Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Thanks Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn you fucking bitch cunt fag retards.

jc99ta ago

The whole agent leaving him just now (he wasn't aware this was in production?) and now the death threats makes me concerned that this is more for publicity than anything else.

I liked the documentary, but this seems contrived to me.

Qdini ago

Yeah, well that's what Anthony Bourdain thought too.

jc99ta ago

Yea, true. I guess I was just being skeptical. I'm sure there are details I'm not aware of.

YellyYuropoor ago

So what? When you put poop on a stick and upload it, you could get death threats. Also i'm not impressed with the movie. It is one like I've seen before.The propaganda around it, makes me feel the BLT-scene is responsible.

TexasPatriot972 ago

Everyone involved in this project has to be hyper vigilant, really, for the next several years. Reminded me of The Money Masters, only better.

TabascoTabasco ago

Death threats you say?

The link goes to twatter and the first thing I see is:

To all my patriot and Christian friends, I Just spoke with Mike Smith (@Crux41507251

) and he asked that we all pray hard for him and his family.

The enemy is not happy at the success of Out of Shadows documentary. Can you all spread the word to be praying for him and his team

Does that make OP a faggot?

Agapechik57 ago

Lord Jesus, I rebuke the power of the enemy of all souls over these precious men! I thank You that your Word says, Whatever we bind on Earth will be bound in heaven! So Father I bind the demons and witches and warlocks on earth and in the heavens! I bind all forces of darkness in Jesus precious! I ask Oh Lord that You strike down any powers or machinations formed against these men and against this ministry of truth You have given them! I claim freedom and absolute liberty from doubt, worry and fear! I thsnk You Father for pouring out your Holy Spirit power down over them and their homes and families. I ask all this in the holy name and in the matchless power of Jesus Christ the lamb if God whose blood covers all men who have asked for your Lordship in their lives! Amen and Amen!


Do people actually believe he's getting death threats? Use some logic. Nothing was in that video that we haven't seen before. The CIA crap is getting boring.

4841400209 ago

Please remember to keep him in your prayers.

Qanonplus1 ago


moderator99 ago

Why is Kevin Shipp being mentioned as someone to pray for? Shipp is counter-intel CIA and tried to make out that Dennis Montgomery is a fake after Montgomery exposed the HAMMER spy program under Obama.

OpakapakaCaca ago


OpakapakaCaca ago

I'd be more surprised if he wasn't.

Qdini ago

More Twitter f*ckery


I refuse to believe steps have not been taken by the people who made this eye opening video.

Those in authority have have lauded these people yet no one thinks they are safe?

What gives?

OpakapakaCaca ago

Pretty sure he is being well looked after.

scoripowarrior ago

I sent this video on to several people. Each of them were in "shock" after watching it. They did believe it all to be true. That's a start!

Qdini ago


brettco12 ago

What if we arrested them?

Ddboomer ago

Did some Spiritual Warfare for him and his family

Qdini ago

Many thanks. ;)

Ddboomer ago

You’re very welcome!! Happy to do it!

RarryLeeDacted ago

He’s probably safe since he didn’t actually give any info at all

Deshy ago


thirdsargon ago

Hot Take - "Out of Shadows" pretends to be on our side, but just repeats Zio talking points.

Intlrnt2 ago

He should be very careful.

Anybody can git got.

Qanonplus1 ago

The Wire...

Wingrider ago

People who tell the truth, are almost always targeted, by those who they have exposed.

veteran88 ago

All pedos must be executed.

ardvarcus ago

A whole lot of criminals need to be executed. It's the only way to be certain they are not going to continue to corrupt and degrade our society, not to mention harming and killing people. Execution is like sterilization of a wound. It pays off bigtime down the road.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Agreed. I honestly don't know why they aren't when it is proven beyond all doubt that they cannot be rehabilitated or changed.

Trueseeker_90 ago


MariaGoretti0706 ago

Prayers to Mike Smith, Liz Crokin, and all involved in Out of the Shadows!

verboten ago

At least the enemy will try to ruin them. First thing I did after watching the documentary was going to their website to donate. If they don't need it for lawyers, maybe they can make more films like this.

MACSOG68 ago

My queston is are we just leaving these people unprotected and prime for murder? Or have steps been taken behind the scenes for protecting all those BRAVE souls, Speaking the truth helping WAKE up as many sleeper's, which makes the AWAKENING more main stream? GOD protect them ALL.


Lyonessrising ago

Q pointed this out. I would think then they are watching out for them.

Q isnt sloppy.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It’s hard to know. Epstein and several other high value targets have been “suicided” since this started.

Hopefully they’re just under protection and the official story is a cover.

Fried-Laptop ago

protected in israel

MACSOG68 ago

I agree!!! There is SO MUCH going on behind the curtain we don't know about. Can't wait for the hammer to fall.

Qdini ago

I hope the Q team is monitoring this situation.......

ChiCom ago

Make an open source website where death threats can be posted by those threatened so they can be researched as to their validity and source.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Fantastic idea.

MACSOG68 ago

Best Idea yet!!!!!

Pollycracker ago

Some of us are more out front than others. Stay safe Mike Smith, you have performed an incredible service for your countryman.

angelCole ago

This is a spiritual battle and will be won by those on the right good side.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MadWorld ago

Was wondering if @Crensch has received any death threat from lefties on Voat, other than those doxxing threats from (((SBBH))).

derram ago

https://archive.ph/wip/eF8fl :

Sun_Q_Tzu on Twitter: "To all my patriot and Christian friends, I Just spoke with Mike Smith (@Crux41507251) and he asked that we all pray hard for him and his family.

The enemy is not happy at the success of Out of Shadows documentary. Can you all spread the word to be praying for him and his team"

This has been an automated message.

Marked2476 ago

"Hellier" is another doc that I just watched 2 seasons of on amazon that has a lot of witnesses claiming to witness child trafficking in the cave systems throughout KY and occult ritual sacrifice with military coverup..

MariaGoretti0706 ago

Thanks! I will watch this weekend!

dundundunnnnn ago

Thanks for sharing. I don't normally watch television but I'll look for this.