brettco12 ago

Can you choke someone to death from the back side of the neck?

itsmytime ago

Good theory. Thanks for posting this.

rickki6 ago

anytime i had to listen several times. so happy to hear it

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

jesus a good journalist for once

crazy_eyes ago

why would he call george floyd an innocent black man?

Cheetah1964 ago

Jesse knows what is happening down the rabbit hole. Fox would probably like to can him but he is very popular and it would create a stink. He has brought forth rabbit hole stuff several times now. And this theory seems pretty likely. How convincing a story is it that two guys work at the same place, both are involved in questionable activities (porn and abuse complaints), and one just happens to kill the other in a "racist" incident?

greatheart ago

I find it interesting that they worked at the club together for 17 years. That number 17 pops up a lot.

crazy_eyes ago

they didnt work together 17 years, george was in prison un texas during the last 17 years, the cop worked there for 17 years, george for a year

Spirocus ago

Jesse knows everything and is not holding back. Gives all the facts and cleverly disguises it as speculation. Great work. Out on a limb for sure.

voatusernamevoat ago

No, US police have been trained to be zogbots by jew idf carrying out jew idf policy implemented across the US to interact as if everyone are palestenians. Before the nog with a long wrap sheet they killed a White man in Dalles the same way.

RoBatten ago

Why are we letting a foreign nation train our police officers?? Why hasn't the DoJ implemented procedures? Why can't we train our own? DoJ is deep state, Barr is the Captain . . .

NoMoreScreenNames ago

Foreign enemy nation at that.

voatusernamevoat ago

jews, and it's not just jew idf training, it's jew idf policy. When they say it's policy as to excuse brutal police behavior as justified "legal," that's what they're referring to.

lbeni540 ago

Hmm this is obvious the second you find out they both worked at the same club and knew each other. From there you can speculate that this wasn’t a random act of “police brutality” Smfh

Charilko ago

Sundance over on TCH posited that this had something to do with money laundering by a certain three letter agency... IE, that the club they both worked out was a front organization for the CIA to gain intel on the lovely local radical Islam community by serving as a money laundering operation.

Blacksmith21 ago

Wonder if it had something to do with this back in JAn:

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

I wonders if that was how the corona bioweapon spread, thru the money supply

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Snailracer ago

Where did the fake money come from, George Floyd doesn't look like a counterfeiter to me.

Awokcanuck ago



There's fake money floating around everywhere. Anyone could have a fake bill and be unaware that it is fake. Just because you're in possession of a counterfeit bill doesn't necessarily mean that you manufactured and/or knowingly distributed the bill.

Snailracer ago

I hear the Secret Service believes in coincidences. There's probably nothing wrong with that cash they were handing out to the Antifa rioters.

baccachew75 ago

The still photo of the arrest shows hair growth on floyd. Lying on the ground he's completely shaved? Two different time periods?

robertdebruce ago

Looking at the video, that's what came into my mind "assasnigation" in broad daylight.

Ardithla ago

Or a poorly produced movie.

robertdebruce ago

good point


Definitely a poorly produced movie with a bad director and lousy actors. When his brother started "crying" that's when I knew 100% that it's a hoax. He's still alive.

SkyeVeritas ago

Way too many anomalies for the event to be real.....

nomoss ago

Some good points