SearchVoatBot ago

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G45Colt_II ago

Wow, this is cool and nicely done.

Reminds me of Galaxy Quest - the historical documents.

Q did say to enjoy the show. :-D

MadWorld ago

You can see the submission of different versions and formats for the archive, see the sticky in GA. It nicely summarizes different options.

G45Colt_II ago

Thanks. I used the link in that post to get to this one. The PDF made the most sense to me for an offline reference.

VQTmom ago

Thanks. It worked. I saved it in zxiBooks in a jiffy. Takes longer to download from website but saving is quick. Wish I learned this earlier, had to use web copier.

clickclone ago

Thanks, much appreciated

This is a big file to read and download. It's 250 MB (262,511,377 bytes)

so you may have to wait a while for page to load before download.

Quinceberry ago

Excellent! In the event we are offline for a while this is a great resource to have handy! Thank you!

suomy_the_nona ago

Thank you! Let me add, that it's the best way to download it by a right mouse click and then to choose "save as". It will take a while because of the size.

rickki6 ago

thanks !!!