oneinchterror ago

Huh, some Qtards were just telling me that Gates is an evil Nazi. Now he's apparently a communist? Well, which is it?

moderator99 ago

He's a Zionist. It encapsulates both Nazism and Communism.

kestrel9 ago

He's like you but rich and smart.

Bee4Q ago


TomThung ago

Traitors one and all.

kestrel9 ago

con't 2

As is evident from the bios of the American inductees into the CAE, they have been buddying up with Chinese universities for some time now, with some of them holding visiting professorships and consultancies in China that, undoubtedly, have proven lucrative for themselves, though not so much in terms of advancing academic freedom and genuine scholarship. Academic freedom, to which they all pay lip service, does not exist, of course, in the rigidly policed (and brutally enforced) world of Orwellian thought control that is daily life in the glorious People’s Republic. Unfortunately, that thought control is increasingly the reality in American academe as well, as American colleges, universities, and think tanks eagerly accept more and more funding from Communist China’s new billionaire “philanthropists” and state-owned corporations. (See: "China’s Communist Billionaires: Darlings of Harvard, Wall Street, CFR.")

Dr. Wang Dan, a leader of the 1989 Tiananmen Square student protests (that turned into a massacre), penned a recent op-ed that appeared in the New York Times (of all places!) lamenting the fact that the communist thought police at many American colleges and universities are almost as prevalent and oppressive as in China. Dr. Wang, who spent nearly seven years in prison for his Tiananmen participation (he was one of the “lucky” ones who weren’t ground into hamburger under the People’s Liberation Army tank treads), writes in his op-ed entitled “Beijing Hinders Free Speech In America” that members of the China Students and Scholars Association, which has chapters at many of our universities, operate as a spying and enforcement arm of the Chinese government. The same can be said for the Confucius Institutes, another gestapo arm of China’s Ministry of Education that enforces CPC orthodoxy on American campuses. In a 2013 article entitled “China U,” in the left-wing magazine The Nation, University of Chicago anthropology professor emeritus Marchall Sahlins stated: “Confucius Institutes censor political discussions and restrain the free exchange of ideas.” And, he asked, “Why, then, do American universities sponsor them?”

Professor Sahlins notes that the Confucius Institutes are “governed by a council of high state and party officials from various political departments and chaired by a member of the Politburo, Vice Premier Liu Yandong.” American university officials look the other way and pretend not to notice what the Confucius Institute and the China Students and Scholars Association are doing. But as Professor Sahlins charges, “by hosting a Confucius Institute, they have become engaged in the political and propaganda efforts of a foreign government in a way that contradicts the values of free inquiry and human welfare to which they are otherwise committed.” That is a rather mild condemnation of the blatant betrayal — not only of their students’ rights, but of American society — that these university officials are engaged in.

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