moderator99 ago

Hi @Trish2020, I appreciate you promoting Polly. I thought she made a great observation connecting this particular mind-control technique to what the MSM is doing with their confusing stories and claims, and trying to twist POTUS' words into nonsense, get him off topic, etc. I had never thought of that before. I should have because I know these talking heads are trained in this sort of thing, which comes straight out of Tavistock. The Aspen Institute and other Deep State institutions have annual courses/seminars/programs for these people to learn these methods and how to use them in their respective fields. Look up Marxist Praxis Programming. Not the same as what Polly was referring to, but it explains how these THs and reporters and other DS players are trained to break down group discussions and insert their own ideas and beliefs into the group and get everyone to agree with them.

Fritz Springmier first introduced us to information about the mind-control method that Polly refers to. I can't remember the name of his book but if you google his name you will find it. Very detailed! This method has been around since before WWII. B.F. Skinner was a proponent of it and probably had some hand in developing it.

P.S. Sure are a lot of shills around here lately, trying to turn us against our best QAnoners! I hope Polly isn't getting too much hate mail, and if she is, I hope she understands it means she's doing a good job! She's special to many of us.

Trish2020 ago

Thank you for that, and a few things for me to check out :)

Yes Polly is well aware of where the hate comes from, she was down a little while ago but since that video with the soldier by the big white rabbit, she has gone full circle back to the top and it has inspired her to continue researching. It must get to you looking through all this evil stuff, I only see probably a 5th of what she delves into and its very dark.

I love that she does such thorough deepdives and the way she connects all the bad actors. She chose the right name for herself. Amazing Polly!

I am getting the popcorn now about to watch the movie we have waited 3+ years for, I feel for the 'planners' for who it has taken decades in the planning I am sure to make it this unbelievably smooth running in the silent war.

I hope and pray that there are 1,000s that can be rehabilitated once rescued, especially because they have seen and been through so much.

moderator99 ago

Polly is certainly a great journalist, but she's a little behind on some subjects because she's so busy researching elsewhere. Fritz Springmier introduced this MKULTRA method of mind-control years ago. Police sometimes use this same tactic to break down interrogatees. They have used it at Tavistock, in the OSS, in the CIA, etc.

theBreadSultan ago

Can I just say, thank you for this post.

Was looking at some things in a particular way that the serendipity of this post couldn't be more substantial.

It's like a 2nd dose of Red Pill

Trish2020 ago

Thank you for saying that, its a pleasure and glad I posted.

When I listened to all this mayhem on the news swirling around, it does not make sense. This explanation clarified what we knew but could not quite grasp the purpose of their madness. Especially as I kept thinking, surely they know people are lying and they have no shame lying. I didn't realise that was the whole purpose, that is was not to make sense, it was to confuse.

Polly puts it into perspective so our minds can get out of the whirlwind of it all. Now I see it even clearer, from the outside instead of letting it get to me. Thank God he is on our side and this manipulation is being broken daily. So many people being Red Pilled right now its AWESOME.


moderator99 ago

She was talking about how it affects the viewers as much as she meant they were trying it on Trump. He's smart enough to see past it, but for many viewers, it has the intended effect. Confusing and conflicting messages from various sources that are all working together to create a breakdown in the psyches of the audience in order to make them question their own logical faculties and eventually give in to these people's overbearing sense of authority.

Thanks for posting. I love Polly, as do many others!

Trish2020 ago

oh thats funny I took it as the viewers she was talking about, not Trump. Yes he knows all their tricks, I think he even uses it on them when he says certain things and they go off the top, it is to confuse the MSM and Pelosi type, it helps to keep them busy while he gets the job done.

bamadeplorable420 ago

gosh dog Polly that was great.

bamadeplorable420 ago

this is exactly what is happening at the press conferences ...exactly...saw it today......BUT,,IT IS NOT WORKING ON TRUMP.........

WokeazfuQ ago

To Sum it up the Alice in Wonderland technique is extraordinary gaslighting to drive a person insane

Trish2020 ago

Yes but if you are aware of it then you just see THEM as nutty, like we see them!

grace8 ago

I am a redeemed and recovering Liberal. All my friends for 25 years were liberals. I dont feel I was ever fed nonsense and confused. I think the technique she describes would only work in isolation, where your being held for days.

My values and opinions were shaped at college through logic and justification. Take abortion for example. Abortion was sold to me and all my friends as a necessary evil that would lift women out of poverty and protect our economy form the weight of many unwanted unplanned for children whose families would end up on welfare. Unplanned for pregnancies were treated as inevitable. They sold us statistics on how many women and children who had unplanned or pregnancies ended up in abusive relationships and on welfare. Every child born put hem at greater risk. And the children would likely be abused.

