moderator99 ago

Juust give me the sauce that proves they have pedo farms down there filled with either kids or baby breeders. I'm getting sick and tires of 30 year old rumors that started with aliens and is now kids for pedos. Not going to dig through all that noise.

IAMthePie ago

I've watched a lot of videos and interviews with people in this field. The freakiest one was about the Vietnam war. Massive alien spiders invaded. Really hard to wrap your head around. Soldiers memories wiped. Big time PTSD because of it. It's too fantastical to even believe. But look at the pics and videos out there if there napalm carpet bombing. A lot if times, it was over heavily forested areas. Why napalm trees, you know what I'm saying?....freaky shit.

EnlightenOne ago

Interesting, never heard of this theory. I’ll have to check it out. I hate spiders too

IAMthePie ago

Kerry Cassidy from project camelot did a interview with a vietnam vet where this is discussed. Also, google "spider sculptures you'll be amazed at how many there are. And many major cities have spider designs emanating from one point. Have a look at Paris, France forone example.

EnlightenOne ago

I grew in Manhattan. We use to go down into old subway tunnels to throw Raves. The city has def old tunnels as does Chicago. ( Where I went to college and lived for 14 years). I’m sure every City has tunnels. Question is, other than homeless , who else is living in them? I never came across any strange stuff in those subway tunnels. But then again it goes layers and layers down. We only partied in the first layer. Which is the same level that the subways run.

PatEldo5 ago

Are we on the brink of full disclosure? Many different things coming to light, soon.

EnlightenOne ago


alphazebra ago

I haven’t looked at your post but the awful truth I fear is the case is that most of these missing children are fed to these demons in flesh. The testimony from some of these people that have seen it is all too real to them. Even tho that’s a huge pill to swallow, mankind has been sacrificing children to gods and demons for millennia. Why would it be any different today? It just went underground...literally.