USAMatters ago

good research includes this actual post and all the responses to this post.

hildberht ago

Wexner very influential with a group of other rich Jews via the Mega group. Now where have we seen the Brofman name before? NIXM?

In 1991, Wexner formed with billionaire Charles Bronfman the Study Group, which is more widely known as the Mega Group.[26] The group was a loosely organized club of some of the country's wealthiest and most influential businessmen who were concerned with Jewish issues. Max Fischer, Michael Steinhardt, Leonard Abramson, Edgar Bronfman, and Laurence Tisch were some of the members. The group would meet twice a year for two days of seminars related to the topic of philanthropy and Jewishness. In 1998, Steven Spielberg spoke about his personal religious journey, and later the group discussed Jewish summer camps.[27] The group, which Wexner co-chaired with Charles Bronfman, went on to inspire a number of philanthropic initiatives such as the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, Birthright Israel, and the upgrading of national Hillel.[26]

flyingcuttlefish ago

All these CEO resignations within 48 hours...

flyingcuttlefish ago

... maybe they got the virus tip-off ... (cashed in stock) ... [opinion]

flyingcuttlefish ago

Calling The Top: Record Numbers Of CEOs Quit In January

MolochHunter ago

deserves its own post

go for it, tiger

flyingcuttlefish ago

I tried that - but a message popped up saying I couldn't post a link.

To clarify, the tie period is more than 48 hours, but obvious shake up somewhere. Also see news about Steven Spielberg, dropped from Indiana Jones 5 -

... related??? I have no idea.

MolochHunter ago

tweaked the system so you can post here (we had to make it invite only bc we were getting spambot posted hundreds of times an hour)

flyingcuttlefish ago

thanks, ... I think people will see the item ....

Sendmetitspls ago

I have seen hell

Galehus ago

Can't poste si will litt this here.. dont know if anyone done some diggin on this but McKinsey & Company seeme to have allot of former emloyes who have had key positions including Buttigieg

Busangirl19 ago

Whoa list of names, what a widespread influence

Church arise

GoodGodKirk ago

Interesting post here

MolochHunter ago

oh, yes

McKinsey is deffo on our radards, here

HarlanCountyOutlaw ago

I know a few people from law school who are on the inside (relatively senior, partner level) who are also woke on Q. What do you want to know - I can relay a message.

Ponycam ago

Remember in playboy the models had to completely shave their pubes, make them look more pre adolescent but with boobs.

Busangirl19 ago

Sick, so that's why :(

Sick sick sick

Bigneckedmanjr ago

It’s all about manufacturing the gender identity crisis we now face. Man and women become the inverse like our friend baphomet. Make women into something they are not to perpetually torment them. Sexualize children, after all many of the models are under 18 and half naked. Normalizing pedophilia. It opens many doors all leading to the beast. You may see this as a stretch but it’s incrementally only closer step towards transhumanism. This we lose even what it is to be human. Embracing the newly invented AI god will be the final embrace of a full sociopathic society.

USAMatters ago

they are trying to destroy God's creations of men and women, family, importance of fathers . . .

kestrel9 ago

Agree, the gender identity is crisis is manufactured by very evil predatory people. Notice how everything gets pedos closer access to kids at any age? Now parents can't even have kids without trans investigators wanting to examine babies for signs of emerging pronouns.

This we lose even what it is to be human.

Last time this happened, we are told, we had the mother of all floods. (and by losing 'what it is to be human', I don't mean to be like animals, because animals are not evil, rather to become, like you said, full on sociopaths).

Keepcalm3 ago

The models are transgender. Don't know if all are though.

PGLiterati2 ago

Kind of ironic that we thought, sort of, that we were living in a free country. I think we are looking at a huge network of white slavery--I use tht word specifically because it sounds ridiculous. And I don't mean that it only affected whites. But if you think about it--with NXVIM, with Epstein, with Wexner and the 'models' at VS, with Hollywood--and I am thinking here of a lot of the CDAN blinds like the one where Rene Zelleger points out that all the actresses have to go on 'date' nights before the award season--what we're looking at are systems of power with slaves and masters. Think looking glass, think mirrors. Well, there you go. #Me Too, #Feminism--it has all been a smoke screen to hide the fact that the road to power operates like a mephistophelian bargain wherein sex, blackmail and subservience are the commodities on trade.

