1awakened- ago

Give me a link to save off line please

suomy_the_nona ago

If you want all Q drops as offline version in one huge html file, exactly like https://qanon.pub/ then you can find a download version here


and an instruction at https://pastebin.com/u/QBackup

The readme.txt at the pastebin informs you when an update is available. I plan to update it this week (now it contains all Q drops until end of 2019).

And a huge resource for pdf books (free direct download) and much more is there:


Highly recommended: http://avalonlibrary.net/

Commahorror ago

Yes! I came here to post about an interesting google, search last night.

Quiet a few friends were saying there’s something else going on. So I brought up the absurd amount of sealed indictments, then google searched sealed indictments graph history. I know I used to find the amount of sealed indictments over the last few years, now I couldn’t. All I could find were articles “debunking” the high amount of sealed indictments.

They’re scrubbing anything we can, use to red pill people.

Computer savvy people please archive offline!

GodAndGlory ago

Photo of printed books by an Anon.


Here is Volume 1 and 3 (2017 and 2019)


Here is Volume 2 (2018)


Majestic12 Archive


And the covers:



Speed_Bernicia ago

Anyone wanting to archive offline should check out this anons great work https://wearethene.ws/notable/86104

grace8 ago

YES! BACKUP. I was going to post this too. BUT! I have no idea how to.

I am not sure 10 days dark means the net is down. 10 days dark could mean stores, restaurants, events, etc

The White house is supposed to be Broadcasting so I dont think the TV will be down. There may be less media as hosts/pundits are forced to "stay home"/ARE ARRESTED.

Q posted saying if he net went down they would get it back up as soon as they could. I suspect the net will be spotty. You wont be able to stream or download big files. People will be stuck with regular TV as streaming becomes unavailable. So that will be like it was in 1975 since we no longer have much rentable video.

If we are to comfort and expalin everything to the normies. Then we have to be able to get to normies. Q post that said

CrispyLE ago

How do we archive videos from YouTube?

suomy_the_nona ago

You can use https://y2mate.com but be carefull not to click on all the advertisements there.

Qackerjak ago

I haven't been able to get on Qmap this morning. :(

toobaditworks ago

HTTRACK is a program that lets you download entire websites. They have downloads for windows, mac and linux.

Youtube_DL Lets you download audio and video files from youtube and other video/audio hosting sites. There's a bat file that has a menu that makes it easy to use.

QCrumbCatcher ago

Thanks for the reminder!

Flutterby49 ago

I just set my printer to print as pdf and save the doc where I can find them. So much better than printing a book.

TheBookWasBetter ago

for those of you who know where the command line is...

wget - r qmap.pub

QCrumbCatcher ago

What does this do?

TheBookWasBetter ago

It recursively will download an entire website. Not super fast for big websites but for qmap, there are only 3k pages and it takes 3 min.

NiggadermCQ ago

Wget man

Will tell you

Ddboomer ago

I have attempted to educate my leftist area of town via this neighborhood app. I probably will get screamed at, made fun of and slandered. Ah, but when it’s all over....:-)

greatheart ago

Digging around am I found an android app that downloads websites. So far it looks like it works I think you have to go to each page and load it. Once done you have a working copy of that page. Seems like it works great. If anybody else would like to confirm that would be great. Go to the google play store and search for offline browser. Thanks all

dueces ago

Anyone who has this readily available, could you share for download?

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Q596: Download Off-Line Free "Book of Q" Before Internet Down April 1st, 2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3708439/


Overwatch7 ago

Wanted to share this. Get a decent emergency radio with multiple bands and begin looking for stations that would be useful should the net go dark.

icehole3 ago

rickki6 ago

great point !!!

scoripowarrior ago

Great reminder, Thanks!

greatheart ago

Any idea of how to download the q drops in a somewhat usable format?

toobaditworks ago

I don't how the q-drop site is set up but there's a addon for firefox that you can use to download entire websites. You can change the settings so it only downloads one file at a time or three files at a time.. but this way it doesn't shut the site down from trying to download massive amounts of files all at once.

The name of the addon is "downthemall" which you can find here: https://www.downthemall.org/

You can set it to only display html, pdf files, txt files, images, video, audio, etc... whatever the site has that you're trying to download.

Flying_Gabriel99 ago

I'm not a tech wizard so simply screenshot off qanon.pub.(larger text) Then paste into MS Paint, crop and save as JPEG or PNG in a designated folder by date. You can grab 3 each time..

Ddboomer ago

You can download it all right from the web. Qmap.pub makes it easy.

Neskuaxa ago

The freeware greenshot will help you with that process immensely. Let's you save png directly to a preset destination. It also includes an editor for fast edits before saving.

INK9 ago

Good question. I need to know as well.

Flying_Gabriel99 ago

Thanks, that's good - link to pdf's in there too.

Woelf3 ago

Excellent heads up ... /!

It will go dark

Hoppinmad ago


Also download the videos relevant.