Jfunction ago

Intelligence, commitment and strength of character.

1776Jimbo ago

He must not be a Democrat, as I think that power automatically comes with one who is.

Gembira ago

There! Someone knows law and constitution. Thank God.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Civil rights, Constitutional rights, and all other rights pale in comparison to Inalienable rights endowed by God. In 1215 the Magna Carta addressed how rights would be suspended as punishment for crimes, and the common law was the method. For there to be a case against any man, an injury to person (body), property or reputation is required. This nation was founded upon the common law. It has been shoved aside and replaced by statutory law, the law of fictions (government and business entities that are created by man). With that, the creators of government(people) are now ruled by their own creation as if it is their god. Satan would be proud.

ababcb ago

Excellent post. Do you have any examples of people prevailing in court with these arguments? They are very difficult to come by but I have found one really good example that may interest you. This guy got out of a charge for being a felon in possession of a handgun in one single hearing. You can both read his paperwork and listen to an audio recording of him handling himself in court.



If you have any more examples of real world successes that I can look at, or any good sources of information on this highly censored topic I would like to see it.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

The courts will not let you win using the law. I have showed them exactly where they had broken their own rules of court to prevail. They quoted the same rule in their decision, only stopping half way through the rule and leaving off the part which benefited me! They are disgusting, black robed devils! Two judges here were charged with SIX felonies. They got suspended for 30 DAYS!!! THEY are the biggest problem in America. They are who chains man by the will of their own servants! (the legislature are public servants). I've had minor success in defeating the presumption of equity jurisdiction (voluntary jurisdiction such as family courts)and I have had lawyer turn tail and run from me and advise their client to back off (school board). But on the major things such as the unalienable right to property, they just lie and break their very own rules of court (rules of court in court supersede legislation in Indiana)in order to steal you property and money.

SundayAfterSunday ago

Why were Pence and Ryan setting up a campaign as Plan C? Why did Mitt Romney choose Paul for previous elections, who was Mitt named after, who did Paul marry, who were Paul’s mentors, and how are the Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, FLDS, Scientology, Unitarianism, Boy Scouts connected to NASA and the Majestic 12?

You are exactly correct which is why the courts nor legislation can save anything.

Wisconsin and Indiana are no different from other states, yet Racine is extremely unique in its secrecy as a model for Agenda 21 and 2030. Racine was the original Chicago.

Look at the new Bauers in Racine - what laws were violated by judges, attorneys and officials? What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name and why do the Rothschilds live there? What was True Blood and who was the star? The area was founded by Astors. What really led to the tarmac meeting involving Paul Ryan, Lynch and Clinton? How are Jim Comey and his brother connected to the Clintons?

Was the election in Wisconsin SAFE? Are you and your families SAFE? When will Trump and Q reveal The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know? Can you afford to wait on the corrupt courts?

Jesus Christ and The Truth shared with All is The Only Way.

@ababcb is one of the few brave enough to reveal the obvious Truth that links everything together. Those who do will be rewarded.

thebearfromstartrack ago

That should be OBVIOUS to EVERY ONE of those renegade officials. Isn't it a violation of certain among them, oaths of office?

Chasmaniac ago

Good to see a LEO honor their oath.

TheVirusAndTheMark ago

@ababcb @gamepwn @manyx @TheRealIndianaJoe @Meme_Factory_1776 @chasmaniac @bopper

Does the Sheriff in question have a secret girlfriend?

What happened with the investigation regarding a shady lady in the area running an underground vaping business with her kids and their friends?

Who else was sleeping with her and what kind of “parties” did they hold?

What happens at Jesters parties?

Why did the health director at the City level claim there was no risk after the initial outbreak and that nothing should close, only to now argue that the Sheriff is being reckless and undermining the orders? How are elections rigged?

Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders make such a “highly unusual move” to endorse billion dollar referendums in the location where the World Core Curriculum was created? What else was established at Wingspresd?

Who controls the money and what does his “wife”, “sister” and “daughter” do? Who is the young boy at his side being groomed? How old was the mother? Who is the father?

What happened regarding many shooting investigations involving poiice? Why did judges end up in the Root River? What prominent community members were charged with crimes against children and how are they connected with the I-94 Project? Who is Michael Bell and what did he prove? What is the connection between Black Lives Matters and Unitarianism?

How do you control the outcome of a game?

Why is it so easy for @ababcb to put many pieces together while others “LOL” and say no evidence has been shared for years?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Foxxcon is also Racine.

You ask a lot of questions, how about some leads for the answers?

TheAnswerIsTheTruth ago

It seems very easy for others such as @ababcb to find The Answers.

