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SaxonWolfcock ago

Remember the (((rolling stones))) lyrics about central park

On-time ago

Good call, I looked it up and it certainly seems related..

Check it out:

Lyrics to “Miss You” by the Rolling Stones:

Well, I've been haunted in my sleep

You've been starring in my dreams

Lord, I miss you, child

I've been waiting in the hall

Been waiting on your call

When the phone rings

It's just some friends of mine that say

"Hey, what's the matter, man?

We're goingna come around at twelve

With some Puerto Rican girls thats just dying to meet you

We're goinna bring a case of wine

Hey, let's go mess and fool around

You know, like we used to”

[Verse 3]

Oh, everybody waits so long

Oh, baby, why you waitin' so long?

Won't you come on, come on?

I've been walkin' Central Park, singing after dark

People think I'm crazy

Stumbling on my feet, shuffling through the street

Asking people, "What's the matter with you, boy?"

Sometimes, I want to say to, to myself

Sometimes I say


Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

Ooh, ooh, I won't miss you child

[Verse 4]

I guess I'm lying to myself

It's just you and no one else

Lord, I won't miss you, child

You've just been blotting out my mind

Fooling on my time

No, I won't miss you, baby

Qfanz ago

Vomit. Interesting Jagger's girlfriend committed suicide. Think it was a doorknob too. Jim Carey's gf did the same. Not sure it involved a door.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Thanks anon

Nailedit29 ago

David McGowans book was amazing, sad he’s no longer with us

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Agreed. McGowan connected all the dots. The Hippie movement was not a grassroots assemblage of kids.