rockyracoon74 ago

We'll get to see them right after the Kennedy Assassination files are released. Any day now...

Jonny_Ninja ago

I've come to the conclusion that damning info about the DS is ammo.

Whitehats are very selective in when to fire what ammo and and what targets.

Snuffy_5_Smith ago

That is a very interesting concept and I really hope the truth about 9-11 comes out in the next 6 months not 10 years from now.

Jonny_Ninja ago

Oh I do to, man.

quidproquo ago


DickTick ago

He cares way more and timing and national security than your personal feelings.... And thank god he does.

jhartz39 ago

Its my guess 9/11 is being investigated, You can't release evidence before the trial date. Research was just finalized in Alaska couple weeks ago. I'm sure this data will be part of the indictment against the guilty. We see new details come out each day as we inch closer to the day the people will be told the truth. I know it sucks waiting for justice, but it must be done properly, we get one chance to prove the case against these people. Wheels of justice grinds slowly. If you don't trust by this point in time you have not been paying attention, the man is not protecting anyone, the guilty will see justice one day and they know this. I'm sure the pending doom that they will pay for their crimes is weighing on them, they are not free. They are stuck in a prison of their own mind, they don't regret their crimes, they regret the man in charge is going to prosecute them for their crimes.

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

It is actions like this and Barr's recent Refusal to charge a Known pedophile within the FBI of child pornography that makes me Question his True loyalties...

dirt_reynolds ago

Trust the plan, sheep.

Jfunction ago

I think William Barr is corrupt and suborned by his own actions in the aftermath of 9/11. Classifying the truth of 9/11 is simply illegal. It takes courage and commitment to release the whole slew of documents and neither Barr nor Trump will do it. Their excuse is that it would cause damage to the American people but the greater damage is to The moral/legal heart of free society that is being done by hiding the truth behind a wall of lies. Barr needs to declassify or be removed.

mac1221 ago

I cannot even imagine how disappointed and frustrated these families members must feel to have had their hopes built up and then dashed again. I will not condemn them for how they feel. God bless them.

The "Saudi connection" to 911 is a critical component to keeping the contrived narrative intact. Once that house of cards starts to tumble there will be no stopping it. It is not about the Saudis. It is about the fact that this was a DS operation pulled off by several countries and with members of our own government. To crack this Saudi door open even just a little risks an avalanche.

The timing is crucial to be able to deal with the effects that the release of such damning information can cause. The pit in that windshield will spider all over place and will lead to more questions than answers. Those questions will lead to all kinds of operations that have caused great harm and destruction to not just the US, but to the rest of the world. Only POTUS knows when the timing of the release of such information is appropriate in order to control, minimize, and mitigate the collateral effects of such a release.

Mr_Wolf ago

They all knew, the linked book is a good read. they all knew and I'd love to know deeper behind the scenes. the entire thing could have been prevented.

Pollycracker ago

OK. Retarded. Got it.

Ddboomer ago

This is not good.

People need to know that our own DS government did this.

DuHast ago

I'm not so sure it's that Trump wants to keep what is known about these Saudis hidden. But how can he open that up without opening up all the things about the Israelis ? Dancing Israelis and other Israeli operatives that were caught in New York that day.

SK63 ago

Barr said even revealing the "reasoning" for why they need to withhold the documents would severely impact national security.

veteran88 ago

Fucking traitor.

Why is that fat bitch covering up for the kikes.

That's about all that's left that is still classified is the Jewish involvement with 9/11.

NPCs must learn the JQ. They will all throw us under the bus and sacrifice thousands of us to advance their interests.

Now some faggot will come along and say not all Jews, but that same faggot wouldn't go around saying not all Nazis, because it is a cuck slave who worships ungrateful hostile forigners who hate him. He takes their abuse and worships them anyway.

eldorann ago

I thought Q told us "You are ready."




lion4liberty ago

If the public knew that it was a false flag run by jews against Muslims then a lot of jews would have to flee to israel. Barr, being a jew would not like that.

COAnon ago

Over 3,000 people died and all we have is the governments lies about who, what, when, where and why 911 happened. Who in our government ignored or knew or were part of this attack need to be outted and prosecuted. Rumsfeld stated that $2.4 trillion dollars (actually closer to $7 trillion) could not be accounted for at the Pentagon. The next day, the attack at the Pentagon just happened to be where the financial files were stored. Coincidence? There are no coincidences in Washington.

MudPuddlePie ago

The sheeple are already having a meltdown as it is (over the fake pandemic). One thing at a time.

Think how pissed they'll be when the DS is outed for this Wuhan virus. How they've been lied to by everyone they trusted; the CDC, WHO, doctors, big pharma, Gates, etc. Their lives/businesses destroyed. How they were terrified on purpose.

