UnitedStatesPatriot ago

When is this crazy bitch going to lose custody of her SON? She is clearly mentally unstable.

Ddboomer ago

Thank GOD!!

fuspezza ago

Isnt it a step mom

Nailedit29 ago

What a fucking cunt

numina18 ago

She is a cray-cray abuser.

kiriyama999 ago

Save James!

TraitorsOnARope ago

Someone needs to start a go fund me and make her disappear for good.

amenanon ago

James, the boy child of Nut-Mom, CHOSE to attend school as a boy! Put the Mom in a padded cell, dressed in a straight jacket already.


Fried-Laptop ago

why do i see rusty kitchen shears & a hasty burial in this kids future

Betty_Liberty ago

Mom needs to be transitioned into a loony bin. Boys, take my advice, never stick your dick in crazy.

DaraChaos ago

If only I could upvoat this comment multiple times! My DH's motto when he was single: "Never screw anyone crazier than you" 😂

Scum123 ago



PanteraFan99 ago

The original judge that ruled in the moms favor is a cunt black feminist from hell, just like the one that's our failed chief of police. Dallas is going to shit !

DaraChaos ago

I feel your pain. We have one as our mayor, and it's been a never-ending shitshow since she's been in office.

whatisbestinlife ago


40KFTAGLView ago

Tr and Feathers Needed in TX.

WhisperingPine ago

That judge should strip ALL rights to this child to that woman she is a nut case !!!

veteran88 ago

She should be thrown in jail for child abuse.

Prepubescent children have no business with changing sexes. That is 100% virtue signaling yentas showing off to the brainless cunts in their circles. Look Sheila my little boy is really a girl. Then these brainwashed bitches say stunning and brave. Then the child abuser gets a dopamine hit from the approval of her rats nest. And the permanently fucked up child is very likely to eat a bullet later.

Social marxists aren't human.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

Prepubescent children have no business with changing sexes. That is 100% virtue signaling yentas showing off to the brainless cunts in their circles. Look Sheila my little boy is really a girl.

So they shouldn't be making decisions about Secretary of Education either then? :)

GrizzlyDark ago

Should be in jail

HelloDolly ago

The most disturbing aspect of this case is that it was a Texas JURY that had to be overruled, not some comped judge. What do we do about THAT?

Smallest_Skil ago

I feel for that poor boy and how he was abused by his 'mother'. She is a vile subhuman child abuser no better then epstein.

mac1221 ago

Psychopathic behavior for sure. Isn't the mom a psychologist or psychiatrist? That whole profession needs to be questioned. Legalized drug dealers.

XDandLaughing ago

Worse. Pediatrician.

mac1221 ago

That's even worse. She is one person who does not need to be around children, especially treating them.

AUSAFVet ago

And the twin brother is standing by watching this freak show being imposed on his brother. She is really fucked up. Dad should have custody of both boys and raise them as twin brothers as it was meant to be!

Smallest_Skil ago

in a fair and just world the whore would be in jail for child abuse.

jcuriousity18 ago

Bravo! Time to take back childhood for this generation!

mac1221 ago

All we can do is pray that the evil this mother has tried to put on this precious child be broken. In the name of Yeshua all spirits of gender confusion be cast down.

rickki6 ago

thank GOD!

calcy454 ago

in my day we called that child abuse.

philmchawk ago

Ya if only people from your day didn't let the hippie movement lead to this.

calcy454 ago

I'm 33

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ilikeskittles ago

What I was going to say. Child Abuse. Everyone involved should be in Prison, especially the Doctors. What was the saying, "First do no harm".

calcy454 ago

didn't you know when you're as virtuous as a raging liberal you're justified to do anything in the quest to stop fascism. if they don't commit these acts they will in fact be fascists themselves.

ilikeskittles ago

You know, if a fully adult (mentally ill) person wants to have their genitals mutilated, that's their own business. But when an adult decides for a child they want to mutilate another person, they should be hanged.

NoBS ago

The mother will show physical evidence of a Psychopath. A simple Brain Scan is easy to record and verify interrogated answers in real time.

Through this simple magnetic imaging there are trigger words for accurate diagnosis of the levels of damage. Even a Sociopaths physical brain injury can be accessed for threat level while exposing stress.

These are easily verified by first year med students so it can be documented with the pros.

DaraChaos ago

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way with Personality Disorders. I think you are referring to organic brain damage.

NoBS ago

Liar or an idiot. Both since you straw manned irreverent information about totally different mental disorder. Are you stupid or just play one online?


First link because I'm lazy.

MudPuddlePie ago

And as other anons have said...this needs to be mandatory for any government position.

DoubleTap ago

This bitch needs committed.

TCDave7 ago

"Sleepaway Camp"

cattarhero ago

Why is she even allowed any future contact with the boy at all?

fogdryer ago

Those dam judges

philmchawk ago

Because you don't live in a real country.

Dozeneggs ago

Jew lawyer and the idea that all women are perfect mothers.

NewSouthernBelle ago

I don't understand this case.

Yes, I get that she holds an MD. But so did Dr. Mengele, known for his twin experiments.


Maybe that's why she's hell-bent on experimenting with twins.

They need to grant sole custody of both children to the father and allow the "mother" supervised visitation ONLY.

Please save the children. Remove the Mengele spirit and all evil spirits from the family and the court. Remove the spirit of satanism and marxism from them all. Toss all evil spirits permanently into the abyss.

May God's love reign with justice for children and those who love them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

HolePunch ago

most if not all the stories about Mengele were lies.

Read the article in the link you posted and tell me you think these people are not lying or exaggerating.

Fried-Laptop ago

hmm for a group hell bent on exterminating another group, said group sure did birth alot of the other group

SayWh3n ago

Get ready for that mom to commit murder suicide. If I was the father I would be doing everything I could to keep that boy away from her.

cattarhero ago

Yeah, the father should be given custody so that the mother can be placed somewhere to be observed and evaluated for "issues".

lord_nougat ago


Scum123 ago

Good question

Lauraingalls ago

They should TRANSITION her to a NUT HOUSE.

amenanon ago

and throw away the key

KobeBurger ago

Transitioning her into the afterlife is more prudent.

Lauraingalls ago

God will take care of her eventually.

Scum123 ago

That's way too much kindness for such psychos.

Lauraingalls ago