Fateswebb ago

You linked to her, not a tweet of hers.....

Fetalpig ago

Whore,proud jew,pretends to be white,fucks non whites....ill just pass on her opinion.

Joe10jo ago

Guys, she converted to Judaism for her husband.

Mark_Cuckerberg ago

Her bio: “proud Jew”

MeetGeorgeJetson ago

Life is a learning experience.

With the knowledge we have now, most of us would make much better decisions if we had a "do-over."

Regrets, learning, repentance, and growth is part of the process.

We are a work in progress :)

AmericanJew2 ago

Made millions off of an industry that is a front for child sex trafficking and human sex slavery, but now she is a do-over?

By that logic, why imprison child rapists or human traffickers, don’t they deserve a do-over?

Plant_Boy ago

Twitter bio:

Proud Jew

GeneralDisposition ago

Whore says what?

ALIENS2222 ago

https://ibb.co/LJ05YYh For some reason I have the feeling that ONLY JEWS were trapped down there in those tunnels. They were trapped by EVIL WHITE MEN... who should be eradicated as soon as possible.

ChaosFrog ago

If White Hats has to keep it quiet for operational surprise, I get that, but surely at this point secret is out and the bad guys would all know they were under attack. So why the secrecy still?

jrpark05 ago

Wow, she's a wealth of information, and provides GREAT links to information!

ALIENS2222 ago

https://ibb.co/LJ05YYh I bet all the poor children pulled from the tunnels end up being jews...

gatoreric ago

I have read more of her tweets now and am convinced she is the real deal. She WAS a porn star, but no more. She IS an intelligent conservative woman who can red-pill many with her platform. God bless her, another example of God's grace turning anyone. Including Trump, I believe God has changed him, he used to be a grade a pompous ass but now I love that man ( but not in a homosexual way you can be sure of that--Rudy Boesch)

ALIENS2222 ago

28th state is TEXAS.

BT1100 ago

In one of her tweets related to children rescued right now, she post one tweet with "28th state. #SaveTheChildren" If you look up NY Senate District 28 you get a map close to "Hells Kitchen"


Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Born again. Great for her. I started following her on Twitter after seeing her post;

‘That all people who are pro-choice should unfollow her immediately’.

That’s conviction and standing up for LIFE. God bless Jenna!

kidcip16 ago

If she's still a jew who denies Christ she is not born again.

Doglegwarrior ago

hopefully she doesnt shoot her self twice in the back of the head.

Intlrnt2 ago

She’s a strong, smart, and savvy woman. She owns her life and exudes the confidence that brings.

ALIENS2222 ago

Intlrnt2 ago

Very old news.

As I said, she owns her life.

kidcip16 ago

She's a harlot who has never repented. Trusting a jew porn star is as fucking simp as it gets.

Intlrnt2 ago

Trusting a jew porn star is as fucking simp as it gets.

You make a point.

ALIENS2222 ago

We all own our lives dumbass. I wonder if all the children pulled from the dumb base will be jews? I wonder if there will be 6 million saved? Or 6 million dead? Imagine all the financial support needed. They will recover in Israel of course. We can just send the money there. In the mean time it will be discovered by Jewish scolars that there were gas chambers run by evil white. Men.! We should just exterminate them... You see my concern right?

Intlrnt2 ago

It’s hard to argue against logic like that.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

I remember seeing her in a strip club performing and signing autographs at a strip club in the late 90s. I was 22 and and it was awesome.

Strelnieki ago

Be careful who you follow.

She could be a honeypot to get us all distracted towards unconfirmed data points.

What we do know: This whole pandemic is being politicized and various politicians are locking down their respective states to stymie the economy and POTUS' gains. We all know the trafficking is VERY real, but the likelihood that we have a pornstar on our side is not exactly slanted in our favor.

Dellwood ago

Yes she has been for some time now.

QCrumbCatcher ago

The things I’ve been told...

blueblur ago

You linked to her account. Which tweet?

gatoreric ago

where she mentions what rescue workers are seeing in tunnels

gatoreric ago

unfortunately it is gone now.

