Cilantro_s ago

I know this artist personally and wether any of you believe me or not is irrelevant. I can say this tho- y’all will believe anything if it’s packaged right. The fixation on her is based on things that were tailor made for a conspiracy and I’m fairly confidant she wants it that way. Enjoy this utter dead end of a rabbit hole. You will never find anything of substance with her.

TurquoiseLover ago

Oh really, is that why you've had a user-id out here for 1.3 years?? HA HA

Cilantro_s ago

Hey what’s wrong with lurking? Haha. The reality is that I worked in the art and entertainment world for 20 years and I see how much of a psy-op the entire Hollywood machine is. There is absolutely an elite cabal of people (not all zionists anymore but that’s does seem to be a thread of its origins) who control mainstream entertainment, news, and do really dark, satanic fucked up shit with guys like Epstein. That shit is real and it doesn’t take a warrior for truth to see that. Almost every kid that moves to LA is in some way seduced by it let alone those of us who grew up here along side the children of many of the celebrities that are allegedly participating in the adrenochrome cabal. I just don’t see it having the scope that many hear wish it did. I say wish because there is a lot of willing this to be true since there is a conspicuous lack of real evidence against most of the people that are accused here. I have no real agenda although many of my views you could call leftist however I keep an open mind and take everything with some salt and sarcasm- call it a product of my upbringing. The curiosity of this movement brought me here as you say about 1.3 years ago when working on an art project about Soros, influence, the occult and brainwashing. While I’m fascinated by this I can say that after having reviewed most of the red pill data that is available to me I don’t buy some of the more salacious aspects of it simply based on what I see on a regular basis and who I work with. It’s not impossible since I’m not always there but based on my own eyes, experience and common sense, it looks like pizzagate is largely a product of not being connected to Hollywood- they are products of what you call lurkers.

INK9 ago

Well, other than the "Fake" dead people so many Hollyweird stars on dining on, or that she's good buds with the likes of the Podesta bros. otherwise nothing to see here.

GracieTracie2 ago

She makes my skin crawl.

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The blood witch in a MS commercial?

Well if that doesn't expose Bill and Melinda then nothing will.

I guess they really do have to show themselves. Compelled/forced to show the signs.

Well this is a big sign.

I hope more awaken.

Whether you are being shot in the ditch or being shot in the arm with a Gate's vaccine.

You should know WHY.

angelCole ago

I was scrolling through twitter and saw the promotion for the new Troll movie. They have hand sign for satan as the avatar for the movie, nice. These people are disgusting. Wait until the world sees all of the symbolism everywhere like we do.


Recently saw again "Modern Problems" 1981 with Chevy Chase.

The dialogue and whole movie was sucked and just a vehicle to show the signs.

It's a trip. Check it out.

I was astounded and yet glad to see how they were forced to show themselves.

rickki6 ago