Enaashby ago

The majority of English cities are controlled by Moz mayors. There ARE no-go areas in London and other cities where even the police dare not go. The Paki Moz are the main perpetrators of underage rapes with, what the Brit PC brigade call "grooming gangs." Their serial rapes have affected thousands of young girls across the country. They have practically gotten away with it all. This scene is yet another reminder WHY we must have our 2A rights as the DS with help from a willing Demtard party and the cabals would love to turn our entire country into what is regularly seen in England, Sweden, Germany, France, and practically every other Christian European country. It's the Kalergi Plan successfully perpetrated on the disarmed citizens of Europe. Katie is a courageous woman for being in the middle of a Paki mob.

Covfefeandeggs ago

How jews operate:

1) Import violent niggers into white homelands

2) Use media control to create public hysteria against Muslims

3) Shame white natives for islamophobia

4) repeat

I hope those towelheads behead this kike propagandist

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robertdebruce ago

Time for a Zionist Tea Party.

3665001 ago

Coming to America once more enter Congress!

Modernminuteman ago

Our prayers are with you Katie and the English people who have been invaded just they planned to do to us. Those are some real brave men harassing a lone woman.

slowcrash101 ago

Complaining about women being raped in kashmir? Why don't those dirty pakis stop raping and pimping English women then we'll talk.

BT1100 ago

They do, it is just not being reported. They love especially young women and girls. Whoever reports about these most muslim men grooming young girls is labeled far right and anti-islam. Research Tommy Robinson in Great Britain. He had to go to jail for reporting about a court case against these villains.

ilovejuices3 ago

Well... is she a zionist bitch?

CanIPlay2 ago

Wiki used to be on point with the info. They began scrubbing the Jewish part off like crazy some time ago. (Pre Epstein.)

So, let's use the clues:

Just look at the side profile, hmm, suspicious.

Mommy was a bank teller, again, suspect.

Works for the media...

3 strikes, she's been found out.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Haven't seen anything about her denying the charge.

Just more whining and ploys for sympathy, as one would expect from a zionist bitch.

theBreadSultan ago

Islamofascists are the absolute worst. True scum of the highest order.

The irony is the ones they hurt the most are the Muslims. I have a friend who is a woman whose family is actually from Kashmir, she's Pakistani but we always tease her about her 'heritage' and how she's either Indian or Pakistani depending on how the war is going.

She drinks, parties, has career etc. Is Muslim and would be absolutely appalled and this behaviour.

The problem is, because the islamofascists have such a penchant for violence and harassment, she can't really speak up.

You will almost always see counter protests at a protest, except usually when it's an islamofascist one.

Not compatible with the west. They should change or fuck off

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Semites (real and fake) are the absolute worst. Their preferred superstitions notwithstanding.

AngelofDeath ago

She is!

When are you religious "do-gooder" solar cult cretins going to get your heads out of your ignorant asses and stop worshiping these "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL" Edomite claimed "Jews"??

Yes, you'd lick the shit from a MOSSAD agents ass as you asked if he was related to Jesus. Pagan "mother harlot" and daughter protestant Blasphemers. You promote your own demise by standing with that Rothschild developed FARCE state of IsraeLIE. Has nothing to do with the pagan religion of Islam. Keep lying to yourself.

She is a Zionist bitch, as are most Christians today.

Hersmellyboot ago

Sorry UK but you done fucked up

PacaGoat ago

Was like that when I was in London in 1976. Well worse now with a mudslim in charge.

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SumerBreeze ago

Well... isn’t she?

Qd4Action ago

No, she isn't. Why don't you pull your head out of your ignorant ass?

She's a brave British woman who's trying to make the western world aware of the dangers of unmitigated and uncontrolled Muslim immigration. She highlights how these 'poor immigrants' and 'refugees' don't assimilate - they consolidate in concentrated areas and demand host countries accommodate their values and mores.

Ever hear the term, 'Grooming Gangs', SumerBreeze?

So on a day that England has historically celebrated a man who, as the story has it, refused to reject his Christian faith in the face of an order by a Roman emperor and was executed for it, Muslims are in the street with Pakistani flags and loudspeakers pissing and moaning about something. She has the guts to go out in that crowd and broadcast to the world what has become of the British capital under the governance of Sadiq Kahn.

And people in this country better wake the fuck up...particularly the ignorant ones who defame her warning.

AngelofDeath ago

And the result of your stupidity??? ... Destruction of the WHITE RACE via miscegenation. You a Zionist bitch too??

FirstDamsel ago

Great response. Wish I could upvote more than once. 👍👍👍

SumerBreeze ago

Are those the thumbs the grooming gangs stick up your marvelous fag-smoking circus cunt?

SumerBreeze ago

Well, she never corrected them by saying “fuck Israel!”

She is a media whore and will always be.

Qd4Action ago

Wow...lots of Joofags out here. I guess the Muslim trolls are out in force this morning.

SumerBreeze ago

You sound like an inbred faggot kikesucker. Get back to your can of welfare beans, asshole!

Qd4Action ago

That's your fucking problem: you don't care about pedophile-worshipping sandniggers and before you know it, they're making you listen to their daily prayers 5 times a day and raping your daughter. You're too fucking ignorant to realize it.

Done with you, douchebag.

SumerBreeze ago

I bet you are too ashamed to go out and pray the rosary on loudseaker! Well I guess the Holy Virgin Mother has been replaced now with savage rapist shitskins! Why aren’t you enjoying your diversity, bitch? You rolled your eyes at your grandmother’s humble humility and now get to witness the result of your ignorance of other cultures and tge indifference to your own - you negligent piece of shit.

AndyMan_45 ago

I shouldn't interject myself into this but a catholic criticizing islam reminds me of the old beam in thy own eye scripture.

SumerBreeze ago

because Jesus was a child rapist? hmm, your logic stands as firm as your penis right now

AndyMan_45 ago

I'm not the one defending the pope.

In fact, fuck him.

SumerBreeze ago

You are defending child rapists, nonetheless, faggot!

oneinchterror ago

Absolutely based.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/kthopkins/status/1253210949663838209 :

Katie Hopkins on Twitter: "On #StGeorgesDay - spare a thought for the English.

This is London under Sadiq Khan.

This is what we are up against. These Gentlemen calling me “a Zionist bitch” #StGeorge… /dtuFKxzGWx"

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