The other tool they used heavily was virtue signalling. If you are a good person you care about poor women and protect their right to have abortions that are their only chance to get out of poverty. In the University setting 25 years ago, there was a great deal of unity around what was virtuous. It was all about empowering women and saving them from their mistakes.

I dont know how they do it today with so many couples hoping to adopt and wanting children. Of course black children are still not as likely to be adopted even as infants. I'm sure they use those statistics.

Abortion is largely an economic issue. A sign of the economic decline of our country. If for example every women who got pregnant at 17 knew that she would be able to feed her child and have a secure financial situation/help to raise the child abortion would be rare.

There is no justification of abortion today! None! Unplanned pregnancy is no longer inevitable with better birth control and children are wanted by so many childless couples. I am not saying it was ever right or justified, but we were told it was. We were made to feel guilty tht all of us came form middle class families and if we were in the situation of an unplanned pregnancy we would have help from our fmailies but that poor people didn't have our privileged life and could not afford our morality. We were told we had to make laws that fit int their economy not ours.

moderator99 ago

Abortion was sold to me and all my friends as a necessary evil that would lift women out of poverty and protect our economy form the weight of many unwanted unplanned for children whose families would end up on welfare.

While they were putting those ideals into the heads of women, they were vamping up sexual promiscuity in every other place, promoting sex outside of marriage, encouraging divorce and the broken homes that result, putting more sex and promicuity in movies, TV shows, music, etc. I was still fairly young at the time, but old enough to see through most of it. Probably because while that was going on, every opportunity to help young males like myself were disappearing, so I was forced to look more deeply at what was going on (my redpill awakening). Of course, it was all part of the globalist plan. My loss of opportunities weren't so much due to women's rights (special privileges) so much as it was due to privatization, deindustrialization, and mass immigration, which made it harder to get steady work in a meaningful and healthy job, but I didn't see that so clearly then since it was still just starting to take place. But look at where we are now. Transgenderism is now being pushed just like women's rights were, and what is the effect?

I should note that I'm the youngest of seven children from an economically poor family upbringing, and my mother never really wanted more than one child and never really cared about me other than how I might have made her look bad to others, so I feel for those who were born into a similar situation (or not born at all), and I despise those women who so freely spread their legs for every man that comes along and then tosses their unborn children into the waste bin when they've moved on. I blame my mother for being so damn irresponsible so many times and then trying to put the blame on me for being born, and on my dad for being the one who impregnated her. She was promiscuous. She was cheating on my dad when I was 11, and divorced him when I was 15 by lying and claiming that he cheated on her. Very irresponsible, but she had the sympathy and support of everyone because of those promoted ideals you speak of. They destroyed my family, and I sort of know what it feels like to be tossed in the waste basket by my own mother. I guess that's why I care so much about all those poor victimized children. I love little children so much! They bring so much joy and happiness! How could anyone not love them, especially their own????

God bless you for caring as well.

grace8 ago

Yes! they wanted a sexualized population and everything became about romantic love and sex. This is a big problem. Thanks for bringing attention to this. And for sharing your own victimization. I hope that resolving the economic pressure the FED and DS have created thrugh stealing our wealth and over taxing our population will aloow for less children to be victimized. But there is no cure all but God.

Trish2020 ago

That is very insightful. Thanks for sharing.

I lived in South Africa for many years, and as a Christian Church we ran a Centre for Unplanned Pregnancies.

The system was that when a woman went to the hospital for an abortion they would be referred to us first. We would support by way of counselling and homing if they wanted until the baby was born.

We had a live in Matron and many dorms, we would explain to the girls that babies are a precious gift from God, and help them with whatever trauma they went through to get to this point. With love and care, whether the girls wanted to keep the baby, our first hope, or adopt the baby out, we would support them either way. Rarely did any of the girls choose to abort this was amazing for them and us. My friend was one of the Receptionist there and has many successful stories of helping these precious girls restore their lives and go on to enjoy their futures.

It was not always an easy choice for them, but the guilt and shame these girls entered the centre with was left at the centre when they left as the did not have to deal with the deep sadness of knowing, through kind support, they did not have aborted their baby and to know that these babies and girls had a future was so rewarding for us.

hummingbird4 ago

I am not so sure I trust Amazing Polly anymore.

Trish2020 ago

She was obviously stressed and worried about Trump seeming to trust 2 of the Biggest Deep State shills in all of history!

