quick_and_dirty ago

He had me until holding the Bible. He looked like he’d never held one in his life. People who go to church don’t hold a bible like it’s going to explode.

Revdrgoo ago

They reap what they sow. These bishops have led the Episcopal church down the progressive trail to it’s own demise. They yell “blasphemy” at Trump and have lived out heresy in their lives. The denomination has lost 24% of its population in just 10 years!!! That is the fruit of their social justice BS.

2infinity ago

Are we still waiting for people to wake up? Sounds like an impossible task.

Enaashby ago

The religion of the Demtards, globalists, and DS seems to be antithetical to Christianity. Their disrespect towards religion has been ongoing for a long time. The compromised John Roberts sided with the four libtards on SCOTUS to continue to delay the reopening of our places of worship. The image of PTJT walking out with that Bible in hand was too much for the usual suspects.

Joel Pollack's article on PDJT's walk to St. John's Church is worth reading.


rughead ago

Why isn’t the media talking about the church being set on fire? Is this confirmed??

369693936 ago

Duh. Jews hate Christians and are working overtime to genocide them.

saveurforktherespie ago

umm we know he knew it was going down like they knew about Notre-Dame, this was scrapbook photo Schadenfreude

i pet goat has a depiction of the cathedral fire and the exact way the spire collapses, they are out to burn down all the great churches

Wwg1wga1972 ago

So true.

0011000100100111101 ago

antifa tried the same shit in NY just a few years ago during the 99% riots downtown.

solo7 ago

the bishop of the church didn't appreciate Trump. She'd rather have let the churches burn and love the terrorists. That works so well, until they cut off your head or shoot you.

quote: "..holding a bible, one that declares that God is love and when everything he has said and done is to enflame violence. I am beyond.We need moral leadership and he’s done everything to divide us and has just used one of the most sacred symbols of the Judeo-Christian tradition."2/3

"We so disassociate ourselves from the messages of this president. We hold the teachings of our sacred texts to be so so grounding to our lives and everything we do and it is about love of neighbor and sacrificial love and justice." @Mebudde Bishop Mariann Budde 3/3 unquote

HISdaughter ago

The "bishop" of what entity?

QCrumbCatcher ago

When is this ride over?

brettco12 ago

Sitting through a movie I didn't understand 5 minutes in. I think I get it then loose it. Round and round.

ketoll ago

Same people that were bitching about him "hiding out" in the White House. Hilarious.

StormRanger ago

The folks that, lightning bolts would come out of the sky to hit if they ever set foot in a church, are the ones complaining.

TheWitnessOfCacti ago

The media has literally lost their collective minds. They are seeing ghosts.

petevoat ago

satanists made a statement, or tried to.

Trump countered.

SuckaFree ago

The comments on that tweet are fucking ridiculous. Waaaaay too many people drinking MSM kool aid still. It's almost impossible to change their minds, too. POTUS better figure something out quick, because the MSM is winning the battle of propaganda vs truth.

HISdaughter ago

check out the post by prophet Jeremiah Johnson who had an encounter with a demonic entity. It explains what is going on in the spirit realm


bamadeplorable420 ago

THIS BRAVE GUY NEEDS TO GO VIRAL.................https://youtu.be/pMY9mQc2OKQ

TexasInfidel ago




The spiritual battle is now out in the natural.

There is but one race,the human race

Ethnicities have been taught a lie of division since 1930's when racism became a word.

It only lives because its fed.

STARVE IT OUT! or continue to feed it.

ladslassie ago

I've gotten several messages of outrage from my liberal virtue signalling parish members. They can't see past their hatred of our president. I don't suppose any of them have ever feared for their safety and well being during a riot either.