To paraphrase she had friends in the first responder units caring for the children that have been rescued from the NYC underground tunnels. Their first hand accounts of the rescued kid's condition was harrowing and Jenna was saying the stories you hear of kids in tunnels were true.

blueblur ago

Wow thanks.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/dxZxW :

2020-04-10 | Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) | Twitter

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MariaGoretti0706 ago

Jenna Jameson has been red-pilled for at least a couple of years — that I know of (probably more). I like her. I thinks she’s honest and down to earth. She publicly declared herself a Republican ever since she became the first millionaire pornstar. Now she’s retired and has a couple of kids. Needless to say, she has a platform and is red-pilling her followers. So, kudos to Jenna!

ALIENS2222 ago

SportyLady ago

Wait, was she a porn star too? Not that I care, I thought just a Playboy Bunny. Nonetheless Kudos.

Pcpoet09 ago

in the late 80 and early 90s she was the it girl of the porn industry.

CokeOrPepe ago

She was on Howard Stern back when he wasn’t such a pussy.

MariaGoretti0706 ago

That’s when I heard about her — interviews on Howard Stern and the E! Channel. She was/is a famous “personality” outside of porn. I know that she grew up in Las Vegas and that her mom died when she was young. We are around the same age. At the time, I was a bit horrified as to why she was in porn and not in college. Now, I could care less.

Pcpoet09 ago

Howard Stern just got old....there's only so long you can be the shock jock eventualy you move on or become a joke

Dalai_Llama ago

"Proud jew"

You guys are fucking retarded.

Hesperian ago

She's a fucking degenerate who deserves the rope.

MariaGoretti0706 ago

Hesperian — spewing such judgment on this Holy Day does you no favors. I think Jenna’s done quite well for herself. Not everyone has a stable childhood. She became self-sufficient and now seems to be a really good mom.

Hesperian ago

I am God. I judge who I want.

bopper ago

I understand but I would say that she would need to disown any royalties from her porn tell all book and other things if she's legit.

Do you agree with that?

MariaGoretti0706 ago

Well, she converted to Judaism; so a “conversion to Christ” is not applicable. I don’t judge her, but I also shouldn’t judge others judging her. So, mea culpa, Hesperian. And, bopper, I also don’t think she should disown her royalties. Who knows, she may donate to good causes. Anyway, I wish you a very Happy Easter!

EnlightenOne ago

There is no such thing as a conversation to Judaism per Jewish Law. Reform Jews will accept such- the other Jews will not.

MariaGoretti0706 ago

Thank you for your insight. I greatly appreciate your detailed post! I’ve known about the maternal bloodline of Judaism, but I was not privy to the details. Anyway, I wish you and yours a very Happy Passover!

bopper ago

Thanks for your reply (yeah, forgot about her converting to Judaism but I think i heard it was messianic Jews, dunno).

Yes, Happy Easter to you :)

Sixgundale ago

She's trying to save herself.. she's destroyed more then created.

TexasPatriot972 ago

All due respect, that’s God’s call to make, not yours. None of us is worthy of His Grace, we’re all descendants of the wicked and our salvation is in Jesus’ sacrifice for us. I fall on my face and pray before God in Jesus’ name because I know how messed up I am and we all are. Accept those who praise Him as you would want Him to accept you.

That said, I can be very unforgiving in earthly matters and I understand how easy it is to judge. I catch myself doing it all the time, LOL, but when it comes to the very real relationship God seeks with us and when I see someone at least trying to be Christ-like, I try to be their cheerleader.

Another consideration- she has an insider’s insight into the complex world of sex trade. She can be an amazing resource for getting people out of it.

Sixgundale ago

Well said good sir.. Very well said. Ya get all wrapped up in the evil in this world and a ol'military man wants to fight the bad. Hard to sit back and not judge.

TexasPatriot972 ago

I'll give you a big AMEN to that. It's very hard to sit back and keep my mouth shut. We have a duty to fight the bad. I read a story on Jenna Jameson- only God knows her heart, but she seems sincere. If she's put those demons behind her and is now saved, man, that's just a great testimony to Him!

There's plenty of evil to fight, both metaphorically and in reality. Stay ready!

CarpenterforChrist ago

What is your definition of judgement?

