moderator99 ago

You just ask for it.

ouspensky ago

Found the gamma

SumfinElse ago

Weird that only you have a problem with the way Voat works. Way to be unique!!!

Anonz55z ago

Weird that only you have a problem with the way Voat works. Way to be unique!!!

Weird that you never ran into this problem before. Maybe you didn't tell the truth enough?

SumfinElse ago

We deal with it. Why stir shit up? Here's 1 billion upvoats, does that make it all better?

coulditbe4Q ago

“ Legal Disclaimer: "Everything I say Is satire, ironic humor, metaphorical, and hypothetical." ”


Anonz55z ago

“ Legal Disclaimer: "Everything I say Is satire, ironic humor, metaphorical, and hypothetical." ”


Lurker17 ago

I have never seen a submission or comment with -50 downvoats?! The cumulative effect of 3-4 submissions being downvoated might show as a -50 point change in a short time. SoapboxBanhammer forum is a torture chamber for new voat goats, stay away!

If you post, stick to GA and you should be safe. Alternately, QRV is great because those points don't matter, as long as you have points from non-anon boards you can post on QRV forever and get slammed by downvoats all day long with no impact. All this will do is sort your post to the bottom of the HOT and TOP page views. The other non-anon forums are good, stick to their rules, make good submissions and you should be okay there though there are many who don't like new posters in their home turf forums so they will poke at you to size you up. If you take their bait or show weakness, they might downvoat the hell out of you.

Anonz55z ago

I have never seen a submission or comment with -50 downvoats?! The cumulative effect of 3-4 submissions being downvoated might show as a -50 point change in a short time. SoapboxBanhammer forum is a torture chamber for new voat goats, stay away!

I never said that one specific post was downvoated, But yes I do believe multiple separate posts are being simultaneously downvoated to make it appear more "organic". I don't know what forum you're talking about and I'm glad I don't know.

Lurker17 ago

From which sub verse are you getting the most flack? GreatAwakening, Showerthoughts (?), CriticalThinking, whatever, Conspiracy? I'd stay out of a subverse that is not interested in truth with sauce.

If you want to seek the truth, stick to QRV, GreatAwakening, theawakening, news, etc. and you should be okay.

Anonz55z ago

From which sub verse are you getting the most flack?

Any board really, especially even here on GreatAwakening and QRV, lots on news too.

I'd stay out of a subverse that is not interested in truth with sauce.

Shills are hanging out in places where Q is discussed and attacking anyone who tells the truth, they target Q boards intentionally. Look at how many downvoats my thread already has, and all my posts have downvoats too. One person can't even know who did it, and downvoat them all back or something. I need some serious help.

larryhuston ago

Have you tried reaching out to any of the free mental health programs that are available?

Anonz55z ago

Have you tried reaching out to any of the free mental health programs that are available?

Yea I'll send you and your grandmother a brochure.

cthulhu69 ago

A few points.

  1. Putt himself said voat is the wild west.

  2. Stating that you don't care about interwebs points and then making a cry posts about just that is rather gay.

  3. Those giant walls of copy pasta you like to comment with are rather off putting

  4. Maybe stay in the qtard subs if you want a more receptive audience for your qultish word spasms.

Anonz55z ago

Stating that you don't care about interwebs points and then making a cry posts about just that is rather gay.

I don't care about points, but points shouldn't limit your ability to post, and furthermore if this is the wild west, others shouldn't be able to limit others ability to speak. That's what moderators are for if someone does something seriously screwed up. Since points are literally in the hands of other people, including people who are very very willing to abuse them, you effectively give everyone a bottle of censorship spray that they can just spam everyone with.

Maybe stay in the qtard subs if you want a more receptive audience for your qultish word spasms.

Do you realize both you and I are both posting on /v/GreatAwakening right now, which is about Q?

Rules for Submitting Posts

"Posts have to be Q Related."

cthulhu69 ago

Yes, I do. Your post doesn't really belong here. And good job painting a target on your self with this, your 4th cry post. To use the old adage, "If you can't stand the heat, GTFO of the kitchen".

Anonz55z ago

Yes, I do. Your post doesn't really belong here. And good job painting a target on your self with this, your 4th cry post. To use the old adage, "If you can't stand the heat, GTFO of the kitchen".

The target was painted on me the moment I started dropping truthpills too hot for shills to handle. No getting around that. And why do you refer to my bringing up of the issue here as "crying"? I notice a problem and I bring it up so you think I'm crying? Project much?

"If you can't stand the heat, GTFO of the kitchen".

Ironic considering that the only reason I'm being censored here by organized downvoat stalking shills is the fact that all the redpills I was dropping were too hot for them to handle.

I am the kitchen.

They can get the fuck out of me.

369693936 ago

Ironic considering that the only reason I'm being censored here by organized downvoat stalking shills is the fact that all the redpills I was dropping were too hot for them to handle.

Stick to posting red pills and you'll be fine.

Anonz55z ago

Stick to posting red pills and you'll be fine.

Why do you keep ignoring everything I'm saying? I posted red pills first, and then now I am being downvoat bombed as a result of telling the truth. I will tell the truth no matter what.

369693936 ago

I will tell the truth no matter what.

Stick to that. I looked through your comments, the only "red pills" I saw were copy-pasta. If you feel you're telling the truth just remember that you need a thick skin to post here and that truth is not democratic. If you're really a big truth teller, suck it up and carry on.

Mumbleberry ago

By that logic, you posted in the wrong place too.

DammitMan ago

You’re a newbie who doesn’t understand goat culture. I strongly recommend you do one of two things. 1) STFU and lurk moar. In 27 days your account is still on puréed bananas. Or 2) STFU and leave. Your choice. But quit your bellyachin.

Anonz55z ago

You’re a newbie who doesn’t understand goat culture. I strongly recommend you do one of two things. 1) STFU and lurk moar. In 27 days your account is still on puréed bananas. Or 2) STFU and leave. Your choice. But quit your bellyachin.

More pathetic demoralization tactics. Nothing surprising. Into the block list you go.

coulditbe4Q ago

“ Legal Disclaimer: "Everything I say Is satire, ironic humor, metaphorical, and hypothetical." ”

Anonz55z ago

“ Legal Disclaimer: "Everything I say Is satire, ironic humor, metaphorical, and hypothetical." ”


coulditbe4Q ago

Perfect. You answered my question.

DammitMan ago


coulditbe4Q ago

Sooooo needy.....

Anonz55z ago

Perfect. You answered my question.

About what?

coulditbe4Q ago

Think it through and by all means calm down.