Then later on, 911 facts are introduced. The sheeple are already furious, then further red-pilled on 911 treason. Much more likely to believe it...cuz they just experienced a DS treasonous, sheep-herding narrative with COVID-19. When 911 truth comes out and the consequent stripping of liberties is exposed then (Patriot Act, molestation at airports, blabbty-blah) the lightbulb will go on.

You wake the sheeple now (scare even necessary, for more than one reason, obviously), then go backwards in time exposing each treasonous, liberty stripping FF. Once they "see" 911 truth, then Boston bombing, Wako, Florida nightclub shooting, mosque mass shooting, etc., the whole house of cards comes down.

Timing is everything.


Bee4Q ago

I agree with you. Shit is going down at the right time. Think about all the DS is doing as we speak to sabotage Durham and his pile of evidence? It will be done as a domino effect. The first domino will send shock waves. People will stand at attention and finally understand it all.

gerberlyfe2 ago

It would implicate Israel and (((Barr))) can't have that

BigSky_GAM ago

Do you really think this is the time to release these documents with everything else that is on the table. The stage is being set to "WAKEUP" the people. I do not think this is it. Like SentinalShield said: "Timing is Everything".

Nachose ago

Trump knew from day 1. He was a builder and said in an interview that day, that a plane could not pierce a steel building. He has always known. He will release when it will be the most effective. Now is not the right time.

369693936 ago

I guess the American people don't have a right to know what happened on 9-11.

Or that people are finally going to be held accountable and those documents need to be kept classified until they're used as DISCOVERY.

Bee4Q ago


CMAnon ago

The release would endanger national security how exactly? What, more than the attack already did? Someone plotted to take those buildings down and it killed and seriously injured thousands of people. So, let me get this straight, if Roger Stone or Gen. Flynn lie to phony questions posed by FBI criminals, they're supposed to go to jail. But criminals plot to kill and main thousands of innocent people, deprive their families of husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, sons, daughters not to mention the delays in traveling, a cost to the taxpayers of trillions in loss over time and makes U.S. citizens distrustful of their elected officials. What's that by comparison?

Is it Saudi Arabia or Israel behind these crimes? The Rothchilds? Who is blocking the citizens of this country from knowing the truth? Is the cabal feeling the squeeze? Do they have incriminating evidence to something? At this point I don't think it matters. Nothing but God is sacred now. All mortal men are sinners and some are criminal. I'm concerned about the criminals that have power over our system of laws and are free and protected to kill and maim any and all. We elected Trump to stop this BS, not keep crimes buried.

waldo1899 ago

Robert S. Mueller, III, September 4, 2001- September 4, 2013

Robert Mueller headed the FBI for exactly 12 years, the second longest in history, following legislation in 2011 that extended his tenure by two years.

if you are wondering why the 9/11 Doc's are locked & key tossed into the Potomac

littlestown ago

Can't release any documents used in an active case. This is a very good sign. A bad sign would just redact them and release them.

joecamoe ago

I trust Barr.

gerberlyfe2 ago

Not a good idea. He's a jew.

downvoatmachine ago

Barr does thing: MSM claims Barr bad for not doing thing: thing gains public attention as result: Barr releases when the timing is right for max effect. enjoy the show.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

So far it's been a shit show.

ThankQ ago

Maybe the 9/11 documents are being used as evidence in “other crimes”.

Grunge ago

ya right, we'll never get the truth and Barr is swamp. Ya'll applaud that shit like it means something that you want it to mean.

ChippyTubes ago

Who goes to DALTON SCHOOL and who writes weird scifi books with hidden pedo themes?

Hawkerbuff7 ago

I agree Pariot

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Yet voatniggers think Trump, Barr, FBI, cops, police, Jews, Muslims, feminists are on their side. Worthless voatniggers are whiteniggers.

hummingbird4 ago

He has to right now. People are going to be charged for other traitorous deeds and 9/11.

think500 ago

Well the Saudis didn't do it. It was the cheney administration at the behest of his nw0cabal owners/masters.

ChippyTubes ago

Why do so many bone headed freaks take it up the ass from kebabs and suck sandnigger dick, btw fuck the Israeli kikes also, greatest ally fucking BULLSHIT the only positive thing I can say about them is they are not moslem !!

brettco12 ago

I'm not sure alien beings weren't involved to be honest.

think500 ago

The three building appear to have been demolished in a fairly standard manner, except for the fact that military grade nano-thermite was used.

brettco12 ago

And instead of 200ft tall debris pile there is dust clouds and paper and more jumpers than ever before os since.

CheeBooga ago

No. Saudis helped israel do it and all of their puppets in DC helped.

think500 ago

They were merely a portion of the globalist nw0. Best to stay over the bigger target, the child-eating cabal of dynasties, cults and cartels.