TexasPatriot972 ago

I don't have my own definition of judgment. It's a definition, not an opinion. The definition is the evaluation of facts to make a decision; adjudication. Unfortunately, judgment is often corrupted by myriad factors.

I just wish I could rid myself of all bias, prejudice and preconceived notion and be more Christ-like, but I also understand that, kept in check, things like bias, prejudice and preconceived notions are defense mechanisms. Living in the world and living in a way that perfectly serves God hasn't been something I've been able to master.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Judgement also includes punishment for a wrong or exoneration. If someone tells another they are probably sinning without exacting a punishment, is it really judgement? For instance, if I were to tell someone that stealing is a sin and they probably should abstain from it, am I judging them? No. I merely am loving them by letting them know their actions will lead to punishment. Just as Jesus did. Judgement is a part of everyone, it is part of God's Law. When we decide to punish someone for what they did is where we need to be very careful. "For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again." Mat. 7:2

With that being said, enlightening someone to their sins according to God's standard without passing a sentence upon them should not be considered judgement.

MariaGoretti0706 ago

TexasPatriot927 — I could not agree with you more! Personally, I have no room to judge anyone. I’ve sinned so much today it’s not even funny. I spoke ill of so many people today (mainly celebrities who I do not know and relatives who irritate me) that it’s truly appalling. I even ate meat lasagna on this very Good Friday. Pathetic. I’m always asking God for forgiveness. Well, with that said, Happy Easter to you and yours!

moderator99 ago

Looks more like she's pushing a fake story. WHy trust someone you wouldn't normally post? Because it helps your wishful thinking?

SearchVoatBot ago

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bopper ago

Still speculation is all.

ImReallyHighBut ago

Tits or gtfo


Pics or it didn't happen

xXTRVXx ago

Well said

devnulll ago

Mom ▪️Wife ▪️Sober▪️ ▪️Conservative ▪️Proud Jew ▪️Succinct ▪️Free Thinker

AmericanJew2 ago

She forgot “formerly railed up the ass by hundreds of strange men with 11” cocks” and “proud recipient of random loads of strange men’s semen in every orfice of her body”.

Sure, now that she made her million dollars profiting on porn she is redeemed. If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Chances are she knew all about this for a long time. Also, she probably jumped sides because she knows what is coming down the road for these vile people doing the evil deeds. Proud to be a Jew just means we should be very skeptical of her.

GritD2 ago

Jenna is based

Micheal84 ago

She once made lots of men take the blue pill, as in Viagra that is.

Banky1974 ago

You're a jew.

Gorillion ago

Yep, lots of "open secrets" in her circles.

Joe10jo ago

She’s a convert by way of marriage.

IAMthePie ago

Oh fck off. U don't know her. You don't know what her motivations are. But I do know Patriots have no skin color.

Pcpoet09 ago

and that last statement makes me skeptical about you...notice how easy it is to sow division...if you fallow the Q posts you would know that those deep state Kabul people use things like religious difference to sow discord and divide so that we are fighting with each other rather the seeing the target.

CarpenterforChrist ago

You shall know them by their fruits.

SportyLady ago

Why? Because she was a slave to Hugh Hefner? Stop it already, if she is right with her Lord, our Savior, you should be to. We have no business knowing any ins or outs of anything that happened at his mansion until the AG has his case locked and loaded. Why would she talk about any of it? I wouldn't if I were her. And if no case, she could blab on for decades, and eventually you will start calling her a nutcase.

Hersmellyboot ago

This is Jenna Jameson not Pamela Anderson

SportyLady ago

She jumped ship long before this...keep up with the bunnies please.

EnlightenOne ago


EnlightenOne ago

Be very very careful. Read Acts 242. Thinking all Jews are like Soros is bad logic. The first Christians were Jews. Jesus was a Jew. POTUS and Patriots back Israel. Just because Q says they are saving Israel for last doesn’t mean all Jewish people are evil.

WhiteMan ago

Jesus was Aramaic. Not Jewish.

EnlightenOne ago

He was a Hebrew who spoke Aramaic. Shit you guys are fuckign dangerous!!! Next thing your fan tell me is that Nazis were just misguided. Fuxk off shill

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

oh look, another #notalljews shill...

jews know their days are numbered and are trying to cover their asses.