Why is Racine the most banned and censored topic of all on Pizzagate resulting in death threats to those who “keep digging into Racine” as SenataAnon asked before going dark (the Anon before Q)? Ask @gamepwn what happens. You cannot ask @Jem777 or @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt but they cannot silence everyone however much they are trying now. They are cowards.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning. You must choose to Accept The Mark of the Beast, or choose to Accept Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

ababcb ago

What happens at Jesters parties?

Sex blackmail. An example is the Drag Queen Brunch they hold every Sunday at Perry's in DC. The previous tenet of that building was Comet Liquor and they sold James Alefantis the infamous Comet sign.



Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders make such a “highly unusual move” to endorse billion dollar referendums in the location where the World Core Curriculum was created? What else was established at Wingspresd? Who designed it?

Who controls the money and what does his “wife”, “sister” and “daughter” do? Who is the young boy at his side being groomed?

Jeff Neubauer controls the money. He is the one who ran Bill Clintons Wisconsin presidential campaign. His wife Lisa is a judge and his sister Kristin Bauer van Straten is an actress who played in True Blood.

The young Russian being groomed to be mayor of Racine is Trevor Jung, and he was adopted from Kasnodar when he was 2. https://www.trevorjung.com/about-trevor/ which is interesting given how many serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer have come from Wisconsin, since the notorious "Devil cannibal" serial killer from Krasnodar, Dmitry Baksheev, who was suspected of killing thirty people and selling their flesh in "meat pies", died mysteriously in prison while serving his sentence for killing and pickling a waitress. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/notorious-devil-cannibal-dies-jail-21519380 His wife, Natalia Baksheeva was also involved in the killings. A picture in their apartment dating to 1999 depicted a human face being cooked. https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/cannibal-couple-apparently-pickled-their-last-victim/ This sounds like "Frazzledrip".

Where was the signing for the 8th Wonder of the World held? Who designed it?



The signing was held at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. The building was designed by architect Henry C. Koch.

Donald Trump, the 45th President and 45th descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, was at the ceremony, along with the 45th Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker and Paul Ryan, the 54th Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Foxconn chairman Terry Gou, and the CEO of Softbank, Masayoshi Son were also there as well as the first Wisconsin employee of Foxconn, Christopher “Tank” Murdock.

RedAndBlueMakePurple ago

He is not trustworthy. They control both sides. Why did Warren Buffett purchase control over all area newspapers? What happened to Paul Ryan and why was he involved in the tarmac meeting? What happened to everyone involved in The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World? Why is The Deal such a secret?

What happened to the former Mayors, District Attorney and police chief? Why is criminal corruption and pedophilia rampant in the area among officials and community leaders? What is the I-94 Project and who are the sponsors?

Who are the most powerful families in the area? Why do the Rothschilds live there? Why does the NXIVM doctor’s family live there? Who are the Knights of Pythias? What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine? What is a Red Fez? Why were so many of the cast Scientologists? What was the economy centered around on the Show?

Why is Scientology connected with FLDS, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts and NASA? Why were the majority of Majestic 12 from Wisconsin? What happened on Admiral Byrd’s expeditions?

Why do Masons control the area, and why does the Smart City design include building giant obelisks and roundabouts throughout the area?

Were the elections safe? Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders endorse billion dollar referendums in a “highly unusual move”? Who controls the money? What are the “Expectations”? What is “Community Cares”? What is Cradle 2 Career? What number does CC represent?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Parousia?

ababcb ago

What happened to the former Mayors, District Attorney and police chief?

Arrested, many for sex crimes with minors.

Racine Mayor Eric Becker arrested in sex sting: http://archive.jsonline.com/news/wisconsin/37577089.html/

A Wisconsin police chief has been arrested after a domestic incident: https://fox6now.com/2012/06/10/mount-pleasant-police-chief-arrested-after-domestic-incident/

The Arrest Report of Racine County District Attorney Rich Chiapete: https://arrestrecordsofracinewipublicofficials.wordpress.com/2016/02/01/the-arrest-report-of-racine-county-district-attorney-rich-chiapete/

Who are the most powerful families in the area? Why do the Rothschilds live there? Why does the NXIVM doctor’s family live there? Who are the Knights of Pythias? What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

The Rothschilds and the Johnsons. The NXIVM doctor who branded women, Danielle Roberts, had a mother and grandmother who lived in Racine:



Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real last name was Bauer. A branch of this family, the Neubauers, are extremely influential in Racine.

Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders endorse billion dollar referendums in a “highly unusual move”? Who controls the money? What are the "Expectations"?


