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MolochHunter ago

Garbage misdirection

Q is EXPLICIT in post 2074 that SA = Wonderland


I regard this video as "discredit the Q movement through promoting its more fanciful theories"

Specific_Fox ago

There's nothing "crystal clear" about SA meaning Saudi Arabia and nothing else. Someone made a good point that it could mean Synthetic Adrenochrome.

In the video he found Saudi Arabia owns 1/5 of New York and parts of that area in particular. It's just information take it or leave it.

PS Q also said things can have double meaning. You can think what you want. I'm just presenting info I found interesting. This was interesting.

You really think wolves who live in tunnels are behind the death of tourists in CP? Yeah. Ok.

MolochHunter ago

SA = Synthetic Adrenochrome ?

thats really grasping for confirmation bias

re-read 2074, the context is a whole list of countries / locations

Specific_Fox ago

Jeez, I'm not saying that's what I think SA means. I'm just saying it's a theory someone mentioned, I don't necessarily agree with it. Just using it as an example of another meaning.

The point the video is trying to make is that SA may mean Saudi Arabia sure, but not necessarily the country itself. It could mean their vast property holdings in NYC which they give HRC jurisdiction over via the trafficking network. I mean ffs they own a HUGE chunk of NYC - 20%, That's a HUGE amount of property holdings to have in the most expensive city on the planet in an area that is rampant with human trafficking.

Q wanted us to dig, not just sit there like sheep and wait for us to be spoon fed by him. He said a lot of this information was on public record and to do our own research - I know you're a purist and thats great. But we can't overlook possible connections either. If you don't like what you're hearing then prove it wrong.

PS - I looked at 2074. It's a graphic with a collection of tweets. Not sure if this is the one you meant. It looks like a bunch of MSM garbage.