Straight up evil spoken loud and clear for all to see and hear. The family is what holds a civil society together. A family keeps kids from being raised as psychopaths. The goal of breaking up the family unit only makes sense to evil fuckers that need to be drawn and quartered very slowly.
The Nuclear family? The ones keeping each other company, sane, and looking out for each other whilst on lockdown? Those ones? Yeah, I can see how it would be much, much better to live alone and be forced to self-isolate. To be on your own, without contact, to be unable to help those around you. Oh yeah, that would be so much better, clearly.
This just pisses me off and makes me want another baby even more. If I were single/childless I would have been so bored at home during the coronavirus lockdown. When I was single I had to visit friends constantly to avoid loneliness. Some people might be struggling more financially but if they have a family they won't have to go through that alone, and they have a reason not to give up.
Soros open society foundation is a big money lobbyist for Tom donohoe and the Chamber of Commerce to trade with China.
Soros brought down england and he stated Pres Trump would not be around in 2020
"Billionaire investor and political activist George Soros comments on the Trump administration in a speech at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos. Soros declared the Trump phenomenon will "disappear" in 2020, calling his presidency a "danger to the world."
Soros said his "goal" is to "reestablish a functioning two-party system" in the United States.
"Clearly, I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world," Soros said at a World Economic Forum event. "But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner. I give President Trump credit for motivating his core supporters brilliantly, but for every core supporter, he has created a greater number of core opponents who are equally strongly motivated. That is why I expect a Democratic landslide in 2018."
"My personal goal in the United States is to help reestablish a functioning two-party system. This will require not only a landslide in 2018 but also a Democratic Party that will aim at non-partisan redistricting, the appointment of well-qualified judges, a properly conducted census and other measures that a functioning two-party system requires," he said.
"In the United States, President Trump would like to establish a mafia state but he can’t, because the Constitution, other institutions, and a vibrant civil society won’t allow it," Soros also said."
We do not know yet if we will be able to wrench something better than capitalism from the wreckage of this Plague and the coming Depression. I would only posit with some certainty that, in 2020, the dialectic of families against the family, of real homes against the home, shall intensify.
It shows the opposite. The home is the last refuge of isolation. If one parent can’t stay home to care for a sick child, or vice versa, a sick adult must care for healthy children, then the world is fucked the next time a super bug comes along.
Soros knew this was going to happen and gave a warning about it at the World Economic Forum in January:
*"At the same time, Trump’s economic team has managed to overheat an already buoyant economy. The stock market, already celebrating Trump’s military success, is breaking out to reach new heights. But an overheated economy can’t be kept boiling for too long.
If all this had happened closer to the elections, it would have assured his reelection. His problem is that the elections are still 10 months away and in a revolutionary situation, that is a lifetime."*
In short, the pandemic is no time to forget about family abolition. In the words of feminist theorist and mother Madeline Lane-McKinley; “Households are capitalism’s pressure cookers. This crisis will see a surge in housework – cleaning, cooking, caretaking, but also child abuse, molestation, intimate partner rape, psychological torture, and more.” Far from a time to acquiesce to ‘family values’ ideology, then, the pandemic is an acutely important time to provision, evacuate and generally empower survivors of – and refugees from – the nuclear household.
And thirdly, even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us. It norms us for productive work. It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’ It minimizes costs for capital while maximizing human beings’ life-making labor (across billions of tiny boxes, each kitted out – absurdly – with its own kitchen, micro-crèche and laundry). It blackmails us into mistaking the only sources of love and care we have for the extent of what is possible.
We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it. In the always lucent words of Anne Boyer: “We must learn to do good for the good of the stranger now. We now have to live as daily evidence that we believe there is value in the lives of the cancer patient, the elderly person, the disabled one, the ones in unthinkable living conditions, crowded and at risk.”
Thanks, that was worth the time to read a lot of viewpoints that contradict the author of the opinion piece. A lot of well deserved jabs in there made for plenty of lol's. Overall it seems that nobody with a reasonable, sane mind will take their bullshit anymore.
Agree. Now you understand why SJWs don't care if the guy they get fired can't feed his family and ends up divorced - because that's exactly the outcome they are hoping for.
Good luck! The family unit is the most natural outcome to human activity. It can never be undone, no matter how much money they throw at it. This type of messaging captures fools only, and those fools don't deserve a family as they are too self absorbed.
Family is the bedrock of this nation that globalist's have been trying to dismantle covertly. Looks like the have lifted all semblance of secrecy. They are afraid and going for broke.