The referendum supported by Bernie and Biden allocated 1 billion dollars to Racine County schools. This money is controlled by Jeff Neubauer, who was the campaign chairman for Bill Clintons Wisconsin presidential campaign. He is the head of an organization known as "Higher Expectations for Racine County" which runs a strange "Career 2 Cradle" program which is the inverse of Cradle 2 Career. This man, Jeff Neubauer, is the one who will be in control of the 1 billion dollars allocated to Racine Unified School District. The number CC represents "33".

DingDingDingDing ago

His name was Gary and they made special exceptions for him after he was released. Why?

What concessions were made for the one before him by the Governor when his felonies were discovered?

What happened with the Hard Rock Deal?

What happened to the other chief from Racine?

What happened to Curt? What did he accidentally admit to while in Arizona?

What company was sold, renamed and moved to the Carolinas?

What happened with other executives at Cargill, DuPont, ConAgra, Monsanto and Bayer?

What is the Sphinx Head Society? What is the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult?

Who controls the global food supply?

What happened at Taliesin? Who is the Snake Lady? What is the connection to Water?

What is the World’s Most Valuable Resource and where is it?

ababcb ago

What happened at Taliesin? Who is the Snake Lady? What is the connection to Water?

What is the World’s Most Valuable Resource and where is it?

There was a bizarre massacre at Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin estate https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the-fiery-massacre-at-frank-lloyd-wrights-taliesin-estate which has an artificial lake on site created by damming up a nearby creek. Helen Miller, the Snake Lady AKA The Witch, was the target of a secret Ronald Reagan operation that was illegally canceled during the Clinton era. The Snake Lady was implicated in a communist takeover plot involving drug dealing and MK Ultra brainwashing that turned the area where she operated in into a suicide cluster and caused the suicide of 33 teenagers teenagers in one month, many via train.




If you check out those links you will notice that every place the Snake Lady operated out of was next to a source of water, such as Rock Lake Illinois and Round Lake Wisconsin, which is about an hour and a half away from Racine. She also claimed to be Native American which may be relevant because the Native Americans believe that the "Death Journey" starts with the Soul leaving the body and traveling the earth until it comes upon a source of water. Then, at a certain time, the "hand with an eye on it" would come out of the sky and the soul would be able to jump into the Milky Way (known to the Natives as the "Path of Souls"). https://youtu.be/4c5pty3VKnMYouTube

The most valuable resource in the world is water for reasons that are both obvious and esoteric. The Native Americans believed that water was key to facilitating the soul into the afterlife. There are also many incredible quantum properties to water including levitation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXPrLGUGZsw&tYouTube and remote viewing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdynEiXFypAYouTube and this must have something to do with the quantum computer being built at the Foxconn plant. It may also be worth noting that there are pyramids under Round Lake. I do not know the proportions of these pyramids but a pyramid built to the golden ratio (like the Pyramid at Giza, whose purpose is also said to send souls to the afterlife) is the bond dipole of the water molecule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i05Eq7XZFBkYouTube

bopper ago

This is Racine, Wisconsin...where's the poster that says Racine is the root of all evil but he never proves it?


Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Right. Racine is not very representative of Wisconsin and must not have judges in place. The power locations are Milwaukee, Waukesha, and Madison. All on the same road. Most of the counties administrations lean heavy to the left even if labeled conservative. Cuck Conservative is more like it.

PreNXIVM ago

Racine is actually the Bellwether for the entire Nation. Even Huffington Post admitted that in an article. Paul Ryan was the most powerful man in Congress at the peak of his career before he suddenly resigned.

Why is it so easy for @ababcb to answer many of the questions? Everyone else has the same opportunity. Why do certain controllers on Voat deny The obvious Truth?

Racine is where The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was made. Where was the signing held and who was there? What happened to all of the politicians involved? Who designed the building?

Why were judges found dead in the Root River? What club did they resign from immediately before the “suicide”? What Bauer is judge now? Who ran Bill Clinton’s Presidential campaign in Wisconsin? What positions do other family members have? What is True Blood? Why is a young Russian adoptee being groomed for mayor? What happened in Krasnodar?

How is Racine connected to Adam Weishaupt and the Communist Commune?

Who violated the Hatch Act for the current Mayor and District Attorney to be put in place? Who donated to the campaigns and how are the connected to Eugenics?

Who was the founder of Rotary International from Racine?

What is Rotary’s connection to the Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Health Initiative? What happened in India?

Why do the Rothschilds live in Racine? Are you sure it is not only the most powerful city in Wisconsin, but the secret hub for the entire global Agenda? What is the I-94 Project?

Racine is the original Chicago founded by the Astors.