CheeBooga ago

All roads lead back to israel and jews.

think500 ago

Not at all. This is divisive nw0 propaganda, don't spread it.. The cabal unfortunately covers the Earth. My last word on this.

"Expand your thinking."

CheeBooga ago

International bankers are in control of those governments all over the world. That's also my last say in this. Wake up.

logjam ago

For the first time just last week, I wondered if China had anything to do with it. Would have sounded absurd to even suggest it some time back.

redtoe_skipper ago

hmmmm .... that would be an elaborate strategy. However, it is not beyond the realm of possibility. The 16 year plan is simply the 24 year plan to rout out the US and let it implode on itself.

It reminds me of a line from V for Vendetta:

So, I read the former United States are so desperate for medical supplies, they

So I read that the former United States is so desperate for medical supplies that they have allegedly sent several containers filled with wheat and tobacco. A gesture, they said, of good will. You wanna know what I think? Well, you're listening to my show, so I will assume you do... I think it's high time we let the colonies know what we really think of them. I think its payback time for a little tea party they threw for us a few hundred years ago. I say we go down to those docks tonight and dump that crap where everything from the Ulcered Sphincter of Arse-erica belongs! Who's with me? Who's bloody with me?

[audience applauds]

Lewis Prothero : Did you like that? USA... Ulcered Sphincter of Arse-erica, I mean what else can you say? Here was a country that had everything, absolutely everything. And now, 20 years later, is what? The world's biggest leper colony. Why?


CheeBooga ago

Yeah those Chinese art students and dancing Chinese were everywhere

logjam ago

When did the people you speak of ever do anything for themselves?

think500 ago

Well the nw0 has been using China like a club.. trying to beat US to death with it for decades. But 911 was an inside DS/cabal attack.

XSS1337 ago

Ongoing investigation

Pollycracker ago

Look 911 people, the first thing you learn is that you do not want to fight a 2 front War, China & Saudi Arabia? Are you nuts?

The Saudi's have been taking care of their NWO kinsman that perpetrated 911 and other insane operations through their department of the CIA (Bush). Bringing China to task is taking on the NWO, the perpetrators of 911. Let's conquer that first.

ouspensky ago

Isreal did 911 with dick cheney and some NYC Ashkenazi businessmen

redtoe_skipper ago

I agree with the way you have formed the thought. However, behind SA back then, you will find some other people. Like Brennan ... Bushes, and ....., and quite an interesting lot.

And indeed, it is a matter of timing when to move on that front.

There is still a country to save, a population to get up and running again, an election to win, and some other current blockading DS people to take out.

ANd besides .... keep something for the next four years. That particular enemy will show it's ugly face then, I would say.

Pollycracker ago

I would say you are as right as rain.

TeddyJackson ago

You're retarded if you think Saudi Arabia did 9/11.

You're retarded if you think sand niggers who could barely fly a cesna could fly jumbo jets into the side of a 5 story building.

You're retarded if you think Saudi Arabia was conducting US air force war games the same day and 9/11 and stopped fighter jets from intercepting hijacked airliners.

There isnt even proof the supposed hijackers boarded the planes that day.

Buzzsaw ago

Shut up

TeddyJackson ago

Found the jew shill

Ddboomer ago

The buildings went down due to explosives. The “planes” were for theatrics.

Inside job people.

Crayonall9t ago

Shut it down. The goyim knows!


The ONLY reason to not let John Q Public know is because it would make the GOP (BUSH) look horrible before the election and all the deep state crimes could be pinned on the GOP.

And while I think the GOP is VERY complicit in all of these crimes they should not bear the brunt of the charges.

On the "trust the plan" side of things this looks very bad tho

TheOutlaw816 ago

Thats very true. Funny thing about "Trust" is its hard to earn and even harder to get back once gone.

I think we have no other option but to "Trust the Plan" ie because we are watching a show. So, no matter how it looks, there must be a logical reason behind it. GOP blame before election, SA corruption clean up efforts hampered, ongoing investigations (protecting current assests).

