I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC. I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible. I welcome any feedback, especially from those bedside: doctors, nurses, xray techs, pharmacists, anyone and everyone. Does this sound wrong or right, is something more right? Please let me know
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Like_it_is ago
It is hypoxia
keeponsearchin ago
I found this interesting:
This may not be viral pneumonia related to a SARS, but hypoxia from O2 starvation like altitude sickness. Increasing PEEP is causing more harm than good. The iron thing now makes total sense
therein -CovFeFe. COVid and Fe2 and Fe3
COVID is oxidation/reduction reaction gone amuck - therefore no O2 exchange. All the forced air from increased PEEP is useless because the hemoglobin is working with defective heme. The treatment is causing even more damage on top of the destruction from the excess rogue iron - that explains the rapid organ failure cascade attributed to cytokine storm.
keeponsearchin ago
Interesting post. I worked in a malaria infested country and took fansidar from which I suffered crazy side affects. To the point where I went and had my brain scanned from the experiences that I was having. It was not until after I quit the med that the affect subsided. There are also serious side affects from HCQ and people that take it on a regular basis live about 10 years less than the average person. So there are side affects. It is not perfect.