Black_beauty7 ago

Look what was in the news today:

VS goes private for over a billion dollars.

HarlanCountyOutlaw ago

Wexner walked away with half of that cash... at his age, this was a windfall for him.

FirstDamsel ago

Thanks for the drops- what time do you wake up in the AM?! 😄

MolochHunter ago

I'm on Aussie o-clock

rickki6 ago

good morning Austrailia! from NY

EricKaliberhall ago

Good morning NY! From Sweden.

rickki6 ago


TraditionalCode0 ago

Ladies and gents.....of all places, this site should understand that "Victoria's Secret" is in reference to Queen Victoria's dirty little secret life with her kissing cousin Prince Albert who was a cross-dressing pedovore serial killer called "Jack The Ripper".

Ever hear a joke called "The Aristocrats"?

Wexner's pantie pantry supplied Epstein with money and honeys.

fogdryer ago


Ddboomer ago

Great, informative comment. Thanks

TheInfoManCT ago

I was born at night, but not LAST night. I'm going to need some type of documentation and not just a random post that MolochHunter himself didn't know about. Do you have something/anything for me?

TraditionalCode0 ago

MolochHunter himself huh?

Now offense to him, I like MolochHunter, but his belief or knowledge of something is hardly a litmus test to someone who has spent an entire lifetime redpilling before the term redpilling was ever considered.

Books have been written about the subject.

You want me to point to them?

Should I work on a research paper for you?

If this were a doctoral thesis I might take you up on it, but it isn't. It's a blog.

I'm not building a legal case to prove beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt to a jury.

I'm laying down a clue/clew.

No one book or article or story contains all the elements/facts of the story I can assure you of that.

It can't be "PROVEN" without a doubt anymore than it can be DISPROVEN without a doubt.

I won't make up your mind in any case, that's your job, and the worth of the conjecture depends not only on 'facts' involved, but a deep understanding of the history of the occult system behind the story that makes "sense' of it.

You 'believe' Prince Andrew is a pedo, right? Do you owe me something/anything about it to satisfy all my questions?

I think not. I think we owe it to ourselves to take a 'random' questions, not statements by Q....and DO THE WORK.

A 'clew' was a piece of bread in the labyrinth of the Minotaur.

The bread itself wasn't proof of the Minotaur.

It was how to find your way out of the maze.

So take the clews, take a look on that big ole internet thing and see what the search engines will allow.

Did I get the idea from these books? No. I read some AFTER studying the event using first-hand historic sources I didn't keep as bibliography because I'm not writing a book,

nor doing it for others. So many of us who DID do hard work came to a similar conclusion...……..randomly?

As TheinfoMan……..are you just on the receiving end?

Victoria's Secret is that many aristocrats/royals are pedovores steeped in the occult.

I guess I should have added "Prove me wrong".

TheInfoManCT ago

I am not being accusatory. Nevertheless, yes I do want you to point me to the evidence.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Let's start with this: "He wasn't in London during the time of the killings." "According to records..."

This is called 'Bullshit'.

"He wasn't known to have an STD."

Again, BS.

Weeding through the lies that have been layed down to protect is way more tedious than I have time to repeat.

The search algorhythms are skewed to offer the denials OVER the assertions...…….now isn't that strange?

Again, each reference has their own particular slant corresponding to their understanding or frame of reference.

So a 'researcher' who is ignorant of the occult beliefs/practices might discount or completely overlook related evidence, not understanding.

Jack had an STD. "Eddy" didn't.

Wrong. Eddy did.

Okay, Eddy did, so it was the disease that caused his insanity.


And so on.

Google it for all it's worth to you and learn to discern.

I did it the hard way 'back in the day' in musty library basements before the computer.

Much of those old materials are hidden/buried/scraped/ignored or simply don't exist in digital form.

Again, I read London newspapers, and correspondences between involved parties including investigators.

Prince Jack by Frank Speiring

About that book, it was called "Grade Z fiction" by the American reviewer, Dale L. Walker.

But who knows who Dale Walker WAS ACTUALLY? Besides myself? The detractors have dogs in the fight.