Covertly? men in beards and hairy legs in a dress get to walk into a girl's/women's bathroom in public places..... mandated by the courts? Same man gets to read story picture books to toddlers at story time in kindergarden? Nothing covert about it.
Wow, I thought you were joking, evidently you are not. That's just what I want hanging on my office wall, but I'd rather it came framed and matted /s off.
Now she is getting angry because nobody is "liking" it or buying. To quote- "Wow okay, okay, I see how it is, none of you has even thrown this a single miserable LIKE. Good thing my vulva is unflappable and fully secure in its status as art!!!!!!!"
Posted automatically (#100055) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@RakerKey: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
Google these two phrases: "jewish infant penis sucking rituals" and then "mason infant penis sucking rituals" and then decide for yourselves which group is the real problem.
I know they both are an issue...the Masons went and helped the juden with communist Russia...but you called some one that said the Masons are an issue a rabbi...I don't know who's jewing who anymore...
AlternateSelection ago
Straight up evil spoken loud and clear for all to see and hear. The family is what holds a civil society together. A family keeps kids from being raised as psychopaths. The goal of breaking up the family unit only makes sense to evil fuckers that need to be drawn and quartered very slowly.
numina18 ago
Correction: It's time to abolish George Soros!
Yuke ago
The Nuclear family? The ones keeping each other company, sane, and looking out for each other whilst on lockdown? Those ones? Yeah, I can see how it would be much, much better to live alone and be forced to self-isolate. To be on your own, without contact, to be unable to help those around you. Oh yeah, that would be so much better, clearly.
Ddboomer ago
Damn DEMON SATAN SOROS!!! Needs a silver bullet to his head an an express to hell where it belongs. Nasty creature and the dummies who Follow him.
TomThung ago
They can get half the kids from gullible single mothers pretty easily, now they want the rest. Are WOMEN to blame for all societies woes?
Twodivinehipsters ago
This just pisses me off and makes me want another baby even more. If I were single/childless I would have been so bored at home during the coronavirus lockdown. When I was single I had to visit friends constantly to avoid loneliness. Some people might be struggling more financially but if they have a family they won't have to go through that alone, and they have a reason not to give up.
KueAnaan ago
Can't we just drone this guy?
wasteroftime ago
Hah, they were pushing this exact same idea before the virus hit. They just repackage it as often as possible with a new "reason" over and over.
aiiin1 ago
Soros open society foundation is a big money lobbyist for Tom donohoe and the Chamber of Commerce to trade with China.
Soros brought down england and he stated Pres Trump would not be around in 2020
"Billionaire investor and political activist George Soros comments on the Trump administration in a speech at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos. Soros declared the Trump phenomenon will "disappear" in 2020, calling his presidency a "danger to the world."
Soros said his "goal" is to "reestablish a functioning two-party system" in the United States.
"Clearly, I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world," Soros said at a World Economic Forum event. "But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner. I give President Trump credit for motivating his core supporters brilliantly, but for every core supporter, he has created a greater number of core opponents who are equally strongly motivated. That is why I expect a Democratic landslide in 2018."
"My personal goal in the United States is to help reestablish a functioning two-party system. This will require not only a landslide in 2018 but also a Democratic Party that will aim at non-partisan redistricting, the appointment of well-qualified judges, a properly conducted census and other measures that a functioning two-party system requires," he said.
"In the United States, President Trump would like to establish a mafia state but he can’t, because the Constitution, other institutions, and a vibrant civil society won’t allow it," Soros also said."
InABlinkOfAnEye ago
OMG. She looks like a Chelsey Clinton clone.
veteran88 ago
Why is he still alive?
The_Impaler ago
put global government to rule on destroyed family nucleus
what sort of inversed psychology is this?
pby1000 ago
Slave systems do not need family units.
BumbleTummy ago
frankenglock ago
<GACK> I need eye bleach!
slowcrash101 ago
Fucking moron, it's open society that lets the virus spread the way it has.
Homelessfuck ago
It shows the opposite. The home is the last refuge of isolation. If one parent can’t stay home to care for a sick child, or vice versa, a sick adult must care for healthy children, then the world is fucked the next time a super bug comes along.
WhiteMan ago
Insane but logical for globalusts.
ketoll ago
Soros knew this was going to happen and gave a warning about it at the World Economic Forum in January:
*"At the same time, Trump’s economic team has managed to overheat an already buoyant economy. The stock market, already celebrating Trump’s military success, is breaking out to reach new heights. But an overheated economy can’t be kept boiling for too long.
