Wynterwhisper ago

Another fellow goat posted what you were saying on here a couple days ago. People were showing no symptoms of covid19 but had AMS and decreased Oxygen levels almost like High Altitude Syndrome and the doctors realized that it's from iron coming off the hemoglobin and concentrating in the lungs.

User890020 ago

But what about all that fluid in the lungs

scoripowarrior ago

Thanks for sharing this. I read this info either yesterday or the day before. This virus is about forcing us to give up our rights out of fear. The Dems/DS are all behind this crap.

kestrel9 ago

Dems/DS = demonic

Hopevoats ago

Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) works in the same way. And it is highly effective against Malaria and cancer.

Go into a medical forum such as /r/medicine and say this, and you'll get your comment deleted so fast that your screen will smoke.

Yet, here is a video of Bill Gates hocking synthetic (profitable) artemesinin as a panacea for malaria.

Hypocrites,the lot of them!

ManchesterT ago

3g/4g already proven to cause heart tumors in rats. The heart is a biometric computer and can be thrown off by EMF fields.

5g doesn't cause Covid-19. It just makes it worse.

75usmc79 ago

They always wanted to get rid of the old. Depopulation thats there goal.

mac1221 ago

Thanks for the post keeping eyes on this.

Link to another post with lots of information.


kestrel9 ago

Great link thank you.

mac1221 ago

You are absolutely most welcome. Great information. Thanks for staying on it.

BulletMagnet879 ago

We have found it's secret: The Deep State puppets are pissed because it works which is the opposite of what they wanted.


Doglegwarrior ago

a pharmist friend who believes everything the goverment says (its a woman) says this didnt have sources it wasnt fromna doctor and basicaly said its bullshit. so it dont matter if thisbwas the most factual statement ever the brainwashed will not accept anything except what their brainwashing tells them. and to top it off you will be called crazy and a conspirscy theorist for disagreeing with the brainwashing

kestrel9 ago

It's because the Fake News propaganda apparatus is so good at their job. Sleeple.

angelCole ago

Come on Q with that first big unsealed indictment.

Qdini ago

It's all about the Cytokine Storm when your body can't fight off the infection because your immune system is compromised. That's why old people, diabetics and folks with coronary artery disease are the most at risk.

angelCole ago

It's the same with the flu too. Those with co-morbidities are more likely to get sick.

Lonegunman65 ago