Racine had one of the first NFL teams. Mitt Romney was the quarterback and the team was called “Normals”. Do you know what the Voree plates are?

Racine is the global model for Sustainable Development and Smart Cities.

Racine is the Cilnton’s global model for “Community Policing.

SenateAnon was the Anon before Q who said

“keep digging into Racine”.

What happened to SenateAnon?

Dig deeper. You will be amazed at The Truth you will find.

ababcb ago

Racine is actually the Bellwether for the entire Nation. Even Huffington Post admitted that in an article. Paul Ryan was the most powerful man in Congress at the peak of his career before he suddenly resigned.


Racine County voters have successfully "predicted" the outcome of 86% of all US Presidential elections.

Racine is where The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was made. Where was the signing held and who was there? What happened to all of the politicians involved? Who designed the building?



The signing was held at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. The building was designed by architect Henry C. Koch.

Donald Trump, the 45th President and 45th descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, was at the ceremony, along with the 45th Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker and Paul Ryan, the 54th Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Foxconn chairman Terry Gou, and the CEO of Softbank, Masayoshi Son were also there as well as the first Wisconsin employee of Foxconn, Christopher “Tank” Murdock.

-Paul Ryan was forced to step down.

-After leaving office it was announced that Walker would become the president of Young America's Foundation, a conservative student organization, in 2021.

-Donald Trump became a sellout.

Why were judges found dead in the Root River? What club did they resign from immediately before the “suicide”? What Bauer is judge now? Who ran Bill Clinton’s Presidential campaign in Wisconsin? What positions do other family members have? What is True Blood? Why is a young Russian adoptee being groomed for mayor? What happened in Krasnodar?

You just dropped the goods. Dmitry Baksheev, The notorious "Devil cannibal" serial killer from Krasnodar, suspected of killing thirty people and selling their flesh in "meat pies", died mysteriously in prison while serving his sentence for killing and pickling a waitress. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/notorious-devil-cannibal-dies-jail-21519380 His wife, Natalia Baksheeva was also involved in the killings. A picture in their apartment dating to 1999 depicted a human face being cooked. https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/cannibal-couple-apparently-pickled-their-last-victim/ This sounds like "Frazzledrip". The young Russian being groomed to be mayor of Racine is Trevor Jung, and he was adopted from Kasnodar when he was 2. https://www.trevorjung.com/about-trevor/

True Blood is a show about a society of Vampires who are trying to come out and live openly with the rest of humanity. Kristin Bauer van Straten, a Rothschild, is one of the main characters in this show. Her brother Jeff Neubauer ran Bill Clintons Wisconsin presidential campaign in 1992 and 1996 and their mother, Sarah Neubauer, was Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals until 2019. According to the biography on her site, Judge Neubauer has spent more than a decade "protecting" women and children from abusers. Other members of this family include Emily Neubauer, the Communications Manager for the Racine Unified School District, and Greta Neubauer who is member of the Wisconsin State Assembly, representing the city of Racine and eastern Racine County. She formerly worked for Cory Mason and in that capacity had a "front row seat" to the debate on the $2.85 billion incentive package to bring the aforementioned Foxconn plant to Wisconsin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greta_Neubauer

Racine Judge Dennis Barry was found dead floating down the Root River in 2011 after what the authorities claimed was a suicide. Barry was an active member of the Downtown Rotary club for many years but had recently submitted his letter of resignation. https://journaltimes.com/news/local/breaking/judge-found-dead-officials-say-suicide/article_641120b0-c9ae-11e0-af84-001cc4c002e0.html

Who was the founder of Rotary International from Racine?

Paul P. Harris, who was born in Racine. http://www.wisconsinhistoricalmarkers.com/2014/09/racine-wisconsin-is-birthplace-of-paul.html

What is Rotary’s connection to the Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Health Initiative? What happened in India?

The Gates Foundation and Rotary partnered to eradicate polio. https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-and-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-extending-fundraising-partnership-eradicate-polio Bill Gates' foundation is currently facing trial in India for deaths related to his vaccines, and for vaccinating people without informed consent. https://thegoodnewstoday.org/bill-gates-faces-trial-in-india-for-illegally-testing-tribal-children-with-vaccines/

The petitioners stated:

“BMGF, PATH and WHO were criminally negligent trialing the vaccines on a vulnerable, uneducated and under-informed population, school administrators, students and their parents who were not provided informed consent or advised of potential adverse effects or required to be monitored post-vaccination.”

