ThreeBladedKnife ago

A desperate move to regain lost relevance.

Anonz55z ago

He doesn't need you bro, He's kicking so much bubblegum that he ran out of @$$

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

See Jones putting on an act .. who would have thought he would have the gall to resurrect the bullhorn persona that made him famous in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, except then his message was "911 was an inside job."

Anonz55z ago

His message didn't change, he is still saying the same things. Maybe his views develop some, but I don't see anything wrong with what he is doing.

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

Jones dropped the 911 truth ball yrs ago .. Jews did it not mad Arabs.

Anonz55z ago

The deep state wears many masks

sheepdoggie ago

That's a 10 out of 10 Liberal Crushing, I'm in tears laughing at those in tears still crying for Hillary. What a trip ! Thanks for Sharing the devestation.

Anonz55z ago

No problem! It's good to have fun sometimes, especially in a world where these libtard globalist satanists scream "NO FUN ALLOWED!" at the top of their lungs every day.

Anonz55z ago

Hey there bitchute archive bot! Thanks for trying but every bitchute link I click goes straight to 404. I appreciate the effort though.

Kaweebo ago

Jones is known to be controlled opposition. He stirs up shit in order to make the other side look bad. This did nothing but make Hillary look good by comparison.

sheepdoggie ago

Not to this listener of more than a decade. True Patriot !!!

Anonz55z ago

I've heard that many times before, and sometimes I even said "yea maybe" but what can not be denied is that he is an excellent stepping stone for very sleepy people to help them wake up. Eventually they may keep listening to him because he's a fun guy to hear him rant, but they wake up further. Jones just helps them up, gives them a helping hand. He's still a pretty good source of redpills that I didn't know about every now and then, so I really do have some serious respect for the guy, and continuing to fight even though social media absolutely censors the jesus tapdancing christ out of him and all his videos, and the mainstream media spins and twists horrible things about him to disinform people. At the end of the day, I'm happy he's around. Even if he is controlled opposition, which I'm slowly starting to doubt as just a rumor probably created by controlled opposition people, I really get the feeling that he's a true patriot at heart and really gives a BIG DAMN about America and GOD. his passion is unmistakably real, and I just don't know if I can subscribe to the controled op meme anymore. I just, really really like the guy. He's Honest to the point of holy rage. I can't turn away from that.