Gee give her a break, she was just doing what Q said, don't believe everything and check for yourself. She checked, they are Deep State and we are still wondering how 'they' fit into The Plan.

I personally think it is to expose them on the world stage for who they really are, but that is to be seen.

We have not covered or deep dived into the cesspit Polly has when doing her research. She is allowed a meld down now and then, she is not Wonder Woman with super human strength! Give her a break, please.

I guess you did not see her next humbling video about Q where she says she was wrong???

I do not write people off immediately - especially when I can see they are so discouraged from all the darkness they are trying to expose.

If you have an ounce of grace check it out and try not to judge her, she gets enough hate from the cabal side - her only 'crime' is wearing her heart on her sleeve and being vulnerable to critics.

Remember Q said 'they want you divided' don't give them their wish.

Qster and Flynn and 4th Generation Warfare -

@scorpiowarrior @Hispeedtim2876

scoripowarrior ago

meh, don't care for her

Blacksmith21 ago

CJ Truth doesn't approve. Weird shitwith AP. Be warned.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Polly is a sleeper. She turned 2 months ago. Saying we gave been tricked. Then slammed Ivanka Trump.

AlternateSelection ago

I found out pretty quick that she will not tolerate anyone disagreeing with her. Try that one time.

bombthrowinggenius ago

She didn't talk about the press briefings enough but it seems to me they are trying to do this to POTUS. The take turns asking bullshit questions and they ask like they are actors in a movie. They scream like kids for him to pick them while he is still talking. It seems coordinated to make him snap but it doesn't work.

Trish2020 ago

Yes but fortunately he knows their tactics and is probably laughing at them inside. We see it and it is so obvious to us. Once you see it you cannot unsee it, it just looks pathetic, as they really are!

Agapechik57 ago

Really excellent! Thanks I really needed that word! Poor Potus; every time he does a briefing, he is up against this “Alice in Wonderland Technique”! Their questions are all really just all parts if an evil interrogation geared to produce angry soundbites they can wear out on their evil mockingbird shows!

Trish2020 ago

It is great to be able to see it for what it is. Fortunately he knows their tactics and is probably laughing at them inside. We see it and it is so obvious to us. Once you see it you cannot unsee it, it just makes them looks pathetic, as they really are!

Trish2020 ago

Good job he knows their tactics! Its like water off a ducks back to him, hes amazing how he handles them.

DoubleTap ago

I really hate these posts that don't explain the topic. Why should we go watch a dumb video, getting jewtube even more money?

Why not just summarize a post about it WITH WORDS, and then have a discussion?

pgd7 ago

This entire sub is for pseudo intellectuals who want to feel like everything they share is thought provoking. I’d wager most don’t put any thought into anything and blindly upvoat to keep the circle jerk going.

TSE ago

I agree. Who has the time to watch 3 or 4 5-10 minutes videos each day when it would take 3 minutes to get to the point.

theBreadSultan ago

Cos we are all so busy right now, with so much to do at work....

ouspensky ago

Use 2x speed

Trish2020 ago

No one said you have to??????

MissingEgo1 ago

Thanks. This adds another dimension to my understanding. It explains certain things for me regardless of weather or not I believe this Q stuff.

Trish2020 ago

Cool, it sort of explained to me the craziness of the news spouting so much nonsense all the time, literally non stop. :)

anotherrussianbot ago

Guess Q's 10 Days of Darkness aren't happening anytime soon. Total DECLAS and arrests slide right, too. Datefagging fails again.

HighHazardDamnGirl ago

Yes people are going insane. It always happens at pole shift time. We are so privileged to be witnessing and participating in the great Awakening and the transformation.

Qfanz ago

Polly is not trustworthy in my and hundreds of others' opinions. Not after she pulled a Cernovich. It was disgusting.

moderator99 ago

Polly is human like everyone else. She makes mistakes in her judgments based on wrong or missing information. If you expect her to be so fucking accurate in everything she says 100% of the time, you put your own expectations too high.

I've been following Polly for about a year and I always come away with new knowledge that is valuable. She does this as a hobby of sorts and is not much different than anyone else out there who researches what Q leads us to look at. Give her a fucking break, or show us all how to be 100% spot on every time.

@Trish2020 @RebelRed

Qfanz ago

It's about her doing an Alex Jones & Cernovich on Trump. Twice that I have seen. In a vicious way.

1 video interview with another Anon on YTube & then on Twitter.

RebelRed ago

My friend said she's from Canada and may not have the same perspective as us Patriots on some things. But agree with the above, I don't entirely believe or trust any of the video anons and know they are not perfect and have had their own controversies at time (ex. prayingmedic). I was just wondering if there was something more than this going on.