TheTruthIsSimple ago

The Truth is Simple, Clear, Honest and Easy for all to recognize. Only those who don’t want The Truth known would mock, censor, threaten and ban Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Where did Chelsea host a rally before the 2016 election and what is the “Living Light”? How is Bush connected to 1000 Points of Light and Teen Mania? What is Canaan? What is Carthage? What is the Club of Rome? What is Black Nobility?

Another signing was held at the Research tower designed by FLW. Why would Trump hold a signing for The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World there? Does Trump know about families who are Luciferian pedophiles? Does Trump know where the NXIVM doctor practiced and does Trump know about Schumer, Weiner, Byrd and Epstein’s connections with the NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias?

What are obelisks? What are crosses? What is the research tower? What is Wingspread? Why is a giant obelisk being planned for Highway 20 off Exit 333 as part of the smart city design?

Where is the four sided clock in Racine? Where is the bigger one in Milwaukee? Where are the other largest four sided clocks in the world?

What is Rotary’s “test”? Where is the circle of obelisks? Where are roundabouts? What does the Freemason logo represent? Who are the Sons of Norway? Who are the Dutch Brotherhood? Who are the Pilgrims Society? What Presidents are members?

Jesus Christ Knows Your Intentions. Those who believe in Him small be Saved.

Your comments include many of the reasons why @gamepwn and others were threatened, and why many others were murdered. The Truth must be Shared. This is why they cannot let anyone “keep digging into Racine”.

What state had the first company to hold a party to celebrate chip implants?

What is the Mark of the Beast?

ababcb ago

Where did Chelsea host a rally before the 2016 election and what is the “Living Light”?

She held a rally in Racine in 2016 https://journaltimes.com/news/local/chelsea-clinton-rallies-democratic-supporters-in-racine/article_009dd2f8-da32-57e6-b21c-91575d9dccf8.html

She also held a rally at Arizona State University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UscTxip9E5kYouTube

Living light appears to be a chain of churches, with one location in Racine https://livinglightchurch.com/racine-wisconsin/ I assume this is what you are talking about, but you could also be referring to this spiritual organization https://www.livinglight.org/

How is Bush connected to 1000 Points of Light and Teen Mania?

1000 points of light was a phrase Bush mentioned in one of his speeches and later he formed an organization which apparently has 18 goals that are nearly identical to the 17 UN sustainable development goals. I also notice that on their timeline it says that in 1987 "Community advocates found[ed] New York Cares" which sounds very similar to the "Community Cares" program you mentioned a while ago. Are they related?

Teen mania is a bizarre "Christian youth program" that puts the youth who join the program through cult-like activities that appear to include things like eating bugs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaJU00rYHWgYouTube. George W. Bush seems to have addressed one of their events by writing them a letter according to this blog: http://dneiwert.blogspot.com/2006/05/young-christian-soldiers.html

What is Canaan? What is Carthage? What is the Club of Rome? What is Black Nobility?

Canaan was a Phoenician precursor civilization to Carthage originating in the Levant. Rome destroyed Carthage, and the Club of Rome consists of current and former heads of state, UN bureaucrats, high-level politicians, government officials and other elites. They were the ones who "predicted" that the global population would sharply decline in the year 2030. The Black Nobility are Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome on 20 September 1870, overthrew the Pope and the Papal States, and took over the Quirinal Palace (where there is an Obelisk).

Another signing was held at the Research tower designed by FLW. Why would Trump hold a signing for The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World there? Does Trump know about families who are Luciferian pedophiles?

I believe this building is owned by the Johnsons. It would be pretty hard for Trump not to know that Samuel Curtis Johnson III, heir to the SC Johnson cleaning supplies empire, plead guilty to sexually assaulting his step daughter starting when she was 12, and only had to serve 60 days of his sentence and pay a fine up to $6,000. I don't know why a signing would be held at such an ominous looking building other than that the Johnsons must be involved in the deal.

What are obelisks? What are crosses? What is the research tower? What is Wingspread? Why is a giant obelisk being planned for Highway 20 off Exit 333 as part of the smart city design?

The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the religious reformation of Akhenaten it was said to have been a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. On top of an obelisk is a pyramidion, also known as a Benben, which symbolized the mound, or first land, that arose from the primordial waters Nu. Nu was sometimes represented by a sacred lake, or, as at Abydos, by an underground stream, and was where the creator deity Atum settled according to the creation myth of the Heliopolitan form of ancient Egyptian religion. It may also be worth mentioning that the Benben is also the capstone on a pyramid, and it appears, at least to the untrained eye, to contain the exact same proportions as the pyramid from which it is derived. So, the point at which a pyramid "rises above the waters nu" creates another pyramid that looks exactly the same as the entire pyramid, only smaller.

