Not quite. Most cancel tards want to ruin the lives of people over voting habits. This is ruining the life of someone admitting a desire to commit medical malfeasance. The two are not comparable.
Correct. Turns out much of the lung damage occuring in covid patients on ventilators was actually CAUSED by the high pressure of the ventilator tearing uo the lungs, and not the virus itself.
True, that's why initially they were treating with OXYGEN. What they really need is a ventilator with oxygen concentrator attached; and they need to administer a fast IRON supplement with b12; also vit A, C, D, E drip; quercetin, EGCG and zinc; along with azithromycin or equiv if hydroxy isn't available
Please read the article. It actually all now makes sense. When looking into the possibility of Plaquenil (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID-19, I could not figure out the pharmacological mechanism that would allow it to work against a supposed respiratory infection. (Background in medicine myself.) It did not make sense. But, if the possibility exists, as some ER and ICU clinicians may be implying, we could very well be treating the wrong disease altogether. This is a weaponized Coronavirus that may not be behaving like a typical Coronavirus infection. It may be infecting lungs yes, causing symptoms - but, could we be dealing with a secondary double wammie of infecting RBCs (Red Blood Cells) as well?
Malaria is a disease caused by the bite of an infected mosquito that carries the intracellular parasite Plasmodium that eventually finds its way to red blood cells destroying them - thereby effecting the transfer of oxygen due to lack of hemoglobin. We may be seeing something similar in COVID-19. If, RBCs are being infected by SARS-nCov2 virus, which could be dislodging the bound iron from the heme molecule, that would explain what physicians are seeing - patients that are suffering from hypoxia not due to pneumonia.
COVID is alleged to cause viral pneumonia leading to cytokine storm. The rogue iron, as suggested in the article, is what is causing the damage to lungs seen in imaging. It could also explain the multiple organ failure as seen in critically ill patients who succumb despite ventilation. Wow.
This may not be viral pneumonia related to a SARS, but hypoxia from O2 starvation like altitude sickness. Increasing PEEP is causing more harm than good. The iron thing now makes total sense - therein -CovFeFe. COVid and Fe2 and Fe3 - COVID is ox/redux reaction gone amuck - therefore no O2 exchange. All the forced air from increased PEEP is useless because the hemoglobin is working with defective heme. The treatment is causing even more damage on top of the destruction from the excess rogue iron - that explains the rapid organ failure cascade attributed to cytokine storm.
They are looking in the wrong place. Holy crap! It explains everything. The perfect bioweapon designed to make us look in the wrong place and treat patients the wrong way. Now look at why Barry and Honey Sherman were 187'd at their home in Toronto in 2017 - generic Plaquenil. Why are Fauci and company - cough, cough, Gates - working so hard to discredit Plaquenil and push toxic vaccines? That is why POTUS is giving them the rope to hang themselves. You do not develop a bioweapon unless you already have the cure. It needs to be cheap and effective. BOOM!
The thread mentions 3 indicators to recognize the difference between SARS and COVID but I only see two listed. The two listed make perfect sense. If any anons can come up with another indicator I would be grateful. The article lists #1: increased hemoglobin production #2: elevated ALT. I could not find #3.
Update: I think the #3 indicator may be elevated Ferritin levels. Update with lancet study showing blood serum ferritin over 500 ng/ml for patients with COVID when normal is 20-200 ng/ml.
In addition, I think there is merit to use the Plaquenil prophylactically to prevent infection. Mostly to those people who are most at risk from infection such as health workers and the military. A bioweapon is designed to take them out first thereby leaving everyone else vulnerable to attack. There is a long established safety record for the drug - but there does need to be monitoring with individuals with liver dysfunction and other preexisting conditions.
If a person becomes symptomatic then treatment with the dual combination of Plaquenil and Z-pak can be used - but with caution in cardiac patients due to the azithromycin. Believe it or not, quinine and macrolide antibiotics have been used as an established treatment for malaria. The Plaquenil could possibly prevent the binding of the virus to RBCs - thereby preventing the loosening of the iron from hemoglobin and viral replication at the same time. The Azithromycin also helps to reduce viral replication.
I want to give a shout-out to the Patriot MudPuddlePie who passed this article on to me for review. Proof why we need each other. This information is exactly what needs to be promoted right now. This is giving us the starting point to go on and do some research - more anons on the case. So feel free to disseminate this out there. The more eyes on the better.