CHaRLie_MaNSoNs_EyEs ago

Exactly what I'm thinking... The amount of anti Trump in her comments lately also show since her flip flop a lot of worms coming out the woodwork

RebelRed ago

Can you explain? I don't watch her but know someone who does and would like to pass it on.

hankkimball ago

They can't explain. Just vague references.

Trish2020 ago

I DO NOT BELIEVE SHE IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY Q told us to test everything not to blindly follow, she did and she is 100% genuine. An absolute FANTASTIC researcher, I would trust Polly over any of the many other researchers.

She explained why she felt like she did and I guess you did not see her further video ......... you should watch it before you write her off!

Cernovich I never had a good feeling about him from the start, but once he justified his raping women about 2 years ago, then I knew he was a wolf in sheeps clothing and did not watch a single thing of his again.

stray502 ago

That could be true but I dont believe it. You would have to really be a very week and low IQ person for that to break you after a few days. Now if it went on for a couple of years then maybe but after a few days the person will just be glad he got rid of the retards.

moderator99 ago

It has nothing to do with IQ. It has to do with breaking down your ability to maintain your sanity in order to survive. They break your sense of reality in every conceivable way: confuse your sense of time, force you to abandon logical thinking, make you question and doubt your own feelings, make you expect and accept the opposite of what you normally would in a given situation, etc. Just take away your connection to the rest of the world for a few days and you will soon start to attach yourself to those who keep you. You will learn quickly that they control everything in your environment. When they start suddenly playing games with you, you become confused and scared. You begin to forget about everything but your current situation and how to get through it. You begin to cooperate. By cooperating, you are forced to confound your natural instincts and begin reinterpreting reality through their constructed substitute reality. You are ready to become a different person, one that they mould. The method described by Polly is preliminary to the actual programming.


Trish2020 ago

You are entitled to your opinions, as are we, we don't have to judge people by stating things like You would have to really be a very week and low IQ person for that to break you after a few days there are better ways of saying things without insulting people, no one really listens to people who think they are superior than everyone else.

Lets be able to say things in a reasonable way. Thank you :)

Ddboomer ago

75% of the people are pretty dumb. It’s quite apparent when you drive on highways. Add, the lack of God and they do become whacko.

Lag-wagon ago

I am an engineer, not tell you what type, and I don't believe in God. God has nothing to do with any of this and is offensive.

Ddboomer ago

God does not, BUT SATAN DOES.

Read the Bible and if I were you.,, choose a side-God or Satan.

Sad, you don’t believe in God and Jesus Christ. I could care a less if your’re an “ engineer”.

Get info before you foolishly comment.

Lag-wagon ago

Well... If there is no god. There is no satan.

369693936 ago

Someone should tell the child sacrificers, they're beliefs are going to have them falling and tripping and self destructing while blaming the fact that they can't keep the master fed.

Lag-wagon ago


369693936 ago

Right before the shut down, did you see Oprah fall on stage? Elton John, Cher, Madonna, all got hurt and left the stage in tears, etc.?

Whether or not whatever it is that they sacrifice the kids to is real - they believe it is and seem to also believe they're going to be punished for not keeping it properly fed.

No one knows for sure how the mechanics of this reality works but it seems very tied to human belief - to such an extent that the "morphic field" of the belief can even influence people's experience of reality.

Lag-wagon ago

Their "morphic field" is only real to them and their choices which will affect everyone around them.

I don't believe in a god and my choices affect people around me still.

This is about humans making human choices hurting other humans.

369693936 ago

This is about humans making human choices hurting other humans.

Totally agree, I just don't think it's detrimental for people of virtue and integrity to pray, repent for bad choices (including letting this shit go on right under our noses) and trust in a sense of grace and mercy.

Lag-wagon ago

I don't think there is any need to pray, ever, for anyone.

369693936 ago

That's cool. What's not cool is making fun of people for thinking differently than you when your thoughts are no more verifiable than anyone else's.

Lag-wagon ago

They are not thinking differently. They are thinking incorrectly. Religion, of any kind, is used in society by people in power to control the masses.

Religion is camcer

369693936 ago

Maybe your thinking is incorrect when you confuse religion for prayer? Must be nice to be so sure of everything, but it's still speculation and there's still no irrefutable evidence that you're the one who's correct.

Lag-wagon ago

What are you praying to?

369693936 ago

That's my business. I spent years as an atheist, not going to argue over terms and semantics. I got dumber and dumber the longer I was an atheist, if it works for you great but there's no need to be evangelical about it.