If all this had happened closer to the elections, it would have assured his reelection. His problem is that the elections are still 10 months away and in a revolutionary situation, that is a lifetime."*
ConantheLibrarian ago
The devil himself might as well be speaking.
FireCrackLover ago
frankenglock ago
Thanks, that was worth the time to read a lot of viewpoints that contradict the author of the opinion piece. A lot of well deserved jabs in there made for plenty of lol's. Overall it seems that nobody with a reasonable, sane mind will take their bullshit anymore.
Itgetsbetter ago
Agree. Now you understand why SJWs don't care if the guy they get fired can't feed his family and ends up divorced - because that's exactly the outcome they are hoping for.
Dalai_Llama ago
KosherHiveKicker ago
Thanks Jews !!!
lion4liberty ago
jews rule!
LettItBurn ago
Fuck that kike.
mrGaudi ago
Good luck! The family unit is the most natural outcome to human activity. It can never be undone, no matter how much money they throw at it. This type of messaging captures fools only, and those fools don't deserve a family as they are too self absorbed.
mrsray ago
I want to know why this evil has been allowed to be so toxic for so long without anyone trying to stop it
lion4liberty ago
Because they get kicked out of the country (109 times) vs being killed.
CryptoBard ago
FUCK SOROS, the nuclear family is the apex of positive family environment, this is an assault on liberty and a transparent attempt at genocide
Holcosu ago
Nothing surprises me at all about this evil individual . Never let a crisis go to waste. Can’t wait til he becomes a crisis.
Jorcone ago
S oros
O pen
S ociety
Snuffy_5_Smith ago
Family is the bedrock of this nation that globalist's have been trying to dismantle covertly. Looks like the have lifted all semblance of secrecy. They are afraid and going for broke.
InABlinkOfAnEye ago
Totally agree. The only families that need to be destroyed are theirs.
seawinder ago
Covertly? men in beards and hairy legs in a dress get to walk into a girl's/women's bathroom in public places..... mandated by the courts? Same man gets to read story picture books to toddlers at story time in kindergarden? Nothing covert about it.
Snuffy_5_Smith ago
That is true but not talked about by the MSM the media is purposely hiding these facts from the public that in my opinion is a covert act.
ChimpEvader ago
The writer is a ginger hard up for cash who is selling prints of her snatch. 😭
QPilledLib ago
Lol. The response is from her bemoaning the lack of love for her ink stained cootch.
dundundunnnnn ago
Kill it with fire.
frankenglock ago
Wow, I thought you were joking, evidently you are not. That's just what I want hanging on my office wall, but I'd rather it came framed and matted /s off.
Now she is getting angry because nobody is "liking" it or buying. To quote- "Wow okay, okay, I see how it is, none of you has even thrown this a single miserable LIKE. Good thing my vulva is unflappable and fully secure in its status as art!!!!!!!"
The depravity of it all.
That's disgusting.
RakerKey ago
Soros is without any shadow of a doubt a depraved demon that Hates and Despises Humanity
I wonder what it will actually take to finally rid the world of this vile creature forever??
OriginalRealityCheck ago
I like this one better---
The Corona virus proves that Democrats are actually hard-core Communists....
TraitorsOnARope ago
A small Delta Force team...
pizzaequalspedo ago
God will soon bring his judgement down on Soros and his evil minions.
lion4liberty ago
Once removed another of his tribe will take his place.
SearchVoatBot ago
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dirt_reynolds ago
A well placed .308 would do it.
MyMobileAccount ago
I give the Evil fuck two years maximum. That wretch can’t fend off the reaper forever.
Christosgnosis ago
I thought right after the 2016 election outcome that he would be taken out - I was very wrong
rndmvar ago
I haven't seen him in public for about two'ish years.
I think he's already dead, and his son in Berkley is still using his name to avoid putting heat on himself.
slowcrash101 ago
He should die a slow corona virus death and reap what he's sewn.
Balthsgirl ago
I feel like that still would not be sufficient. He deserves far worse than any of us mortal beings could inflict though.
Lamp_shade ago
Jews are always pushing to abolish the nuclear family because it makes it so much easier for them to rape children.
Matthew1103 ago
So are the Masons
Lamp_shade ago
Ok rabbi.
lion4liberty ago
Ok mason.
Lamp_shade ago
Google these two phrases: "jewish infant penis sucking rituals" and then "mason infant penis sucking rituals" and then decide for yourselves which group is the real problem.
lion4liberty ago
I know they both are an issue...the Masons went and helped the juden with communist Russia...but you called some one that said the Masons are an issue a rabbi...I don't know who's jewing who anymore...
derram ago :
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