I feel really sorry for the clinicians in states where they are only allowed to prescribe in emergency cases. I guess there needs to be an uptick in new Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnoses. Actually, there are less known autoimmune diseases that would fit the bill with far less scrutiny. The states where physicians are allowed to prescribe the Plaquenil and Z-pak are having fewer cases that go on to critical condition.
Be safe Patriots and keep digging. This was a real plandemic by the DS years in the making. We also have possibly switched the more deadly variation of the virus originally planned to be released. But, people are still getting sick and the treatment may very well be killing them when they become critical. (Please don't blame the physicians who can only go by the treatment protocols they have.) Getting this information out there can help. Don't think there are no physicians who are on these boards from time to time.
The DS has to go with the script they already have. There are too many moving pieces to change now. That is why the discrepancies are glaring and becoming more so by the day. But, there are still people who are sick - that is not a hoax. We must help them and the clinicians who are treating them. Life is still precious. Pray, pray, pray - we are winning.
Additional stuff:
Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Don't use actual medicine. They need a vaccine derived from aborted fetus tissue and whatever else in it, and a mark on their right hand or forehead denoting their digital certificate needed for re-entry to society. Duh.
I hope it was all talk. I would expect the doctors and hospital would prevent any such action. Obviously, the RN was in no position to take such an action. Not that I necessarily disagree, but taking someone's livelihood should be given serious consideration. I would hope that a reprimand or firing from her hospital would be sufficient.
She should have her ass arrested. Hope she loses her job along with her reputation such that it is being she's an abortionist. NO MERCY FOR CHILD KILLERS......NONE!!
For some people a reprimand by means of job suspension would be sufficient. To many, perhaps such a suspension would not be adequate. I would think that for most nurses a good example would be made and the nurse would learn her lesson by being fired. Being fired is different than completely losing one's livelihood. I am not advocating for any certain position. All these things have to be taken into consideration.
With all the people on Voat who advocate for murder on the basis on identity politics, perhaps their statements should be taken more seriously. To me, murder is a terrible thing. To advocate for the murder of a whole group of people is horrific.
An ambitious DA's office could probably get her on terroristic threats. Not to mention that someone practicing in medicine is in a pretty unique position of power over other people's lives. A nurse can easily kill someone through intentional neglect if they wanted to and given the nature of the job, it's not always easy to identify a homicide.
There are a lot of problems with a nurse putting on social media that they intend to kill some their patients, even if they weren't saying it seriously. It's unprofessional yes, but the larger issue is about employer liability and her capacity to continue functioning as a nurse. Do any patients she works with in the future have a right to know? Do any patient deaths need to be reevaluated? Has she expressed these things to coworkers or others in the past?
There is also a difference between general advocation of murder, and making a threat with specific intent. Someone saying that 'x people should die' is generally not illegal speech, saying that 'I will kill x people' is veering into criminal territory.
The larger issue is threatening someone's life. Employer liability is a side effect. Liberals within the medical field have long been able to say just about anything with impunity. Now is the time that they learn to use discretion.
Okay, what am I wrong about? I have been in a position to jeopardize a nurse's license. My concern was that although the nurse needed to be held accountable I did not want to jeopardize her livelihood.
I did not dictate any certain perspective. I did say that taking one's livelihood should be given serious consideration.
I understand what you mean and I ruminated this with my mom over the phone today, second-guessing what I did. Was it moral? Was it right? Btw i'm not taking all credit for this--it was a group effort. I'm sure this fla nursing license board was FLOODED with letters from others at the same time as I submitted mine. The timeline looked something like this
guy tweets about wife's trump 2020 mask -> she tweeted her nasty thing --> someone on twitter went uh WOO WOO --> a fringe alt media site picked it up (or another more prominent twitter user highlighted it --> I got mad and wrote to fla // very likely many others did also --> posted to thedonald and then posted here
My mom said it was right to do what i did because it also makes an example, that you can't go giving people death threats and expect to keep working in the nursing / medical field. I capitulated that she was right. This woman could do (or possibly HAS ALREADY DONE) countless damage to others in the hospital. What if we find out she pulled plugs on poeple because they were old and said something pro trump?