EnlightenOne ago

Bring it anytime. People like me are

Waiting for the day to purge people like you. Hide Behind the keyboard is your safest bet.

Infiltrating the Patriot movement will not save you.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

jews cant lift a finger

Plant_Boy ago

All jews claim oppression and try emotionally manipulate you into bending your personal moral code to let depravity slide when in actual fact they're encouraging it.

kidcip16 ago

Jesus was not a Jew you stupid kike.

EnlightenOne ago

You must come from the bloodline of those who were brought over to America during operation PaperClip. Your days are numbers as well.

Plant_Boy ago

What then was the supposed denomination of the King of the Jews?

CarpenterforChrist ago

I am careful. The first Christians were jews and gentiles. They believed in Jesus Christ and His teachings, not judeaism. Jesus had quite a bit of negative things to say about the jews. Was He wrong? I told people to be skeptical of her, like they should of all people. Jews have a tendency to be like a den of vipers and hypocrites, just like Jesus called them out to be. Thank God for the jews though, for everyone has a chance at salvation because of their wickedness.

EnlightenOne ago

Once again, you need to go back to your studies. The messianic jews practice all Jewish holy days, some keep Sabbath, some keep Kosher.

I don’t think you have a strong understanding of the foundation of your own faith. The messianic jews are different because they believe Jesus was the coming of the son of Man. They never through out their Jewish beliefs, outside that. They didn’t say, no more Torah, no more sukkot , no more harvest celebrations, no more Passover and let’s forget about the Maccabees Miracle of Hanukkah. Non of that was thrown out when they accepted Christ.

CarpenterforChrist ago

The jews can call themselves whatever they want or do whatever they want just like everyone else. "You will know them by their fruits." That doesn't mean I can't be skeptical about them. Being skeptical is not hatred, please don't confuse the two. I know how some people pander to emotions and subversion of the literal meaning of words to shut down legitimate debate. Just by your user name, it seems like you have some esoteric knowledge that you believe most people don't have. The Bible says, be a fool for Jesus Christ. Come unto Him like a child and let wisdom and understanding come from the Lord.

EnlightenOne ago

One again. You say Jews. As in the people. You are mistaken. Jesus had problems with the Elite Rabbis. The money changers who were Rabbis. The Leviticus or die Rabbis. Jesus did not call the Jewish people den of vipers. Jesus him Self was a Rabbi and Jew.

Same situation with the Catholic Church and Pope.

Do they represent all Christians?

I would be very very careful in your think. The trinity is one. But do not be mistaken that HaShem

will not take revenge on those that hate the Jews and seek to destroy them. And Yeshua was named after His Father, for the name "Yeshua" means "Yahveh [the Lord] is Salvation. However, believe that in this realm , Archangel Gabriel And the othe 6 most powerful angels will destroy those who move against Israel and have hate in their heart for the Jewish People. If you want to play games with the mighty of the mightiest force, them by all means, continue down the path of your thinking.

There are Jews that are only Jews by birth and not of heart. They defy HaShem and hate what GOD is. Those “Jews” are not protected.

“It shall be done in Earth as it is In heaven”

This is the true translation. IN signifies realms, dimensions- Be very aware.

This is why Q post many many many passages. Army of God: I suggest you return to studying.

Book of Enoch

The War Scrolls





CarpenterforChrist ago

I'll stick with the Bible, thanks.

Smokybubbles ago

I'm skeptical of everyone who worships magical sky gods. It calls into question their ability to reason and employ logical thought.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Denying the one who created you will only lead you further into damnation. I hope God opens your eyes one day. God bless.

cantaloupe6 ago

Does it result in group advantage? How have different groups grown worldwide? How did it affect society? Which is preferable? What if it didn't exist what values would be most common?

EnlightenOne ago

Everyone in “Hollywood” knows. Everyone on “Entertainment” knows the truth. Many just choose to ignore it.

PrincessCinderella ago

I don't think everyone in Hollywood knows. There are lots of smaller actors that do bit parts and commercials. They probably don't know.

