GritD2 ago

They should crank up some pat Boone to counter the call to prayer.

VirtuousPatience ago

We undo this the same way they enacted it. They were patience, they used the law and gathered the votes. We must do the same.

What they want to do is provocative but they made it lawful. If we react in the wrong way they will become the protected "victims"

Let's get this permanently and lawfully banned, don't be tempted to change the narrative by committing "hate crimes". Beat them at their own games, the courts.

They've mastered the courts and that's why they get away with it. We need to do the same.

binrobinro ago

Escape your shitty country, then change the country you have moved to.

TSE ago

can we mail him some bacon grease?

lifeduringwartime ago

Steve Vai

ketoll ago

My religion requires 1000 watt subs.

Doglegwarrior ago

imna white enthusiast I would blast bach and mozart as loud as possible. umm need patriots to shoot those fucking speakers down from the mosque

y000danon ago

Smallest_Skil ago

dirty street shitting moslem

Smallest_Skil ago

Time to start shooting. I mean the fuckers should not even be in the country. If I lived near that I would start with heavy metal on the biggest speakers along with random screeching timed with the shitskins.

TSE ago

there is no law to drive around with your car windows down and blasting the stereo, I don't think! Time to have some Soundoffs

GrizzlyDark ago

Time to invest in speaker companies. Patriots are going to practice their sharp shooting on every speaker. Probably 3 a day!


How can this be undone?

CatfishOHanlon ago

This "five times daily" stuff has no legitimacy in Islam, despite the entire US Moslem congregation is made up of unbelievers in any case, else someone would have cast truth in accordance with the instruction in the Koran by now..

  In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. 

  Remember your Lord within yourself without being apparent in speech,
  In the mornings and the evenings, and do not be among the heedless.      
  The Koran: Chapter 7, verse 205. 

The Koran which is the basis of Islam neither endorses public prayer nor the dreadful cacophony that occurs five times daily in nominally Moslem countries .. believers are instructed to "cast truth at falsehood"

   In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.
   Cast truth at falsehood.
   The Koran: Chapter 21, verse 18.

The Holocaust was an inside job, Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews - Jews and traitor Americans perped the 911 attacks, not Osama bin Laden and nineteen crazy Arabs .. abortion is genocide.

Martin Luther & Coretta King and Andy Warhol were in the firing party on the Grassy Knoll, when US President John Kennedy was shot from ambush in Dallas, Tx. Nov. 22, 1963 .. terror bombings world wide are the work of Zion and Israel.

Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian genocide.

The dearth of active response in the relevant countries, is because their leaders are selected and sponsored to office by Jews and the Jew owned media, who as Zionists are culpable to begin with.

False Moslems who fail to hurl truth are described elsewhere in the Koran as "lower than the beasts of the field," I just call 'em wogs.

Madrigalian ago

Burn. It. Down.

CMAnon ago

maybe some remote car alarms show start at the appropriate times??

TSE ago

good idea

downvoatmachine ago

UnBlack Metal is a thing, I'm sure it would go over well.

1960bell ago


1960bell ago

file noise pollution complaint

HumanPrimer ago

..AND BOSTON IS allowing jingle bells to played on the public speaker system across the city every Friday at five o'clock. Give us a break!!

FirstDamsel ago

Paterson has been heading down this road for almost 25 years. Beginning at the Southern end of the City years ago, it's invasion has pretty much become complete by now. We all saw it coming. Surprised it took this long. P.S. I'm long gone from there!

flashG ago

At Waco they played welcome to the jungle. That would put me over the edge. Im not a fan of GNR sorry to the fans.

Rhondaher ago

Time to start throw on bacon and pigs feet at their door

binrobinro ago

You'll get all greasy! Tear a few pages out of the koran to wrap them in.

Rhondaher ago


BrokenWolf ago

I think it's time to start a Chuch of Heavy Metal.

cantaloupe6 ago

Nine Inch Nails - Closer

Is a nice family song

Obbop ago

I eagerly await the successful military coup that ends the tyranny the Founder's writings warned We, the People about. Escort anti-Western ideologies that infringe upon our Western ways of life to the border and expel the barbarians and never allow anymore to enter our sacred land.