To be clear, I have never said that you did the wrong thing. My sentiment is that you have to clearly think through things before taking an action which could result in the loss of someone's livelihood. It does sound like the nurse made a death threat irregardless of her ability to carry it out. If she felt so free to make such a comment, I wonder how many others she hurt physically, psychologically and even spiritually.
And so should taking someones life. A nurse has no business being in the medical field is she advocates killing people that disagree with her politically. She should lose her job. Words have consequences.
Every death of a Republican or elderly person of any party that happened on her watch needs to be investigated. These nutters need to lose more than their jobs, at the very least pull her license and make sure she feels lucky to get that job at 7-11.
Thanks. Anyone can do this. Crowdsourcing is key though. I never would have found her real name without poeple more skillful at stalking poeple on the internet :P
I haven't posted it. They just said that they are looking into it very seriously (I got about 15 follolwup emails in 3 chains--that is how I know they are taking it seriously). As more info comes in I will post it. I cannot see how she will retain her job
The internet knows who she is now, and this story is ALL OVER alt media and will make it into the mainstream media eventually because of its traction. Her career is over no matter how you do it
KLDB ago
That's great. anything come out of that guy at the nursing home?
Blacksmith21 ago
YankeeDoodleCandy ago
On it’s LinkedIn, it listed Planned Parent Hood as a former employer. Imagine my shock.
bingbang ago
baby killing cunt sick bitch talks scared women into abortions
elites4prison ago
There needs to be a rule for someone like her. Shouldn't be getting a paycheck in the coming weeks.
Pollycracker ago
Thought we just found out ventilators are not the answer, 90% kill rate on ventilator was latest I heard. Maybe we should keep her.
bingbang ago
hEALTH GRADES Gail Vorachek
Blacksmith21 ago
So, send a letter to the Medical Director of the facility she works at. What are you waiting for?
Captainzoomer ago
Cancel culture works both ways, something liberals don't seem to think about. But then again, they never really think things through.
fellowwhiteperson ago
Not quite. Most cancel tards want to ruin the lives of people over voting habits. This is ruining the life of someone admitting a desire to commit medical malfeasance. The two are not comparable.
ghost_of_aswartz ago
Very good distinction
Mr_Wolf ago
DoubleTap ago
ventilators don't help. this isnt pneumonia. only chloroquine and zinc can cure you.
scoripowarrior ago
True from everything I've been reading as of late.
RoBatten ago
That's right. Forcing more air in won't help. The problem is that our blood can't take in oxygen caused by this virus . . .
TheBRAINz ago
Correct. Turns out much of the lung damage occuring in covid patients on ventilators was actually CAUSED by the high pressure of the ventilator tearing uo the lungs, and not the virus itself.
ghost_of_aswartz ago
True, that's why initially they were treating with OXYGEN. What they really need is a ventilator with oxygen concentrator attached; and they need to administer a fast IRON supplement with b12; also vit A, C, D, E drip; quercetin, EGCG and zinc; along with azithromycin or equiv if hydroxy isn't available
steven_feelsperg ago
credit to
Please read the article. It actually all now makes sense. When looking into the possibility of Plaquenil (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID-19, I could not figure out the pharmacological mechanism that would allow it to work against a supposed respiratory infection. (Background in medicine myself.) It did not make sense. But, if the possibility exists, as some ER and ICU clinicians may be implying, we could very well be treating the wrong disease altogether. This is a weaponized Coronavirus that may not be behaving like a typical Coronavirus infection. It may be infecting lungs yes, causing symptoms - but, could we be dealing with a secondary double wammie of infecting RBCs (Red Blood Cells) as well?
Malaria is a disease caused by the bite of an infected mosquito that carries the intracellular parasite Plasmodium that eventually finds its way to red blood cells destroying them - thereby effecting the transfer of oxygen due to lack of hemoglobin. We may be seeing something similar in COVID-19. If, RBCs are being infected by SARS-nCov2 virus, which could be dislodging the bound iron from the heme molecule, that would explain what physicians are seeing - patients that are suffering from hypoxia not due to pneumonia.
COVID is alleged to cause viral pneumonia leading to cytokine storm. The rogue iron, as suggested in the article, is what is causing the damage to lungs seen in imaging. It could also explain the multiple organ failure as seen in critically ill patients who succumb despite ventilation. Wow.
This may not be viral pneumonia related to a SARS, but hypoxia from O2 starvation like altitude sickness. Increasing PEEP is causing more harm than good. The iron thing now makes total sense - therein -CovFeFe. COVid and Fe2 and Fe3 - COVID is ox/redux reaction gone amuck - therefore no O2 exchange. All the forced air from increased PEEP is useless because the hemoglobin is working with defective heme. The treatment is causing even more damage on top of the destruction from the excess rogue iron - that explains the rapid organ failure cascade attributed to cytokine storm.
They are looking in the wrong place. Holy crap! It explains everything. The perfect bioweapon designed to make us look in the wrong place and treat patients the wrong way. Now look at why Barry and Honey Sherman were 187'd at their home in Toronto in 2017 - generic Plaquenil. Why are Fauci and company - cough, cough, Gates - working so hard to discredit Plaquenil and push toxic vaccines? That is why POTUS is giving them the rope to hang themselves. You do not develop a bioweapon unless you already have the cure. It needs to be cheap and effective. BOOM!
The thread mentions 3 indicators to recognize the difference between SARS and COVID but I only see two listed. The two listed make perfect sense. If any anons can come up with another indicator I would be grateful. The article lists #1: increased hemoglobin production #2: elevated ALT. I could not find #3.
Update: I think the #3 indicator may be elevated Ferritin levels. Update with lancet study showing blood serum ferritin over 500 ng/ml for patients with COVID when normal is 20-200 ng/ml.
In addition, I think there is merit to use the Plaquenil prophylactically to prevent infection. Mostly to those people who are most at risk from infection such as health workers and the military. A bioweapon is designed to take them out first thereby leaving everyone else vulnerable to attack. There is a long established safety record for the drug - but there does need to be monitoring with individuals with liver dysfunction and other preexisting conditions.
If a person becomes symptomatic then treatment with the dual combination of Plaquenil and Z-pak can be used - but with caution in cardiac patients due to the azithromycin. Believe it or not, quinine and macrolide antibiotics have been used as an established treatment for malaria. The Plaquenil could possibly prevent the binding of the virus to RBCs - thereby preventing the loosening of the iron from hemoglobin and viral replication at the same time. The Azithromycin also helps to reduce viral replication.
I want to give a shout-out to the Patriot MudPuddlePie who passed this article on to me for review. Proof why we need each other. This information is exactly what needs to be promoted right now. This is giving us the starting point to go on and do some research - more anons on the case. So feel free to disseminate this out there. The more eyes on the better.
I feel really sorry for the clinicians in states where they are only allowed to prescribe in emergency cases. I guess there needs to be an uptick in new Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnoses. Actually, there are less known autoimmune diseases that would fit the bill with far less scrutiny. The states where physicians are allowed to prescribe the Plaquenil and Z-pak are having fewer cases that go on to critical condition.
Be safe Patriots and keep digging. This was a real plandemic by the DS years in the making. We also have possibly switched the more deadly variation of the virus originally planned to be released. But, people are still getting sick and the treatment may very well be killing them when they become critical. (Please don't blame the physicians who can only go by the treatment protocols they have.) Getting this information out there can help. Don't think there are no physicians who are on these boards from time to time.
The DS has to go with the script they already have. There are too many moving pieces to change now. That is why the discrepancies are glaring and becoming more so by the day. But, there are still people who are sick - that is not a hoax. We must help them and the clinicians who are treating them. Life is still precious. Pray, pray, pray - we are winning.
Additional stuff:
Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
kidcip16 ago
Don't use actual medicine. They need a vaccine derived from aborted fetus tissue and whatever else in it, and a mark on their right hand or forehead denoting their digital certificate needed for re-entry to society. Duh.
TurtleHermitZ9k ago
See something, say something
Harpfor7 ago
I hope it was all talk. I would expect the doctors and hospital would prevent any such action. Obviously, the RN was in no position to take such an action. Not that I necessarily disagree, but taking someone's livelihood should be given serious consideration. I would hope that a reprimand or firing from her hospital would be sufficient.
bingbang ago
She should have her ass arrested. Hope she loses her job along with her reputation such that it is being she's an abortionist. NO MERCY FOR CHILD KILLERS......NONE!!
magaloid ago
Talking about intentionally killing your patients seems like a little more serious than a reprimand.
Harpfor7 ago
For some people a reprimand by means of job suspension would be sufficient. To many, perhaps such a suspension would not be adequate. I would think that for most nurses a good example would be made and the nurse would learn her lesson by being fired. Being fired is different than completely losing one's livelihood. I am not advocating for any certain position. All these things have to be taken into consideration.
With all the people on Voat who advocate for murder on the basis on identity politics, perhaps their statements should be taken more seriously. To me, murder is a terrible thing. To advocate for the murder of a whole group of people is horrific.
magaloid ago
An ambitious DA's office could probably get her on terroristic threats. Not to mention that someone practicing in medicine is in a pretty unique position of power over other people's lives. A nurse can easily kill someone through intentional neglect if they wanted to and given the nature of the job, it's not always easy to identify a homicide.
There are a lot of problems with a nurse putting on social media that they intend to kill some their patients, even if they weren't saying it seriously. It's unprofessional yes, but the larger issue is about employer liability and her capacity to continue functioning as a nurse. Do any patients she works with in the future have a right to know? Do any patient deaths need to be reevaluated? Has she expressed these things to coworkers or others in the past?
There is also a difference between general advocation of murder, and making a threat with specific intent. Someone saying that 'x people should die' is generally not illegal speech, saying that 'I will kill x people' is veering into criminal territory.
Harpfor7 ago
The larger issue is threatening someone's life. Employer liability is a side effect. Liberals within the medical field have long been able to say just about anything with impunity. Now is the time that they learn to use discretion.
PixieJean ago
you are wrong.
Harpfor7 ago
Okay, what am I wrong about? I have been in a position to jeopardize a nurse's license. My concern was that although the nurse needed to be held accountable I did not want to jeopardize her livelihood.
I did not dictate any certain perspective. I did say that taking one's livelihood should be given serious consideration.
ghost_of_aswartz ago
I understand what you mean and I ruminated this with my mom over the phone today, second-guessing what I did. Was it moral? Was it right? Btw i'm not taking all credit for this--it was a group effort. I'm sure this fla nursing license board was FLOODED with letters from others at the same time as I submitted mine. The timeline looked something like this
guy tweets about wife's trump 2020 mask -> she tweeted her nasty thing --> someone on twitter went uh WOO WOO --> a fringe alt media site picked it up (or another more prominent twitter user highlighted it --> I got mad and wrote to fla // very likely many others did also --> posted to thedonald and then posted here
My mom said it was right to do what i did because it also makes an example, that you can't go giving people death threats and expect to keep working in the nursing / medical field. I capitulated that she was right. This woman could do (or possibly HAS ALREADY DONE) countless damage to others in the hospital. What if we find out she pulled plugs on poeple because they were old and said something pro trump?
Harpfor7 ago
To be clear, I have never said that you did the wrong thing. My sentiment is that you have to clearly think through things before taking an action which could result in the loss of someone's livelihood. It does sound like the nurse made a death threat irregardless of her ability to carry it out. If she felt so free to make such a comment, I wonder how many others she hurt physically, psychologically and even spiritually.
PixieJean ago
And so should taking someones life. A nurse has no business being in the medical field is she advocates killing people that disagree with her politically. She should lose her job. Words have consequences.
369693936 ago
Every death of a Republican or elderly person of any party that happened on her watch needs to be investigated. These nutters need to lose more than their jobs, at the very least pull her license and make sure she feels lucky to get that job at 7-11.
JJS1 ago
She better retire and get out of town. That's a threat she made
INK9 ago
She better lose her license.
Thank you and fantastic job👍🏻
ghost_of_aswartz ago
Thanks. Anyone can do this. Crowdsourcing is key though. I never would have found her real name without poeple more skillful at stalking poeple on the internet :P
GritD2 ago
Great job!
showbobandvagene ago
Wheres the FL board response? i cant find it?
Great post btw...
ghost_of_aswartz ago
I haven't posted it. They just said that they are looking into it very seriously (I got about 15 follolwup emails in 3 chains--that is how I know they are taking it seriously). As more info comes in I will post it. I cannot see how she will retain her job
The internet knows who she is now, and this story is ALL OVER alt media and will make it into the mainstream media eventually because of its traction. Her career is over no matter how you do it
Sumeriansister ago
Thank god ..