrnt2 ago


Need more info.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

then find it...

MudPuddlePie ago

"Then find it..."

Who said he wasn't going to. It was just a statement. Doubt anon was asking for all the answers handed to him on a platter.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Mudpuddlepie lol... Really? you doubt that? Good for you. I'm jealous. And I'm not even being sarcastic.


Does it really matter? Honestly you are just being a dick and we're all family here in a way. There's no time to go down every single rabbit hole, especially with family and work, so when someone nonchalantly says, "Interesting. Need more info," just move on unless you can be helpful.

MudPuddlePie ago


Pubiclouse ago

Very interesting