The situations confronting Western patriots are many and complicated. Observe the horrors ongoing in Europe of the fate awaiting the USA and all Western countries if the idiocy continues. Prepare, patriots. Look to QUALITY leadership so that a cohort of New Founders can arise and guide us to preserving the Founder's creation. Remember, patriots, peaceful ways are the best ways and the battle best won is the battle that never requires fighting. However, if ALL peaceful attempts fail and we are backed into a corner...

Reach out to all law enforcement and military personnel. Remind them all that our loyalty is to the Constitution and We, the People; not politicians and bureaucrats and wealthy tyrants and their often corrupt monolithic corporations. Remind all USA citizens and supporters that we must be true to the Founder's creation.

Prepare, patriots.

veteran88 ago

Fuck that

It's so annoying.

I would take those speakers out if I could hear them.

If it works like in the desert they will only rebuild a few times.

FU_PNS ago

I cant believe

eldorann ago

  1. Vandalism of the speakers the Muzzies use is incoming.

  2. Shit Hits The Fan.

  3. ?

  4. PROFIT.

IamJulianAssange ago

I am absolutely not going to say "kill them every one" because that is violent and racist, a double-whammy of thoughtcrime.

paperfolder1 ago

I absolutely don't approve of lone wolf actions against muslims in general and CAIR officials in particular. It would be especially heinous for someone to outfit a van as a soundproof sniper's hide and drive around picking them off one by one.

IamJulianAssange ago

absolutely. one must never make solitary plans for vigilante action. doing so is illegal and very mean. just ask Hobby Lobby shoppers.

TNway ago

Churches should put in bells and start ringing them. Muslims hate the sound of church bells.

TSE ago

very VERY good point!!!

IamJulianAssange ago

Traditionally prayers are also five times a day, from Infogalactic

  1. Matins (during the night, at midnight with some); also called Vigils or Nocturns or, in monastic usage, the Night Office
  2. Lauds or Dawn Prayer (at Dawn, or 3 a.m.)
  3. Prime or Early Morning Prayer (First Hour = approximately 6 a.m.)
  4. Terce or Mid-Morning Prayer (Third Hour = approximately 9 a.m.)
  5. Sext or Midday Prayer (Sixth Hour = approximately 12 noon)
  6. None or Mid-Afternoon Prayer (Ninth Hour approximately 3 p.m.)
  7. Vespers or Evening Prayer ("at the lighting of the lamps", generally at 6 p.m.)
  8. Compline or Night Prayer (before retiring, generally at 9 p.m.)

TNway ago

Yes, and on the feast days the Nativity of our Lord, Pascha (Easter), etc. There are MANY feast days! The Eastern Orthodox Church makes it an art form. Listen:

IamJulianAssange ago

psaltry and harp, trumpets, cymbals, and gongs . . . two can play this game and we outnumber them a million to one. Hallelujah!

VotingGodWins ago

Let the Reggae begin at 6:00 a.m.

cattarhero ago

Yeah, it's time for some big time "unintended consequences" to come around and bite that City

Council in the ass!

Hereiamtoday ago

Time to wake up America.

snarkmasterQ ago

Fucking be blarring Megadeth right up overtop of that shit everytime everyday.

zx9000 ago

Five Finger Death Punch is more with the times. That music was created for the warfighters.

Smallest_Skil ago

we think alike.

Obbop ago

The only good Moslem I have ever encountered was a dead Moslem. I like good Moslems.

NakatomiBaby ago

Crank up some Slayer or Ministry.

IamJulianAssange ago

Ein Feste Burg. Sends shivers down me spine.

QuickAnon ago


Scablifter ago

Er no, I approve of your sentiment but as a christian I would ask you for some muscular christian songs to reflect what is happening to the world.

Negro_Nazi ago

May I suggest deicide?