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MolochHunter ago

Garbage misdirection

Q is EXPLICIT in post 2074 that SA = Wonderland


I regard this video as "discredit the Q movement through promoting its more fanciful theories"

logjam ago

Why get so pissed off about this? Seriously ffs.

One small interpretation on some lettering and you're ready to shit your pants over it?

I watched the video, and why does SA have to = Saudi Arabia?

Q doesn't tell us shit - he makes us think.

MolochHunter ago

I'm pissed off bc the Q movement has dropped roughly 99% of its political pressure on the Trump administration to arrest the soft coup cabal

for an issue that Q has never once posted on: Adrenochrome

Specific_Fox ago


MolochHunter ago

go ahead

go to , put the word Adrenochrome in the search box, tell me how many Q posts you come up with

i come up with none

Specific_Fox ago

I know that already and so what? FYI There have been adrenochrome busts, we know it exists - so are you saying it doesn't because Q didn't personally tell you it exists. Q: "Think for yourself". He also told us to research and that the info he gave us is in the public record. So is the info in this video. It's all available online. I think you need to chill out, son.