Edwin Walker, George Walker Bush...…...the clans protect each other.

Like today.

Attempts to exonerate by fake 'schedules' of "Eddy's" whereabouts are disingenuous.

Some references saw it as the work of a team that included one of Eddy's homosexual partners.

Dr. Thomas Stowell who, in 1970, published an article in The Criminologist called "A Solution".

He and others thought it may have been a team effort involving Albert and one of his homosexual partners.

It's like an elephant being described by blind men in a dark room, each describing the whole by the part he holds.

Very few understand the occult connection which is actually the biggest part of the story.

This is also the case with the Deep State.

People want it to be about politics or attribute things to 'bad characters', which, though true, is woefully inadequate.

Future proves past, and past proves future.

I'll ask again...……..Ever hear the joke called "The Aristocrats"?

I watched a group of comedian and magician shills present a documentary about the Aristocrat joke.

They went so far as to deny it had any real meaning …'s a 'nonsense' joke...they ALL claimed …….lying their asses off......proving they were shilling.

Why? Why the need to do a documentary on a 'nonsense joke'?

The same reason Snopes exists. To spin the truth with denials. Who takes the time? Shills.

It takes UNDERSTANDING …..of the hidden historic practices of a certain GET the punchline.

And a shill to HIDE it, claiming it's non-sense.

If the story is an ocean of information, these are just drops in a bucket.

It is a labyrinthe and 'they' are The Minotaur.

Research THAT and it's occult significance. (The Black Dahlia murderer for example, or Dali/Picasso's 'art'.

I studied to become a criminal profiler and discovered just how Wide an inference of subjects is needed to be a good one.

A Sherlock Holmes compared to the domestic minded police officer.

Only Sherlock understood Moriarity who was a college professor and occult ringleader.

These are clews.

Prince Albert Victor

Dissertations: Tea, Scandal and the Rippers Shadow

Message Boards: Clarence: Was He Jack the Ripper?

Message Boards: Prince Albert Victor

Press Reports: Burlington Daily Times News - 9 December 1970

Press Reports: Daily News - 1 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 10 November 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 12 November 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 12 September 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 13 November 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 13 September 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 18 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 19 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 2 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 20 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 20 September 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 22 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 23 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 24 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 27 August 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 28 September 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 29 September 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 30 August 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 4 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 5 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 6 November 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 8 August 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 8 November 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 8 September 1888

Press Reports: Daily News - 9 October 1888

Press Reports: Daily Northwestern - 26 May 1890

Press Reports: Echo - 21 September 1888

Press Reports: Echo - 26 September 1888

Press Reports: Echo - 6 November 1888

Press Reports: Echo - 7 August 1888

Press Reports: Evening News - 7 November 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 13 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 17 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 19 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 20 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 21 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 22 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 30 August 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 8 August 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 8 September 1888

Press Reports: Evening Standard - 9 August 1888

Press Reports: Lima Daily Democratic Times - 29 August 1888

Press Reports: Lloyds Weekly News - 9 September 1888

Press Reports: Macclesfield Courier and Herald - 27 October 1888

Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 2 November 1888

Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 20 October 1888

Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 22 October 1888

Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 6 November 1888

Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 8 August 1888

Press Reports: Ogden Standard - 3 January 1890

Press Reports: Southern Guardian - 22 December 1888

Press Reports: Star - 20 October 1888

Press Reports: Star - 7 August 1888

Press Reports: Times - 14 November 1970

Press Reports: Times - 4 November 1970

Press Reports: Times [London] - 15 January 1892

Press Reports: Times [London] - 25 February 1886

Press Reports: Times [London] - 8 January 1885

Press Reports: Times [London] - 9 November 1970

Ripper Media: Clarence: Was He Jack the Ripper?

Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Albert Victor Edward D...

Ripper Media: Murder and Madness: The Secret Life of Jack the Ripper

Ripper Media: Prince Jack: The True Story of Jack the Ripper

Ripper Media: The Last Victim of the Bloody Tower

Ripper Media: The Prince, His Tutor and the Ripper

Juneysunshine ago

Wow, I had no idea!

WillGreeley ago

Ditto ^

PGLiterati2 ago

Except, Prince Albert died in 1861 and Jack the Ripper's murders took place in 1888.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Victoria was married to an Albert who was her cousin.

