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733429 ago

If you have a post that incidentally concerns Racine, you are still welcome to post it, although i recommend you avoid stylistic similarity with the Racine psyop to avoid deletion.

To clarify for all of us, comments like this one would be okay to post, right?

Racine Mayor Arrested in Sex Sting

pby1000 ago


AllFreemasons ago

They are all Freemasons. At least the last three Mayors were all arrested or convicted of crimes with allegations of much worse. The DA committed a DUI hit and run also and resigned. Here is an article about the former mayor was the last mayor who suddenly resigned during a string of controversies including alleged underage relationships, multi-million dollar bribes and kickbacks, illegal surveillance and more.

Monte Osterman, a Dickert supporter from Day 1, presented the new mayor with a 160-year-old gavel (right, in the above picture) used by historic Milwaukee Mayor Byron Kilbourn. Osterman received the gavel as a gift after serving as master of the Kilbourn Masonic Lodge in Milwaukee. "It's a gift to John," Osterman said. "Some day he'll pass it on."

They arrest them in order to control and silence involvement in bigger crimes once exposed.

pby1000 ago

That is the real virus we are fighting against.

MolochHunter ago

absolutely fine