bamadeplorable420 ago

THAT lil laughing effer from remdesivir at the conference the other day was scared shitless.

numina18 ago

Because they think they can blot out HCQ! HCQ is 60 cents a pill. Remdesivir, the drug that Fauce will no doubt be on the gravy train for, is $1000.00 per pill. Corruption, insider trading.

flh ago

The bigger question here is, how the hell did they know PDJT would endorse this brand ?. Who is playing who or ?. I for one will not take that pill.

Qdini ago

Fauci endorsed he. They knew he would.

Agapechik57 ago

Well then let’s take hydrochloroquine

MolochHunter ago

Blackrock, too

Kushner trying to balance the scales of influence

Qdini ago

I think BlackRock decreased their holdings as of the end of March. Click the Decrease Tab.

ketoll ago

How do you narrow down the results for those specific companies?

COAnon ago

Let me see: Remdesivir $1,400/pill or Hydroxycloroquine 60 cents/pill. Both do the same thing to relieve and rid this coronovirus (flu).

Remdesivir does 2 things:

1. Makes the rich richer

2. Kills more people that cannot afford Remdesivir

Hydroxycloroquine does one thing:

1. Heals everyone/anyone

Canbritanon ago

So ~2,000 people can be treated at the cost of 1.

Meaning everyone in America could be treated at the cost of treating 150,000 people or FAR LESS THAN THEY ARE CLAIMING HAVE HAD THE DISEASE.

Qanonplus1 ago

Damn them all! I pray thru blood of Jesus they will be taken down swiftly dear Lord. Bring them down oh mighty One. Let them fall into the Alliance's snare Father God. Let it happen quickly and succinctly. Let the whole world see their power fall. I pray that You will avenge the citizens of the world who were and are victims of this evil mafia. Thru the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Gracefxdl ago


blueblur ago

Overheard on ABC Good Morning America yesterday them saying a new drug, first to show promise against COV19; Remdesmivir! Fuckin assholes.

Qanonplus1 ago

This tells me that something in it is evil and poisonous if they are backing it.

75usmc79 ago

Guess they are hurtin for money.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Fauci been touting this-TRAITOR!

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

This should show everyone why they all trashed hydroxychloroquine.

Blacksmith21 ago


asymptote_12 ago

I'm sure there's a dozen or more members of Congress, or their families who did as well.

Canbritanon ago

What organizations are they shareholders of that are now shareholders?

"I only invested in them, because Pelosi[/insert name] told me they were a good investment!"

AUSAFVet ago

Now ALL will claim it is the wonder saving drug of the century!!


rockyracoon74 ago

It's a drug looking for a disease. First started as an HIV/AIDS drug with limited success.

brettco12 ago

For $1000.00 per you could afford to have a tracking bank chip in each pill. Maybe it snags soft intestinal tissue.

rockyracoon74 ago

Interesting thought!