I am not sure what the cross is. I believe you told me that the cross was a subversive symbol of saturn. In Egyptian heiroglyphs the Cross or ndj hieroglyph is often written alongside the nu or "pot" hieroglyph. Is that the connection you want me to make between crosses and obelisks?

I am not sure what the research tower "is". It seems like a stretch to call it an obelisk. Wingspread appears to be another FLW building owned by the Johnsons and I cannot help but notice similarities between this building https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/ae/22/4eae22f09fc08f799bbefbdd745d2180.jpgJPG and the grand gallery of the great pyramid https://live.staticflickr.com/27/88994212_a729a4e8d3_b.jpgJPG

I am not sure any of this brings me much closer to figuring out why a giant obelisk is being built at Exit 333. If it's connected to smart cities it sounds like this is some kind of 5G tower. Is it meant to somehow be a counterpart to the FLW Research Tower? The building appears to be somewhat close to Exit 333 and in Egyptian temples obelisks always came in pairs at the entrance of the temple. That is my best guess at the moment. Is the entire smart city a "temple" and this area is the entrance to it?

Where is the four sided clock in Racine? Where is the bigger one in Milwaukee? Where are the other largest four sided clocks in the world?

Do you mean Clock Tower Place in Racine? It looks like it was designed to look like a medieval castle https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Property/HI204501

The bigger clock tower in Milwaukee must be the Allen Bradley Clock Tower at the Rockwell Automation Headquarters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockwell_Automation_Headquarters_and_Allen-Bradley_Clock_Tower

The largest four sided clocks in the world are Big Ben in London, Allen Bradley Clock Tower in Milwaukee, Spasskaya Tower at Red Square in Moscow, and the Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel in Saudi Arabia. I guess It depends on how you define "largest" but I think this is the answer you are looking for, or close to it.

What is Rotary’s “test”? Where is the circle of obelisks? Where are roundabouts? What does the Freemason logo represent? Who are the Sons of Norway? Who are the Dutch Brotherhood? Who are the Pilgrims Society? What Presidents are members?

Rotary's Four Way test appears to be 1) Is it the TRUTH 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? I have no idea what this has to do with obelisks or roundabouts.

I'm not sure what or where the circle of obelisks is either but this site seems to suggest that it may be the circle you can draw across 3 obelisks that always appear to be based off of the same central point. http://www.zephaniah.eu/index_htm_files/The%20Continental%20Obelisk%20Grid.pdf

Roundabouts are everywhere so I'm not sure what you mean but I noticed a lot of roundabouts in the model of the Foxconn plant https://archive.is/k37ZQ which kind of reminds me of a scaled up microfluidic circuit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REzX_sal4asYouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocv8Jb6BrsQ&list=PLwYzDeSMOcCy7L28F1sO1yj4hhClsUjTaYouTube

The only president that I can verify was a member of the Pilgrims society is William Howard Taft, although you have said Trump is also a member of the Pilgrims society.

What state had the first company to hold a party to celebrate chip implants?

I'm pretty sure it was Wisconsin when that company Three Square Market started chipping it's employees a few years ago.

ababcb ago

Your comments include many of the reasons why @gamepwn and others were threatened, and why many others were murdered. The Truth must be Shared. This is why they cannot let anyone “keep digging into Racine”.

Why is all of this stuff out in the open on the surface internet?

SayNoToTheMark ago

It is true they must disclose their plan and you must choose to accept The Mark. They can lie, cheat, steal, trick, deceive, subvert, threaten and worse, and they do. They can use False Prophets and controlled opposition to convince you that everything is under control.

Now you realize why they cannot allow anyone to know The Truth about Racine - go back to read the old comments about Racine. The Truth and the ‘proof’ has been shared since The Beginning no matter what the moderators will tell you. LOL they will say, yet you have found this is not a joke nor a laughing matter of any kind. Why do they want someone to share “all the evidence”?

There is a reason why Racine is the most banned and censored of all on Voat and on the Internet. We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down. We are the reason why 8chan was targeted and shut down. We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting and why Paul Ryan and alarming numbers of officials resigned or were replaced. The link you shared about The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was written in a controlled narrative of fake opposition by the editor from Racine. His family is connected. The media company is in partnership with big media and big tech. They will never connect the dots as you and others like @Jem777 and they will go to great lengths to silence anyone digging as @gamepwn has found out.

Just as you must choose to accept The Mark, you must also have the choice to accept Jesus Christ and The Truth. Much of what Q and Trump share is truthful, just as much of what you see in art, music and movies is preparing you for the Agenda. We do not lie. We do not deceive. The answers to most questions are obvious to anyone willing to spend a few minutes looking.