Pcpoet09 ago

I have family in the business. some know some don't know. my second cousin who is a director and a makeup special effects expert I am sure he knows and has seen it but my 80 year old aunt who upon retirement used his connections to get acting jobs and eventually produce some movies has some knowledge but it is all hear say and knowing who she worked with in the industry she most likely was sheltered from the reality of a lot of the deviants in the industry

EnlightenOne ago

Tons of deviants. And keep in mind, they just don’t say hey, come on over for a spirit cooking event and bring a friend. They are very very very covert- just as Issac Cappy - oh wait he jumped off a Bridge.

Pcpoet09 ago

yes they do....it called a potluck event. LOL

EnlightenOne ago

Ummm maybe .00001%. Many choose not to believe. SAG knows.

PrincessCinderella ago

Okay. Maybe some of the smaller actors (commercials) know about it (have heard rumors or other people talking). But I'm guessing that because they don't participate in it, then that is why they are still stuck doing commercials or small bit parts.

zxcvbnasdf ago

It's all nepotistic jews. They all know. Especially if they studied the talmud

moderator99 ago

Didn't she START this rumor???

Vampyregod ago

Proud jew

EnlightenOne ago

Vamprey's - Bogleech

vamprey from bogleech.com

BEHAVIOR: Vamprey are not as intellectual or as calculating as most vampiric monsters, but nor are they as territorial and antisocial. They may congregate in ...

Enough said.

EnlightenOne ago

Anti Semitic bro?

EnlightenOne ago

Jenna is the real deal. So is Kanye West.

TrumpThePlan ago

you are a normie

HbMcNutt ago

Kanye is an mkultra puppet. They possess his mind. He will forever be compromised because he is a product owned by illuminati

EnlightenOne ago

He was yes. Compromised? Possibly. But at this present moment he is on the proper side. God side.

Joe10jo ago

I think Kanye tries and his heart is in the right place but once a person is Mk.... in other words, have you seen the center stage that he was using when he went on his evangelical tour (I guess that’s what you’d call it)? It was the all seeing eye.

EnlightenOne ago

I did not. Regardless, if he is trying to deceive he isn’t deceiving God. I’ll have to take a look at the prop on stage you are speaking of.

Ddboomer ago

You’ve been deceived.

EnlightenOne ago

Nah. I don’t think so. But hey, believe what you want .

HbMcNutt ago

Hey may be, but he could never be trusted, being that he is a MK ultra agent

Usernamenameuser ago

It says "proud jew" right on her Twitter bio.

IAMthePie ago

And? I don't have anything against Jews. Except the ones that don't shower often enough. The Jews at the top of the pyramid are the ones that have to go. Not the pew sitters.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

humanity has learned their lesson.

you cant get rid of the jewish problem without getting rid of jews

Pcpoet09 ago

and that is a good thing ...its those that turn from religion that are problematic

moderator99 ago

If she really knew, she would have evidence. She's full of shit.

ALIENS2222 ago

https://ibb.co/LJ05YYh Juden I bet this is the new Hall-of-Cost.

rickki6 ago

agree. Need proof.

EnlightenOne ago

You have a point as she does not post actual photos.

However, she is on the right side. She has chosen the Patriot side.

But as you pointed out, no real hard facts from her. So I understand the skepticism.

moderator99 ago

How do you know she's on the right side? She wasn't before. Now she has inside knowledge???? Only DS players get leaks from their own plants. Trump's people don't leak at all, and Q told us there are no private comms.

EnlightenOne ago

I don’t know for sure. I do know a few, that I will not name on this post, in Hollywood who Jon Voight was Red Pilled. They are B actor friends. Mainly on Netflix productions but nevertheless, run in the same circles as the disgusting fucks titled A listers.

If they can be Red pilled and start connection the dots, so can Jenna. Dig and research - she just didn’t join the Patriots yesterday.

I didn’t read where she said Q leaked. Please post that.

moderator99 ago

Baseline argument: no evidence that what she said is true.

Usernamenameuser ago

Except she's a "proud jew" as stated in her Twitter bio.

SportyLady ago

She did point out that sick fuck patton Oswalt and posted links to his posts, as sick as they are. If she flipped or converted, I don't care. She only knows what she knows, and if she knows more, she would surely share with the people investigating. She's a Trump supporter now, but mostly, she's got right with her Lord.

EnlightenOne ago

You are correct