SkyeVeritas ago

These very foolish people need a stark dose of reality.

ladslassie ago

Yes, and yet I don't wish them or our community harm - just a wake-up call. They genuinely think they are 'good' people, and they are capable of being generous and kind on a personal level. They are just heavily propagandized over decades of socialization.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

But only to the like-minded.

damessinger ago

It is just so shocking to me that people are outraged about our President standing in front of a church with a Bible but you made a good comment when you said "they can't see past their hatred" because those libbies I know seem to be too far gone with their hatred right now; it's unrealistic in its ugliness and I wonder what MSM is feeding them that they have lost their true selves to. I'm not willing to check out MSM to try and find out but I suspect they are piling on fake news right now.

ladslassie ago

It's like the cliques in high school. Everyone needs to feel like they belong somewhere. Joining in the liberal echo chamber gives a feeling of belonging among the 'good' people. There is a great deal of social reinforcement for liberals. I will add that half the population is below average in intelligence. Some people just aren't very smart. Others are plenty smart but see a different reality. Think of those optical illusions where two different images can be seen in the same picture - like the one where one can see a vase or the profiles of two women's faces, or the spinning ballerina where people don't all see the direction of spin the same way. It can be genuinely difficult to see the image differently than your brain initially registers it. What seems logical to me seems completely inverted to someone who only listens to 'mainstream' sources and socializes with like-minded friends.

Leatherwood123 ago

This is because President Trump standing in the front of the church they tried to burn, with a Bible in his hand, intends to restore God's law to this nation. Those who choose to resist should be very, very afraid.

angelCole ago

Interesting, someone on Twitter likened it to Molech/Baal when he held the bible up with his right hand, was he mocking the demons on the left?? possibly.

tweety51 ago

Most in the media and politicians.

El_Deguello ago

Demons hate the Word of God.

adamantium_erection ago

“Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away”

Psalm 37:1-2

M16Gunner ago

From Wikipedia:

Recent history

During the George Floyd protests in 2020, a fire started outside of the church spread to the basement of the church's parish house, which holds offices and the church’s nursery.[11] D.C. firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, and a fire department spokesman said there was no significant damage.[12] President Donald Trump later visited the church after speaking to reporters about the protest.[13][14] After Trump's visit to the church, Rector Gini Gerbasi criticized the president in a Facebook post, stating that tear gas had been used to disperse nearby protesters. He also characterized the visit as a "political stunt."[15][16][17]

Now tweeting: Just to be clear, I am not the Rector of St. John's, Lafayette Square where the incident occurred. I am the Rector of St. John's Church in Georgetown. It is confusing to have two St. John's Episcopal churches within 2 miles. But 200 years ago, it seemed like a good idea.

Should that church lose religious status getting political?

SuckaFree ago

Anything coming out of Georgetown is most likely coni g from [Hussein]. It's where he lives.

SkyeVeritas ago

Churches in our early history were “political”. The people need Godly servants in EVERY facet of our lives. Many churches have fallen, as described in the Book of Revelation. “Separation of church and state” is NOT constitutional; it’s another lie to lead us deeper into evil.

Nachose ago

Satan isn't happy - he thought he was winning. Then Trump flashes a Bible on National TV.

swimrobin ago

Satan knows the Bible front to back. He knows he won’t win.

El_Deguello ago

Satan knows his time is short. We all know how this ends.

Qanonplus1 ago

Not calling out the lawlessness, but calling out Trump's reaction to stop the lawlessness...

This is the spirit of the antichrist.



SkyeVeritas ago

It’s demonic anyway...

WokeazfuQ ago

If your enemy is temperamental seek to irritate him

Art of War

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tradstew ago

The reaction to the act of faith by POTUS was like holy water to the demonic.

SkyeVeritas ago

Very well put.

ChiCom ago

The common talking point was that he held it upside down so he's the antichrist.

Nothing more ridiculous than an atheist calling someone the antichrist.

saveurforktherespie ago

he is not the antichrist lol, he is a devil though .....

ChiCom ago

And let's consider the source of this contradictory and controversial information...

Oh right a new nigger faggot account.

Lurk moar and learn before you comment

ShoeShineJoey ago

But the real question is was the bible really upside down?

369693936 ago

Joys1Daughter ago

It was not...

ShoeShineJoey ago


Joys1Daughter ago

That was a beautiful moment ShoeShineJoey!

I shouted to my husband, "Potus has his Bible and he's holding it up!"

God Bless him!

pushthis ago

Ah this reminds me of a common sinister female tactic where history is recalled incorrect, disfavoring the oposition.