Few are willing to connect the dots. You have shown Trust in Jesus Christ and He will reward You. There are many reasons why there are no Submissions, YouTube videos, or Facebook groups, and many reasons why The Truth has been shared in large part with Questions. The Truth would have been banned much sooner. We are the reason why Voat was closed and forcing members to login. We are the reason why Voat changed the rules for commenting, link sharing, voting and submissions. We know what happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt.

It has been proven that many here and elsewhere are working to silence The Truth as you have likely noticed. Technologies including Cellebrite, SnapTrends, SIGINT, HUMINT, Prism and Palantir systems, and Quantum computing are used in certain areas to target and silence The Truth, and they will stop at nothing to silence those who Know. Not all “evidence” can be shared openly without more people being targeted and murdered. The Truth must be shared by others, and open for all to share. Some risks are worth taking, and some must be made with care.

It does not take much effort to find what You have found. You now realize that The Truth shared here about Racine is not disinformation, nor designed to trick you, nor part of the Agenda - but exactly the opposite. Our only goal is to share The Truth so that others may have the choice to know Jesus Christ and The Truth, and to be Saved as He promised.

Money is meaningless to The Truth. Likes, votes and fame are meaningless to The Truth. What would Jesus Christ ask for? Nothing in return.

Why would George Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ? Why is George so far ahead of any other researcher in many investigations, but yet never targeted or censored? Who did Jenny have a fight with before she was killed? Why will George never speak of Racine again and only mention ‘Wisconsin’ in general?

What do they fear The World knowing? What if The World found The Truth you have discovered already? Why was the DNC Convention cancelled?

Will a few indictments stop the Virus, the Agenda or The Mark? Are the elections SAFE? Are everyone’s families SAFE? Is this a great show to enjoy?

What is The Only Way for The World to be Saved?

ababcb ago

Not saying this isn't true, but if Milwaukee has all the power, why does next-door Racine get 1 billion dollars for their education system whereas Milwaukee is getting less than $100 million?


Something weird is definitely going on in Racine.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

The voting power, the source, comes from MKE, MAD, WKA. You are clarifying that Racine is a recipient.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

They are just spending money on what they are going to steal or tools in doing so. Evers is fully owned by Soros and was fraudulently elected.

bopper ago

But the Racine guy, in close to three years, has never given any evidence of anything, and I never could find anything.

But who knows.

Crensch ago

"Racine" is shill narratives. Sliding.

I, too, have never seen any evidence of any claims made about it.

bopper ago


ababcb ago

Read what I said in this thread when I replied to his username "Real Vampires" if you want some evidence for his claims/answers to his questions.

bopper ago

Will do, thanks..

RealVampires ago

If you believe in Jesus Christ and The Truth - now is the time to come together.

The Mark of the Beast is Real. The Agenda for Eternal Enslavement is Real.

Vampires are Real. Who are the Bauers?

Q and Trump can Repent and be Saved like any other.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

We know what happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt - you don’t.

Many people were murdered for knowing The Truth. This is not a game.

More have been banned and threatened - ask @gamepwn and @manyx and @ababcb what happens.

We pray that Q and Trump will Share The Truth with The World before it is too late.

How is Jared Kushner connected to the Knights of Pythias?

Why have Q and Trump never mentioned the connections between NXIVM and Knights of Pythias?

Who is Anthony Weiner’s mentor? Who is Hillary Clinton’s mentor?

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development that serve as the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030?

Who was the Anon before Q and what did they say to “keep digging into”?

Is getting people to ‘rally’ on the streets a safe idea?

Did the virus begin in January in the US as everyone is being told?

Death and disinformation are not necessary.

What patent did Microsoft apply for?

Why was Paul Ryan involved in the Tarmac meeting, and why did he resign?

Why did Q just bring him up again last week?

What is the 8th Wonder of the World really for?

What does Quantum computing enable?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Parousia?

ababcb ago

Vampires are Real. Who are the Bauers?

Read this censored thread and come to your own conclusions about whether or not "vampires are real": https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3717644


Mayer Amschel Rothschilds real name was Bauer. A branch of the Bauer line, the Neubauers, play an extremely influential role in Racine, Wisconsin. They control the education system and the Judiciary in Racine, and conveniently own trucking companies that supply "janitorial supplies". The Racine-born actress Kristin Bauer van Straten who starred in True Blood is the most famous member of this family. She almost exclusively plays vampire and witch-type roles.



Jill Neubauer — Sister

Abri van Straten — Husband

Ralph Neubauer — Father

Sara Neubauer — Mother

Jeff Neubauer — Brother


Jeff Neubauer also served as Bill Clinton's campaign manager for Wisconsin in both 1992 and 1996.

