think500 ago

This makes absolute sense and explains many disconnects about this disease, including why ventilators are frequently the end of the line.


That's why Hyperbaric Oxygen is so important as a therapy !! Look it up !!!

I_Am_Nobody ago

That’s a lot of words. Is there a tldr before I invest the time reading it?

Lurker17 ago

I sourced it here, the comments are enlightening.

Ddboomer ago

This is a nano or metal interaction with

5G. Chemtrails have metals and 5 G can target and burn them inside your body. Makes sense that it effects the lungs as we breath in the chemtrail mist. We also have nanos inside our blood stream from vaccines, food contamination, makeup, sunscreen....

This is my guess so far as I read all the articles.

Wwg1wga1972 ago


suave200 ago

Well shit, Bill Gates may not get to vaccinate (poison) us.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

I love the detractors saying that something can’t work on a virus because it’s normally used for a parasite. You do not have to directly attack the pathogen to destroy it! You need only interfere with something that it needs in its metabolic process to respirate, reproduce etc. We use all kinds of biocides/pesticides to kill stop proliferation of unwanted critters at home and industrial process settings. How do they work? Direct attack products generally consist of oxidants (bleach/chlorine) which causes a rapid electron transfer from the outer cell wall and rupture of the organism. Other organic products can be classified as ‘respiratory inhibitors’ or reproductive inhibitors’ which simply affect the organisms normal metabolic processes.

The best example I can give in relation to the hydroxychloroquine for Covid19 is this;

In order to treat industrial processing outbreaks of anaerobic bacteria (rotten egg/sulfur odors) we often ‘treat’ the systems with a compound normally referred to as a carbamate. It effectively eliminates most of the anaerobes, but not by killing them directly. The anaerobic bacteria (sulfate reducing) require Fe+2 in their respiratory functions just like people. Therefore, we add the carbamate to sequester/complex with all available iron in the system and the anaerobes perish.

Hopefully this analogy can help describe the ‘how’ hydroxychloroquine can work.

brandnewset ago

Trump is going to make the medias head assplode.

such tap dancing

DF_1982 ago

This theory would also explain why a person's blood type may make them more or less at risk. For example, people with blood type O are "more likely to be asymptomatic when infected with Malaria."

DoubleTap ago

I've now decided this is a completely fake pandemic.

KueAnaan ago

But a great cover story for a military op to keep us off from gathering as false flag targets while they execute a DUMB rescue and subsequent demolition operation.

DoubleTap ago

Oh don't even start with that. There's no DUMBs being exploded.

Do you know how big an explosion it takes to have a seismic effect? It takes several MEGAtons to register on the richter scale.

anotherrussianbot ago

If this theory of how the virus works is correct, after reading this, I cannot help but think of "COVFEFE" - a Trump tweet typo? There is some undeniable weirdness in the matrix.

Lurker17 ago


No typo. Trump knew what he was doing.

threesevens ago

Whats weird about this is that 60GHz 5g is absorbed by Oxygen. This causes Oxygen to not bind well to blood hemoglobin causing the body to become Oxygen starved. This is from studies in Magnetobiology, which is a suppressed science.

Coincidentally, Wuhan was one of the pilot cites for 5G. Combined with a virus which attacks the lungs this made the death rate much higher.

The symptoms of the virus and 5g match, the O2 effect on the body matches, the cure may be the same, and Wuhan is swimming in 5g. What does this mean?

The virus could have been made to work WITH 5g. Maybe the DS thought 5g would be much more widespread by now, but Trump was elected instead and stopped 5g. So the virus is weaker than it would have been if 5g more widespread. But it is deadly in places like Wuhan.

Big_Plains_Junction ago

OK, just throwing this out there, what's the 5G network like in Italy or Iran?

threesevens ago

There is evidence of fuckery going on in Italy: ”Italy is having to go back and change about 88% of the “COVID Deaths”. To what they were really.”

Don't know what the 5G status is in Italy or what's going on in Iran, still trying to put the pieces together.

And consider the Diamond Princess yacht COVID-19 cluster.

Diamond Princess is known to be fully loaded with all latest 5G and COVID-19 fatality rate was high if not the highest of all clusters.

zech7 ago

and -- is it Huawei hardware?

threesevens ago

Yea. Trump blocked Huewei, which is the bad 60GHz 5G. The GHz Trump would support is in the 37 GHz and 47 GHz bands, which is different than the harmful 60GHz from Huawei.

zech7 ago

thank you - very much. is huawei anywhere in the US?

verboten ago

It's a possibility, but I'm reluctant to share the story without knowing what kind of sources are behind - the blog post contains no links for further reading. If someone has more please link.

Lurker17 ago

I sourced it from /v/theawakening, check comments, very interesting.

Jewel516 ago

Very interesting. Had to read several times to digest & still not sure I could explain to someone but it makes sense as to why people are still dying on the ventilators. It robs your blood of the hemoglobin needed to carry oxygen to your organs. Much more complex than that but it’s a good start at understanding how the virus works.

Lurker17 ago

I sourced it from /v/theawakening, check comments, very interesting and predigests some of the technojumble.


AndyMan_45 ago

Pin^ this.

bamadeplorable420 ago

we need to see this again.and share bigly.................