SentinalShield ago

Timing is everything

Spirocus ago

911 has nothing to do with the Saudi's that's just deflection. Inside job all the way

random128dsf321 ago

The mental gymnastics is Olympic worthy.

constitutionranger ago

Nope, just gotta trust the plan for another few years....then BOOM! Am i right?

random128dsf321 ago

i really dont get the blind trust. If trump loses, then what? That is what I want to hear. I want to hear WHAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN for Q diehards to believe its a psyop.

libertarianleeluu ago

I can answer that question, Trump would have to side with the Deepstate. On one or all these topics, Gun Control, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, forced Vaccination. If he does that I can admit we were duped. But, REALITY is that TRUMP has not lost our trust or sided with the Deep State on any of these issues. Q hasn't either. Trump will win by a landslide in November, Hillary and Obama will be held accountable. You shills can take that to the BANK.

random128dsf321 ago

Bump Stock Ban

Banning of Encryption in messaging apps (ends free speech)

Allowing Twiter and Facebook and Reddit and all other social media to ban conservatives (ends free speech)

Allowing Apple and Google to ban conservative apps for speech (like INFOWARS)

Allowing BANKS to ban conservatives for speech

Allowing LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP a influential voice in the party, (Turning Point USA and Lady MAGA as an example) kicking out Conservative voices.

we'll see on vaccinations, but his two top guys are for it AND micro-chipping the receipt in you.

libertarianleeluu ago

I mean, that was a piss-poor attempt at moving the goal post, you failed. Your 1st point is hardly "taking our guns", your 2nd - 6th point had absolutely nothing to do with Trump, Q or the administration. Twatter, FB, REDDIT, Apple and Google are all private companies, meaning the federal government is not their keepers. Try again.

random128dsf321 ago

First point is litterly a ban on a gun feature.

The rest of your arguments are equally poor.

libertarianleeluu ago

" First point is litterly* a ban on a gun feature"

Not on a Gun

Also, Online interactions 101, CHECK YOUR SPELLING*. Tard

random128dsf321 ago

Ok. So, getting rid of all non bolt action rifles is not a gun ban?

Self feeding rounds is a feature according to you, right?

libertarianleeluu ago

"First point is litterly a ban on a gun feature"

Nope, wrong again tardo, it's a feature according to you.

Stay down this time. I win.

random128dsf321 ago

you contradict yourself.

praying71 ago

Yes, Q saves is for last (916).

Smokybubbles ago

The time to tell the truth to the people is long past. It doesn't matter which faction of government witholds the truth from you, for "your own good".

RoBatten ago

Still waiting on the truth about Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PatEldo5 ago

Watch "From JFK to 9/11- Everything is a Rich Man's Trick". Tell everyone you know to watch this video. Compelling info that is easy to understand.

Jim_Bob ago

Congress told you the truth in 1978. Minimum 4 shots, minimum 2 shooters, at least 1 shot from the grassy knoll, and it was a conspiracy.

Fake news and Hollyweird hides it, but that is the federal government's official position, and has been for 42 years.

angelCole ago

Nobody said anything about for "our own good". Timing is everything is all that needed be said.

Ramp7 ago

Trump knows.

Building #7

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Visit the 9/11 forums, Abovetopsecret, Let's Roll Forums, etc...there are shills posting HARD against building 7 being controlled these days. And I mean HARD.

HalmoniKim ago

What about Guiliani then? Wouldn't he have known too and all these years kept quiet?

Jim_Bob ago

Yes. Don't worship Guiliani. He's a prick. If he helps take down the DS, great. But he's still a prick.

awildbanannaphone ago

Everyone knows. IDK who you precieve to be good. But anyone with significant meat in the game ranging from reporters of anderson cooper to sean hanity know.

Politicans from Nancy Pelosi to Lindsay Graham to Trey Gowdey. Anyone whose name is a household name in any kind of politicking knows the truth (or atleast that 9/11 official narriative is bullshit)

As top comment says timing is everything, but im starting to question if were going to have these grandeur promises that the Q team has made. I still believe but times running down.

tweety51 ago

This sure doesn't fit with the truth about everything being exposed. I know there was a grand jury formed for 9/11 so what is going on with that? I want to trust the plan but there are some things I just don't understand. This article is just about the Saudi connection and we really know there is much more to the story than that so maybe this just holds back the release of the "Saudi connection". I hope so.

Hudat ago

Looks like it's being held up as well, go figure.

User890020 ago

NOT A GOOD SIGN, unless it's "too soon"... :-/

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brettco12 ago

We apparently aren't ready to confirm Hillary or Feinstein are guilty so that would confirm it's too soon. I don't understand what is going on- does that make for a good movie? It usually makes me turn a movie off but this movie involves my future so....

User890020 ago

Speaking of future, are you following George Webb?

He's ahead of any other source, BY FAR.

His latest 20 videos are especially informative.

brettco12 ago

Yes. His brain and mine aren't the same but I try to follow him. The fakedemic is simpler than his past videos.

CanIPlay2 ago

The only way it stays classified is if some of the information relates to ongoing investigations. Otherwise, it's hiding the truth, not just from Americans, but from the world.

We the people deserve to know.

LambOfLiberty ago

Maybe it’ll hurt ongoing investigations, and will be released later

Veggiehead ago

"Saudis" did it huh? OK case closed. Phew.