solo7 ago

Trump is actually protecting those at Fox from being a target by the other media. He's denying that Fox helps him when he gets elected.

Boscovius ago

Anyone who was paying attention knows when Fox hired the "Brain Dead Water Buffalo" it was all but over for Fox News.

2infinity ago

Unfortunately, according to the latest Fox News Poll on 5/21. "The latest Fox News Poll finds voters trust Biden to do a better job than Trump on health care by 17 points, coronavirus by 9, and relations with China by 6. Trump is trusted more on the economy by a slim 3-point margin." A lot of this is probably the result of the lamestream media's constant attacks on Trump. So be forewarned that Trump's reelection is not a guarantee.

Boscovius ago

Pollz are as fake as the Newz.

2infinity ago

I agree but in this case it was a poll done by Fox and run by a Dem and a republican. Noteworthy.

Jessecuster ago

Donna Brazille is a fat scum-sucking pig. I stopped watching Fox when they hired it. At least I no longer have to watch nitwit Juan Williams do mental gymnastics to try and deflect attention from dumbocrat double-standards and their unscrupulous, power-hungry overreach. Juan had an original, non-dnc approved thought once... in 1978.

jhartz39 ago

Indeed, I just watched a analyst named Chris Hahn come on and trash the POTUS. It was all lies, it makes me sick watching this scum,

PurpleGiant ago

Hannity ain't it either but he is apparently the chosen one.

Mind_Games ago

Many more will tell you that we've been telling you this for years.

Fox can't be trusted. Rupert Murdoch's bastard kids are ruining a conservative outlet.

Merkava_4 ago

I've already included Fox in with the Deep State media.

thebearfromstartrack ago

He's right. Juan is married to a WHITE woman and has created Mamzar children. He's an agent of Satan. An infiltrator. Then there is Tyrus, the giant infant who is stuck playing "hoodrat" as an ADULT. With a name that is synonymous with Satan IN THE BIBLE (referenced as Tyrus, and King of Tyrus). Former "professional wrestler"...IS A MAMZAR but PRETENDS he's nigger, and flashes that hood sign (east coast?) when introduced on JEW G Gutfeld's (hellboy) show. Also Dan bongino is a MAMZAR who SEEMS to be pro conservative, but STILL an infiltrator. WONDER what his wife is.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

If anyone tells you that Fox is on Trump's side, show them this:

Share it widely before YouTube takes it down.

suave200 ago

I think most of the comments were about Biden. Some paid troll made that up.

Anonymous171717 ago


CMAnon ago

He's absolutely correct. Fox is a shadow of its former self. I just wish Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, Levine, Bream would just leave and form their own network. It would be an instant success. Then we could watch Fox decompose into the sludge pile created from the other MSM netorks,

Jessecuster ago

Imagine if those you listed all jumped to OANN together

AndyMan_45 ago

Can you say Paul Ryan?

aleksz ago

Have you heard Jessy Waters just said on "Five" - I am paraphrasing: President Obama won't be able to help Joe Biden because he will be in jail and it won't be possible for him to help his VP from the jail cell! You should've seen the face of Juan Williams... priceless

PrayRosary ago

I couldn’t believe it when I heard it. Go, Jesse. Juan is on that show too prove left’s idiocy.

KyJane ago

I'm telling you some of the blacks would go on worshiping the big Zero because his skin was black too even if they knew for a fact that he was Satan himself in the flesh. They conveniently forget that he's half white because HIS SKIN IS BLACK and that means all. I think Juan Williams is one of those and he's that stupid. The truth is that more blacks are racist than whites.

scoripowarrior ago

Most of their morning and afternoon people are crap. Brett Baier and Martha McCallum are also anti Trump. Best on air is Elizabeth MacDonald on Fox Business. She is really good.

Grunge ago

Do you know when I knew that fox news was terrible? During their coverage of 9/11 many years ago.

WhisperingPine ago

I do not watch Fox I only watch OANN

rickki6 ago

Yup my bf only OANN me YouTube for most of my news

WhisperingPine ago

yes i really like OANN they seem to be the only TRUE news on tv anyway

allisalie ago

im not a shill..but how long can we waIT FOR Q To do something..the same olgarch pedos are still there the democrats are still getting tired of sitting back watchin the shit show.year after year..and its still..the same shit show after q

Vokan ago

OAN is the way to go. I will leave Suddenlink to someon that carries OAN news.

woadowl ago

use other outlets

jamesyb0i ago

Why would you expect a news agency to help anyone. Impartiality is all you should expect

KyJane ago

True. It seems NONE of them can just tell the news anymore without inserting their opinions and views all in it. None of them can just let us think and decide for ourselves from the given facts, but few can even give those. I don't think any of them can without omitting important facts since they are told what they can and can't say.

POdPatriot ago

Another POTUS glaring truth.

Jiggggg ago

Greg Gutfield and Jesse Waters are the only things I try to catch. Lou Dobbs over in Fox business is good too

SK63 ago

Amen. Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto, Brett Baier, John Hemer, Juan Williams, Dana Perino. All of them are controlled opposition.

suave200 ago

At least butt boy shep smith is gone.

User890020 ago

Why does cancer always get the top replies?

ImmaLueserBaby ago

Always the same people, too. Some coloring book crybaby and a fake doctor

User890020 ago

Why doesn't anybody reply to him, asking if he's some kind of super idiot?

AndyMan_45 ago

Just look at his picture, he's a total jerk off liberal loser. Tools like him are immune to reasoning. He's probably foamed up 24/7.

User890020 ago

I'd still unleash the roaring truth on him.

But I could/would get banned I guess.

damessinger ago

I absolutely agree with you Mr. President. Fox sucks.

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Snuffy_5_Smith ago

When they hired Donna Brazile I thought it was the beginning of a downward trend. She gets muted any time they put Her on. I watch Tucker, Shawn (punisher pin) Hannity and Ingraham angle weekdays Lavin and Judge Janine weekends.

Anon-Dan ago

I watch Nothing on fox

OAN is at least real news with a lot less opinion. I used to watch a lot of fox but they ALL have gone down hill, not worth it now.

onikage ago

Many agree.

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Many will disagree, but @FoxNews is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd. Sure, there are some truly GREAT people on Fox, but you also have some real “garbage” littered all over the network, people like Dummy Juan Williams, Schumerite Chris..."

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rickki6 ago

....Hahn, Richard Goodstein, Donna Brazile, Niel Cavuto, and many others. They repeat the worst of the Democrat speaking points, and lies. All of the good is totally nullified, and more. Net Result = BAD! CNN & MSDNC are all in for the Do Nothing Democrats! Fox WAS Great!