Queef_Anon ago

"We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will." John 9:31.

If the Lord does anything, it won't be because a group of posers pray. Keep your "grace" in place of obedience and see where you end up.

CarpenterforChrist ago

We already have a bond through Jesus Christ. It's called the church (the believers) as defined by the Bible. Blessings and prayers brother (or sister).

kidsalucard ago

Yeah......I can get behind daily prayer.

godmonster ago

Thank you Patriot. Godspeed.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Shut up attention whore. People like you make Christians look STUPID. There is NOTHING in the Bible about the CRAP you are spewing. False teachers (ie YOU) are going to take it in the TEETH when the Lord's day comes.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Someone is a little angry about Christians uniting in prayer. We love you too. Maybe you are the one who is deceived. God bless!

thebearfromstartrack ago

I STUDY the Bible (almost 8 years now). Coordinating prayer? There is NOTHING about prayer power being increased with coordination in the Bible. There is PLENTY in the Bible about how to treat FALSE teachers. and Jesus said "Get away from me, I never knew you!"...Guess for whom that is?

CarpenterforChrist ago

You've studied the Bible for 8 years and follow the teachings of Christ? I would've never known by the way you love other people. Calling them degrading names and tearing them down. Maybe you need the Holy Spirit to help you gain real understanding of God's Word. I'll be praying God softens your heart brother.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Neither of you seem to have learned about the comma, but I believe the bear has a bit of the autism. I think that explains his 'apparent' overreaction to OPs (I'll just call it a) 'post', and to your possibly intentional mischaracterization of his parent comment in this thread.

God wins - OP

It's unfortunate that OP repeats mindless memes so blithely. Let me get this straight... The entity who created the universe and everything in it will remain superior to his creation? What a shocker.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Any mental deficiencies are a result of spiritual possession. My heart grieves for people like that. They need prayer more than most others. Jesus Christ cast out many demons that tortured people in this manner. Defending his "autism" only makes the problem worse.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Any mental deficiencies are a result of spiritual possession.

That's certainly an extraordinary claim. Where specifically in the cognitive process does the spirit interfere?

CarpenterforChrist ago

You would have to ask the spirit for the answer to that question. It's not an extraordinary claim if you understand that we live in a spiritual world. The Holy Bible and Holy Spirit can help you in your understanding. Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Nope. ALMOST 8 years. (June). The BIble is NOT about loving everyone. The Bible IS about choosing GOOD over evil dumbass. YOUR choice. I'm autistic. I'm a MONSTER for Christ ( a REAL one). SURELY you've read THAT in the Bible. SOME of us are here for the ACTION.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I'm not sure what Bible you're reading, but God is Love. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Love thine enemy, for doing so will heap burning coals upon his head. For if ye forgive men of their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Love the Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. I can go on and on, but hopefully you get the point.

thebearfromstartrack ago


God is GOOD. God is NOT love (for evil). Don't YOU even KNOW that?

It's a CHOICE.

Enemy is NOT a neighbor.

You CANNOT con God.

Let's SEE how it turns out, but YOU ARE NOT repentant. You are USING religion. Evil is EVERYWHERE. You are IT. Jesus says "GET AWAY FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU".

I KNOW why I'm here, you DO NOT.

Jpatriot ago

And I...you brought tears to my heart, but joy to my spirit. Thank you, and above all thank you Lord, God of Heaven and Earth...who died for me, but has risen.Amen.

KaputtmacherNL ago

I'm not going to stop you, but please don't think that it is necessary to unite our prayers. James 5:16 says: "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." So just 1 prayer of 1 person can make all the difference.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

I appreciated your other post. It caused me to pray for my in-laws and other people I know who are "christian" and non-Christian alike, filled to the brim with vitriolic TDS. Praying for the schemes of the devil to fail and for all of humanity to be released from evil, harmful influences.

Not_C ago

Many people don't pray, because they don't understand prayer.

They pray for God to protect themselves and others, and then they get upset when bad things happen because God didn't protect them.

When you pray for protection, God WILL NOT protect you. Instead God will give you the tools, knowledge, and ability to protect yourself. When you pray for the protection of others, again God WILL NOT protect them. If your prayers are answered, you will be given opportunities to protect others.

In today's selfish, self entitled world, people act like God is their servant. That God exists to do their bidding.

God gave you free will. If God were to do things for you, and force his will on the world, that would nullify your free will. This battle is ours, for our future. Don't ask God to fight our battles for us.

You need to start using the tools God has given you, instead of praying for God to do your bidding. And don't pray for God's forgiveness for trying to get him to do your bidding, use your free will to show that you are worthy of his forgiveness.

In this battle, God has given us everything needed to win. It is our free will that decides how hard we fight, and how much we sacrifice. It will be those that do nothing, who refuse to fight, that will damn us all.

