saavik-kam ago

This is brilliant.

And why couldn't all Tech be made harmless and beneficial? Just a few subtle shifts, here and there?

And why wouldn't Trump, of all people - be bringing out and doing things precisely like that? Coded Tweets = a little kid's delight with his new toys!

Plus, 'all things are yours...' When the 'weeds' (all kinds) are finally taken out of the field - the angels' harvest shines out. Amber waves of grain.

Again - what if this CoVFéFé meaning is (and/or, becomes) true! This covfefe insight also evokes some of SerialBrain2's complex decodes + (to be polite) people's, er, spirited 'debates' around him.

Is it possibly true, that Trump may also have effectively 'neutralized' chemtrails in some way? With more to come? Well all of us would, in his position! Gentle yet superpowerful new Tech, because it's also in resonance and complementary with nature and our souls.

Do we just have to start saying, 'I do believe in fairies!' I want to believe.

Wisdom might point our ideas like, 'your poison is your medicine'; 'lead-into-gold'; 'swords into plowshares'. So why not not hijack the archetypes? Why not take take back what they merely co-opted, 'rescue' their weaponized tech? To happily benefit everyone, vs. kill/sicken/control.

It's ~all ours to co-create. On every level of understanding this. We are the new Builders, the 'Archetiktons' and high-level Inventors of our best future. Visionary Builders (with the exemplar of Trump, vs. those 'the banality-of-evil' guys). Boring, soon-to-be obsolete, merely 'bilders'.

What a delicious possibility .... it's like a Homer Simpson reverie: 'Mmmmmmm ... gourmet CoVFéFé'!

It'd be incredibly-crazy-good, if that kind of visionary stuff is actually happening.

(Hmm, wonder what's really in this here covfefe stuff? Its all kind of... 'highly strange' :)

quillsong ago

We don't need any more tech. Average Joe is never asked if we want it. I'd rather have animals and birds, then more tech garbage. Who is telling you, Americans want more tech? The malevolent ones.

Hoppinmad ago

This. Why do we even need more g’s? I noticed on my phone that is seems to mysteriously slow to a crawl when they are pushing for the next great system. This makes us want the new system.

keeponsearchin ago

The tweet that baffled the world

"If 5G could be harmful to our environment and all who live in it, perhaps CoVFeFe is the technology being implemented to protect us from these dangerous mmWave levels. President Trump, certainly not in ignorance, always seems to be one step ahead of the game…CoVFeFe!"

"President Trump sent out a tweet (5/31/17) that baffled the world. Those on the Left had a heyday with his ‘ignorance,’ of spelling and vocabulary, saying there was no such word, but Patriots; understanding his comms (communications), knew something BIG was about to be revealed…. but what …and when? What was this new word… CoVFeFe?"

"The world watched as 5G slowly came into view. Would our internet capabilities become like nothing we have ever seen?"

"Since arriving on scene, and we being the ‘micowave-I-want-it-now’ generation, 5G is being welcomed with open arms to give us faster internet capabilities. This technology boasts considerable increased data speed leaving 3G and 4G in the past. 5G’s high frequency radio waves (mmWave) would present itself to all of our smart devices with faster down-loads, etc. On the horizon with 5G, are self-driving cars, drone footage, robotic surgeries, etc."

"Many studies have taken place on how electromagnetic radiation may affect the environment. It concluded this radiation could indeed pose a potential risk to bird and insect orientation and plant health. Then, strange videos appeared about dozens of birds dying in the UK, and also in the Netherlands. Main Stream Media (MSM) quickly debunked these concerns as ‘conspiracy,’ saying 5G was not being tested there at the time. The reporters stated the birds most likely died from pesticides. We may never know. Test results in regards to human complications with 5G has yet to be determined."

"So what is CoVFeFe, and what is the connection? Cobalt (Co-49%) – Iron (Fe-49%)–Vanadium (V-2%) together makes a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density of any strip core alloy, making it ideal for use in tape cores and magnetic cores in many innovative technologies. The magnets clean up the impurities from 5G working on an ionic level. This keeps oxygen from being depleted, making harmless, the high radio frequency radio waves (mmWave). Other linear formula names for this compound are: FeCoV, CoVFe, CoVFeFe, VCoFe, FeVCo, etc."

"If 5G could be harmful to our environment and all who live in it, perhaps CoVFeFe is the technology being implemented to protect us from these dangerous mmWave levels. President Trump, certainly not in ignorance, always seems to be one step ahead of the game…CoVFeFe!"

cabalstone ago

What a load of crap. Trump's safer 5G is simply frequencies other than 60ghz.

keeponsearchin ago

countless studies show 5G frequencies cause illness

cabalstone ago

Fearmongering about 60Ghz frequencies was all the rage in 2018. If you're gonna try to prove dangerous health consequences of 5G at least cite something useful. I'll give you a hint. Start here.

keeponsearchin ago

Are you invested in the technology. Always wonder about the people who don't even want the technology tested before rushing in. Last answer because been here done this.

cabalstone ago

You are way off base here. I'm just tired of seeing lame fearmongering tripe being posted ad nauseum when there is plenty of solid science available.