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HalmoniKim ago

On a side....does all this remind anyone else of 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane? Every time...the song gets stuck in my head.

guru_meditation ago

At least one of their other record covers shows the 'one eye' symbol (do an image search). Made me think, why do talented young people want in on this sick stuff? Are they part of elite families already? Or (more likely?) are they talented young people who (were allowed to) strike success but have to flash 'their' symbols? I imagine they could only be this successful if they were compromised. I.e. forced to take part in a 'secret meeting' (SRA), they couldn't talk about it, because, you know. Once in, you can't get out (and if so, you'll have an 'accident'). Anyway, this made me think why would good people want to join a sick club or are they tricked into it. Where are they on the scale of 'victim' to '100% actively willing fanatic sicko'?