WWG1WGA - That can either be a good thing, or a bad thing.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Wow, that was an excellent explanation.

WTFChuck ago

Do a search for this term & you'll find many willing and happy to join you in prayer: "prayer chains". I applaud mass meditations and mass prayers. They are powerful. But our small individual prayers help too, I believe. Blessings to you and yours and your prayerful endeavors.

thespins ago

Sending you love and protection. Our goal is to raise our hearts and our energies and trust that the outcome will be as it is. We cannot fight men's battles when the war isn't, it weakens us.

1bonnie ago

Prayer is everything . Greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world

Wynterwhisper ago

What happens in the spiritual world manifests in the physical and vice versa. Remember on Earth as it is in heaven. The tower of Babel is very interesting because it shows what happens when everyone works together, one mind. Although it was used for evil imagine what we can all do with prayer for a unified reason. He also assures us when two or more are gathered in his name so he shall be also. So we can influence things in both the spiritual and natural world if we all pray. It's great to see that so many others have this divine peace within and know we are living in Biblical times.

DarkKnightPatriot ago

God speed little lady....Hope you are able to reach those that have pulled away or are in denial of our current situation :)

Negro_Nazi ago

I think something spiritual is going on but I also think it's more complicated than good vs evil.

asymptote_12 ago

Only 1 negative reply?

I'm shocked. I wrote a prayer into a posting and I got attacked heavily. About 1/3rd saying they were Christian too...

Bless you and I've no doubt the current situation is both.

VotingGodWins ago

i agree we are to unite in our prayers. God doesn't want 'fancy', just trust and faith in Him. God bless you patriot!

Lag-wagon ago

What the fuck are you babbling about? You sound dumb as shit spewing this nonsense.

For fuck sakes there is no god or spirit. There is only here and now.

You all are manipulated by religion and it's pathetic.

Wynterwhisper ago

Spirituality is much different than Religion. Maybe you can decide where the idea of morals came from without the denominator of their being God. I'd be intrigued to hear your answer.

Lag-wagon ago

Not really. You all believe in magical sky fairies which makes you dumb as shit and easily manipulated.

Wynterwhisper ago

I figured you couldn't answer the question. No one else can and many of minds have tried.

Lag-wagon ago

You asked a question?

Wynterwhisper ago

I'm asking respectfully what constitutes the idea of right and wrong?

Lag-wagon ago

The one who wins is right. The one who loses is wrong.

Wynterwhisper ago

Wow.. okay...

SCRoadTrip ago

Then why do you care so much? If there is nothing but here and now - why do you care what others believe? Based on your view, nothing else matters but yourself and what you want right now. By calling out everybody else you are imposing your views on them.

So I ask again, why do you care what others believe?

Lag-wagon ago

Because I'm here and now to tell you how stupid you are.

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Friend...you are the kind of asshole that most educated Patriots HATE. Why even be here? Most people who are humble enough to admit, say that while they do not have a religious life, that they know there is more than the material world around them, that synchronicity and and strange events occur daily, sometimes hourly, depending on where you are, and what kinds of energies are in the vicinity. All spiritual paths point to one all knowing creator- whether it be a force or spiritual, ethereal being. All cultural paths from the past talk quite openly about spirit or energy that is in all things (chi, prana, mana, vond etc) So I am quite happy to say that given thousands of years of smart people having experiences that tell them that there is more than physical reality, I am a spiritual person having physical experience. Most educated scientists believe in God and/or have a warm engaging spiritual life.

The language you choose, the vulgarity you spew and the hate you have for those who practice faith or spirituality is MORE IN LINE with the Left.

Again, why are you here? How are you one of us?

You are not.

You are a brainwashed moron that thinks he is a Patriot, but who sounds more like a Cultural Marxist. Please keep your hate and vitriol to a minimum.

There are good people sharing hope and prayers....

1618 ago

Thank you for defending us all.

We are many and we have God on our side in this spiritual battle.

Lag-wagon ago

TL DR you kike.

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Wieder Ich frage,

warum bist du hier?

Ich kann auf Deutsch sprechen, da Sie zweifellos eine kulturmarxistische Frankfurter Schule sind.

Kulturmarxisten SAUGEN

Lag-wagon ago


JJS1 ago

Go to he...

Lag-wagon ago

Go to he... What?

Cebi ago

You are like mo...

Lag-wagon ago

Mo who?

Cebi ago

Don't think that it's je...

Lag-wagon ago


constitutionranger ago

Blessed is he who overcomes the world before death. Our prayers are like flaming swords slicing through the enemy. Keep praying, but when called by God, do the physical things that need to be done as well.

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Star_Trek_Q ago

Happy to join with you in daily prayer, Anon.

OpakapakaCaca ago