I mistakenly attributed the deed to him, when I should have referenced the next Prince Albert, her grandchild.

The leaf doesn't fall far from the tree. Unless you ask Snopes.,_Duke_of_Clarence_and_Avondale

PacaGoat ago

Which one, the lesbians or the cat🤔

Weagle65 ago

Prince Albert Victor died in 1892. Official records say he was not in London at the time of the murders, but who knows. The theory was that 1. he contracted syphilis in West Indies and took it out on prostitutes after losing his mind or 2. the Royal Family staged a maniacal killing spree while getting rid of all women who had knowledge of Albert's secret life.

BeeBop71 ago

He just liked killing. That's all the reason he needed.

PGLiterati2 ago

Ah, the son. Yes. I have heard that theory. Oddly, decades ago while I was riding across the country on a train, a guy cornered me and started telling me all about it. He showed me this giant stone which he said was an amethyst, which was about the size of an egg. Then, out in the middle of Wyoming, police cars chasing the train stopped the train and they did a search and pulled this guy off. The funny bit was that he claimed said amethyst belonged to Albert.

Weagle65 ago

Well congratulations on winning this thread, fanfiction or not, lol. I'm guessing this would've happened late 60's to mid 70's when the Prince Albert theory was hot.

PGLiterati2 ago

It is actually not fan fiction--just one of the strangest experiences I had. It happened in the early 90s. I actually had done some raeding on Jack the Ripper--light stuff--and had heard the Albert theory, but not very much. This dude literally spoke to me emphatically for an hour about it, whipped out the amethyst etc.Then all the old people on the train made fun of me for talking to the criminal who got the train stopped. My early morning brain stopped functioning this morning when I blanked on Prince Albert.

Weagle65 ago

That's an awesome experience. I've been a psychologist in prisons, inner cities, and the Air Force. It's amazing how fascinating it can be to really talk to the "oddballs" of our society. Bet that guy was a huge Art Bell fan :)

PGLiterati2 ago

Yeah--I got to say that I've spent a lifetime talking to oddballs. I think it started with my mother who had a penchant for collecting them. I always wondered what happened. I assumed the stone was a fake--but it is not like I'd know. But he had committed some crime! My father was a huge Art Bell listener, and I would occasionally listen to him on the radio in the 90s just because it was so weird! I've never believed the UFO stuff--not because I don't think there isn't other life out there but because a lot of those callers lived quit imaginatively. I imagine my father listened for the same reason. We both shared a passion for radio--that was part of it. Back then it was the only way you could hear from voices outside the mainstream.

Black_beauty7 ago

And to think, I used to shop there 🤢

TCDave7 ago

Watch it. Some horny young males here may get bright ideas.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Yeah. As I've gotten older, I've tried to branch out to Soma and other places that aren't VS, just to not support the public porn and child-grooming. My stepdaughter was allowed to wear whatever she wanted and her mother would let her dress in PINK emblazoned crap, colored bras under see-through tops (when she was 11). I tried to talk to her about being more modest and not giving men a visual invitation, but alas. She hated me for trying to protect her from child molesters and pervs. And that was 5 years ago.

Artlife ago

I hear ya. I had a situation where I said something to my sister in law about her daughter. Tried to be as nice about it as I could and it just pissed them off. I guess if someone thinks it's ok to let their 10 yr.old dress like a ho, then they have to learn their own lessons.

Black_beauty7 ago

I'm sorry about your step daughter. You did the right thing and hopefully someday it'll click with her and she'll realize that you were right.

It's a strange thing (in a good way) to step away from a store like VS. The scales get removed from your eyes and you see all the crap they sell and how revealing it all is. Maybe that's apart of growing up too. At any rate its certainly sad when they market to 11 year old girls, and win.

MolochHunter ago

sauce pls

MolochHunter ago

wow i did not noes dat

Demonologist ago

It's unverified though and I feel that it's posted by someone who wants to make users of this sub look guillible. I've seen him copy-paste this before.

Quinceberry ago

wow Nor did I. I had heard Queen Victoria was a man but that seems to pale in comparison

Busangirl19 ago


TraditionalCode0 ago

Shhh…'s a secret.