4841400209 ago

It's unfortunate he was transferred for going against the protocols established by the medical field. He is correct according to at least a dozen doctors who have since come forward. Dr. Judy Mikovits is especially enlightening since she was a virologist in a level 4 bioweapons lab:


keeponsearchin ago

will check it out. Thank You

1Mystere ago

Hearing the same thing from many intensivists on a Covid 19 for Physicians and APP’s’ online group. Also hearing that serum ferritin(iron) levels are consistently elevated in these ‘ARDS’ patients. There is something this virus is precipitating that is causing hypoxia and eventually multi organ system failure. Just doesn’t appear to have the same ARDS profile or response to empiric ARDS treatment.

WokeazfuQ ago

PhenomenoM. Ruined it.

gbc58 ago

I have actually seen a few patients with this problem. no cough, but unable to get any air. We actually had one patient who was on 20 liters of oxygen which is unheard of. It amost makes me think of the "bends" when coming up from a dive that was extremely deep. weird...

numina18 ago

Get with the program already. Cytokine storm and hypoxia!! HCQ! Get some.

Like_it_is ago

keeponsearchin ago

I found this interesting:

This may not be viral pneumonia related to a SARS, but hypoxia from O2 starvation like altitude sickness. Increasing PEEP is causing more harm than good. The iron thing now makes total sense

  • therein -CovFeFe. COVid and Fe2 and Fe3

  • COVID is oxidation/reduction reaction gone amuck - therefore no O2 exchange. All the forced air from increased PEEP is useless because the hemoglobin is working with defective heme. The treatment is causing even more damage on top of the destruction from the excess rogue iron - that explains the rapid organ failure cascade attributed to cytokine storm.

keeponsearchin ago

Interesting post. I worked in a malaria infested country and took fansidar from which I suffered crazy side affects. To the point where I went and had my brain scanned from the experiences that I was having. It was not until after I quit the med that the affect subsided. There are also serious side affects from HCQ and people that take it on a regular basis live about 10 years less than the average person. So there are side affects. It is not perfect.

Jorcone ago

Watch this body language video on this doctor


Qdini ago

The guy is a fraud

keeponsearchin ago

That is really interesting but here is what I would like to add.

I am not an actor so if I was to do a podcast on an issue I felt strongly about and affected the lives of other human beings, I would totally write it down first and then read it. I would not "wing it" and mess it up over and over again. Does he want to do a good job on this and have it noticed. I would say Yes he does, that is why he is doing it. So I cannot hold it against him that he practiced this first to do a good job.

Why does this body language doctor make videos? Is she attention seeking or trying to pass on information.

She says the fact that it looks scripted does not mean he is lying.

How would you feel if you were an ER doctor and the standard operating procedure in your hospital was hurting people?

I have read other information suggesting that the ventilators are doing more harm than good. If true, then I applaud him for coming out and possibly going against his own hospitals protocol.

But I do find her videos interesting.

Jorcone ago

His claims certainly warrant consideration. Boris Johnson was in ICU, but I think they kept him off ventilator?

PtCPt ago

It's been said this disease acts more like altitude sickness with regard to the lungs.

That is, the hemoglobin cannot receive oxygen transfer due to iron free radicals becoming ill-conformed.

That's why forced oxygen from ventilators actually cause more harm than good. It's not a lack of oxygen.

Qdini ago

This guy has been outed as a fake

4841400209 ago

No, he was transferred because he went against "established" protocals. There are many, many docs now who are concurring. One I especially like is Dr. Judy Mikovits, who has worked as a virologist in a Level 4 lab.


TabascoTabasco ago

Citation requested.

keeponsearchin ago

how has he been outed out as fake? The body language expert did not say he was lying only that he was reading something prepared. Well I would prepare too. Also he is corroborating what other people have brought up. Something is Not as it seems.

EarnYourVote ago

By who? Not disagreeing, just looking for data. What I took from the video was a lack of any technical language from this guy which is odd because I have found when hanging out with medical people they casually toss around terms as if everyone knows what they are talking about. He says nothing technical.

WokeazfuQ ago


Wynterwhisper ago

Yes I read the same thing.