Lag-wagon ago

Lol, I can tell you now you didn't stop if you turned to religion.

369693936 ago

Huh? If I had religion I could easily type words to answer your question. I can't, still going back further to find The Christ. It's probably not even the right name, but for lack of better one the original ancient Christ from much further back than Jesus of Nazareth.

Lag-wagon ago

Doing so much research should have pulled you so far from a "god". Knowledge will set you free. God pushes you into a box. Any god.

369693936 ago

Lately I just call it the freedom portal. But even if I wanted to make up a fairy tale myth to make sense of the mechanics of it all, I do have the inherent right to do so - not just under the 1A but given to me at birth by some kind of mechanical law that most of us can't fathom without a nice cover story.

Lag-wagon ago

Sure, do what you will. It would just be sad. You have so much potential. All humans do.

369693936 ago

You have so much potential. All humans do.

On that we agree.

Ddboomer ago

Correct, but there is a God and there is a Satan. So, believe and read your Bible-King James. Just read it yourself and you will see. Seek and you will find. Then peace will be in your heart.

Lag-wagon ago

There is no god. There is no satan. There is no heaven. No hell. There is only human.

Ddboomer ago

You’re lost. Sorry for your confusion.

I challenge you to read the St James Bible. Then get back to me.’

Lag-wagon ago

Why would I read a book written by a man about a magical sky fairy? How is santa doing with all of his gifts this year? Is Easter bunny ready to go? You talk to them too don't ya?

Ddboomer ago

One: 1) you are a SOROS shill


3) Patriots have FAITH!!

4) Patriots believe in God

5 ) Patriots believe in our country

6) Q drops connect the Bible scriptures to this fight against the demonic CABAL/ILLUMINATI/DS

7) I’m done with you

You are NOT A PATRIOT!!!

Lag-wagon ago


If I'm a Soros shill when is my check going to arrive?

Believe... Like a good monkey.

There is no god.

Ddboomer ago

I guess your destiny is hell like the rest of them. Your loss.

The way, the truth and the life is through Jesus Christ.

All the bad on Earth is caused by Satan and demonic people.

You are a shill !

Why are you on this board???

To TRY TO CREATE DOUBT!!! Good luck because Patriots have resolve!!

You’re a whimpy puss who has no spine. Go back to mommy’s basement .

Lag-wagon ago


Well I cannot go to hell because it is not a place.

Ddboomer ago

Whatever. Your soul leaves your body when you die. Where do you go??? Limbo??? Nope. Make a choice.

Lag-wagon ago

People don't have souls. Wow you people here are lost.

You are made of tiny cell clumps, millions of them. When you die your heat goes away, you turn to dirt.

Ddboomer ago

The way I view you!!! You have been successfully Demonized and you have no soul because you have allowed Satan to take it.

I have felt a soul leave a body and I have seen darkness in eyes.

So you go ahead with your dark attitude and when you die-you will remain in the ground.

You can try to mock me, but it does not make me waiver. I believe in Jesus Christ and he dies for our sins.

It’s funny-your Satanist Masters know of Jesus and they are afraid. You are truly a fool.

I do not feel sorry for you because with your dark attitude-you’re a void filled with your own demons.

My suggestion-try the left side. You won’t influence anyone on this one. We are steadfast and many have been researching this for a long time.

Choose God or Satan. Your choice is Satan. By choosing nothing=Satan already has your soul.

Conversation over.

Lag-wagon ago


Trish2020 ago

To be honest, offensive is taken not given, I chose not to take it. You are entitled to your opinion, no one has to try belittle someone else just because they do not have the same thoughts.

My mum used to say, 'if you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything at all' she was a wise woman, and avoided many an argument.

Lag-wagon ago

That's cool and all but there still is no god.

Trish2020 ago

Lol you may change your mind when you meet Him. Have an awesome day 😁

Lag-wagon ago

When I meet Jupiter I'll let him know you said hello.

jc99ta ago

Your disbelief in God is offensive

Lag-wagon ago

At least I believe in something real, myself. you believe in a magic sky fairy. How's santa doing?

jc99ta ago

The comment was about you being "offended" by someone's beliefs. So, I'm offended by yours.

Lag-wagon ago

I'll let Odin know.

jc99ta ago

Hypocrisy at its finest. I'm offended! Reeee! Odin is my god!

Lag-wagon ago

May Ra set your spirit free.

hankkimball ago

Thanks. I watched that thinking it was put out today. Surprised it was from over a year ago. Timeless.

Trish2020 ago

I was surprised at that too, I don't remember it and I thought I had watched all of her videos :) Good to look back though and see how it fits today.

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