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rickki6 ago

TY for posting this. I get my news from YT and always like to hear other opinions/decodes.

Snuffy_5_Smith ago

There's more than one way to interpret YT for some it could mean "Young Turks" for others "You Tube".

ReadyToRide ago

Glad u pointed this out. I literally thought the two up too there were saying Young Turks and I was shocked.

antler_wax ago

The young turks are typically abbreviated to TYT

Specific_Fox ago

Yipes. Good point. Definitely not from Cenk's fake news minions.

Specific_Fox ago

You're welcome, Patriot. I get my news from YT too.

logjam ago

Thanks for the direction. I like his decodes - a lot. Seriously good.

Wonderland IS NY ffs.

Specific_Fox ago

I believe so. But Q mentioned SA which many think is Saudi Arabia. But the own 20% of NYC property. SO this may be the SA connection Q referred to.

logjam ago

It makes sense. All the NY landmarks.

Makes me think think of that NK pic with Kerry in it. The one with the big wave on the wall in the background - you know the one I speak of?

Peekay345 ago

I never felt as though Saudi made any sense. NYC makes a ton of sense. Grew up 18 miles from that den of filth. Packed up and fled as soon as I graduated.

logjam ago

Whats the name of that movie where a big tidal wave comes in and wipes out NY?