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development that serve as the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030?

This must be the real reason why Q is so fixated on the number 17.

GOAL 1: No Poverty = Control currency

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger = Control all food supplies

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being = Control healthcare

GOAL 4: Quality Education = Control education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality = Control men through control of women

GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation = Control all sources of water

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy = Control all sources of energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth = Control all employment opportunities

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure = Control all industry. Control all infrastructure. Control innovation.

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality = Destroy the middle class

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities = Control consumption

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production = Control consumption

GOAL 13: Climate Action = Control consumption

GOAL 14: Life Below Water = Control all movement on water

GOAL 15: Life on Land = Control all movement on land

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions = Enforcement

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal = Kapo system. Creation of a class of controlled, privileged elites.

Who was the Anon before Q and what did they say to “keep digging into”?

The anon 1 month before Q's damage control Psyop was SenateAnon, and he said to "keep digging into Racine". Read his threads here:

PART I http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/141078354 https://archive.fo/eOLHb

PART II http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/141090963 https://archive.fo/w74Qg

PART III http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/141101552 https://archive.fo/jx3L0

PART IV http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/141109967 https://archive.fo/XYjw2


Did the virus begin in January in the US as everyone is being told?

No, I think it began as early as April in Wisconsin and was covered up as E-cigarette deaths.


>"COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US"

As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.

Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes.

He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Cases involved in the outbreak of severe lung illness associated with vaping products were first identified in Illinois and Wisconsin in April 2019.


Some of the earliest deaths were in Racine https://journaltimes.com/news/local/mother-anguished-after-teenage-son-s-vaping-death/article_c8ee16ec-9dfb-5e38-8def-4ae2225e450a.html

What patent did Microsoft apply for?

Microsoft applied for the patent WO2020606060 which is a cryptocurrency system that uses the human body to mine cryptocurrency.


What is the 8th Wonder of the World really for?

What does Quantum computing enable?

The "8th Wonder of the World" is at the Foxconn plant currently being built in Racine, Wisconsin. They are building a quantum "water computer" in secret at this plant, using 7 million gallons of water from the Great Lakes. https://news.stanford.edu/2015/06/08/computer-water-drops-060815/

Integrating a quantum computer with long-existing tech, such as this, which allows a computer to read thoughts by analyzing brain waves, https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/US_Patented_Mind_Control/US6587729.pdf would allow for a complete mind control grid that could read and analyze the thoughts of millions of people simultaneously in real time. Basically, the movie Minority Report becomes reality.

What is The Parousia?

The second coming.

17Upvotes ago

This cannot be upvoted enough.

bopper ago

Oh my gosh, again? lol

ThePathOfSouls ago

Racine is the global model for Smart Cities, 5G+ AI, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Racine is where Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World.

All you can do is deflect like a coward.

Why is Racine the most censored and banned topic of all on Pizzagate? Why has no one ever been able to prove any of The Truth wrong for years, before Q ever began?

What was the last submission made by @Jem777 and why would George claim to have met Jesus Christ Despite him not believing in Jesus Christ?

Are you sick? Do you think this is a joke or a game? Do you think the Agenda is not real?

Nothing about this is a laughing matter. You must not know anyone who has been tortured or murdered for knowing The Truth. You must not know anyone who has died or nearly died from the virus yet.

The NXIVM doctor practiced in New York and the Racine - Milwaukee area. Her family lives there.

Art in Embassies was given credibility from families in Racine.

The World Core Curriculum was established in Racine.

Racine is the global model for Sustainability and the “17” goals of Sustainable Development that are the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030.

What is the I-94 Project, who are the sponsors and why is the area a hub for human trafficking?

Why do the Rothschilds live in Racine?

What Ivy League school has a location in Qatar?

Who are the Pilgrims Society and Council of 13?

Why did the Podestas claim to get their “big break” after meetings in Racine?

Why did Dahmer spend so much time in the area?

Who are the Bauers and what roles do they play? What is True Blood?

What is the FLW Trail, what is at Exit 333 and what was The Fellowship before NXIVM?

What is The Path of Souls?

What happens to your soul when you mock Jesus Christ and The Truth?


bopper ago

You forgot to mention Paul Ryan is from there bro.

PaulAndMitt ago

We have not only exposed Paul Ryan, but are the reason he resigned.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting.

Mitt Romney was named after the Quarterback of the Racine Normals NFL team who are now the Arizona Cardinals.

We know what you could not even comprehend.

Do what Q told you - message over messenger.

Everything shared about Racine since The Beginning is The Truth.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia.